Research article Special Issues

A matrix analysis of BLMBPs under a general linear model and its transformation

  • Received: 03 November 2023 Revised: 28 November 2023 Accepted: 04 December 2023 Published: 15 December 2023
  • MSC : 15A09, 62H12, 62J05

  • This paper is concerned with the relationships between best linear minimum biased predictors (BLMBPs) in the context of a general linear model (GLM) and its transformed general linear models (TGLMs). We shall establish a mathematical procedure by means of some exact and analytical tools in matrix theory that were developed in recent years. The coverage includes constructing a general vector composed of all unknown parameters in the context of a GLM and its TGLMs, deriving the exact expressions of the BLMBPs through the technical use of analytical solutions of a constrained quadratic matrix-valued function optimization problem in the Löwner partial ordering, and discussing a variety of theoretical performances and properties of the BLMBPs. We also give a series of characterizations of relationships between BLMBPs under a given GLM and its TGLMs.

    Citation: Li Gong, Bo Jiang. A matrix analysis of BLMBPs under a general linear model and its transformation[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(1): 1840-1860. doi: 10.3934/math.2024090

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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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