The study of a family of equiform Bishop spherical image ruled surfaces created by some specific curves such as spherical image in Minkowski 3-space using equiform Bishop frame of that curve is presented in this paper. We also offer the necessary criteria for these surfaces to be equiform Bishop developable and equiform Bishop minimum in relation to equiform Bishop curvatures, as well as when the curve is enclosed in a plane. Finally, we provide an example, such as these surfaces.
Citation: Emad Solouma, Mohamed Abdelkawy. Family of ruled surfaces generated by equiform Bishop spherical image in Minkowski 3-space[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(2): 4372-4389. doi: 10.3934/math.2023218
The study of a family of equiform Bishop spherical image ruled surfaces created by some specific curves such as spherical image in Minkowski 3-space using equiform Bishop frame of that curve is presented in this paper. We also offer the necessary criteria for these surfaces to be equiform Bishop developable and equiform Bishop minimum in relation to equiform Bishop curvatures, as well as when the curve is enclosed in a plane. Finally, we provide an example, such as these surfaces.
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