Research article

Numerical investigation of non-transient comparative heat transport mechanism in ternary nanofluid under various physical constraints

  • Received: 17 February 2023 Revised: 21 March 2023 Accepted: 23 March 2023 Published: 04 May 2023
  • MSC : 76-11, 76D05

  • Significance 

    The study of non-transient heat transport mechanism in mono nano as well as ternary nanofluids attracts the researchers because of their promising heat transport characteristics. Applications of these fluids spread in industrial and various engineering disciplines more specifically in chemical and applied thermal engineering. Due of huge significance of nanofluids, the study is organized for latest class termed as ternary nanofluids along with induced magnetic field.


    The model development done via similarity equations and the properties of ternary nanoparticles, resulting in a nonlinear mathematical model. To analyze the physical results with parametric values performed via RKF-45 scheme.

    Study findings 

    The physical results of the model reveal that the velocity $ F{'}\left(\eta \right) $ increased with increasing $ m = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 $ and $ {\lambda }_{1} = 1.0, 1.2, 1.3 $. However, velocity decreased with increasing $ {\delta }_{1} $. Tangential velocity $ G{'}\left(\eta \right) $ reduces rapidly near the wedge surface and increased with increasing $ {M}_{1} = 1.0, 1.2, 1.3 $. Further, the heat transport in ternary nanofluid was greater than in the hybrid and mono nanofluids. Shear drag and the local thermal gradient increased with increasing $ {\lambda }_{1} $ and these quantities were greatest in the ternary nanofluid.

    Citation: Adnan, Waseem Abbas, Sayed M. Eldin, Mutasem Z. Bani-Fwaz. Numerical investigation of non-transient comparative heat transport mechanism in ternary nanofluid under various physical constraints[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(7): 15932-15949. doi: 10.3934/math.2023813

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  • Significance 

    The study of non-transient heat transport mechanism in mono nano as well as ternary nanofluids attracts the researchers because of their promising heat transport characteristics. Applications of these fluids spread in industrial and various engineering disciplines more specifically in chemical and applied thermal engineering. Due of huge significance of nanofluids, the study is organized for latest class termed as ternary nanofluids along with induced magnetic field.


    The model development done via similarity equations and the properties of ternary nanoparticles, resulting in a nonlinear mathematical model. To analyze the physical results with parametric values performed via RKF-45 scheme.

    Study findings 

    The physical results of the model reveal that the velocity $ F{'}\left(\eta \right) $ increased with increasing $ m = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 $ and $ {\lambda }_{1} = 1.0, 1.2, 1.3 $. However, velocity decreased with increasing $ {\delta }_{1} $. Tangential velocity $ G{'}\left(\eta \right) $ reduces rapidly near the wedge surface and increased with increasing $ {M}_{1} = 1.0, 1.2, 1.3 $. Further, the heat transport in ternary nanofluid was greater than in the hybrid and mono nanofluids. Shear drag and the local thermal gradient increased with increasing $ {\lambda }_{1} $ and these quantities were greatest in the ternary nanofluid.


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