Research article Special Issues

Poincaré maps for detecting chaos in fractional-order systems with hidden attractors for its Kaplan-Yorke dimension optimization

  • Received: 03 October 2021 Revised: 24 December 2021 Accepted: 31 December 2021 Published: 12 January 2022
  • MSC : 26A33, 90C29

  • The optimization of fractional-order (FO) chaotic systems is challenging when simulating a considerable number of cases for long times, where the primary problem is verifying if the given parameter values will generate chaotic behavior. In this manner, we introduce a methodology for detecting chaotic behavior in FO systems through the analysis of Poincaré maps. The optimization process is performed applying differential evolution (DE) and accelerated particle swarm optimization (APSO) algorithms for maximizing the Kaplan-Yorke dimension ($ D_{KY} $) of two case studies: a 3D and a 4D FO chaotic systems with hidden attractors. These FO chaotic systems are solved applying the Grünwald-Letnikov method, and the Numba just-in-time (jit) compiler is used to improve the optimization process's time execution in Python programming language. The optimization results show that the proposed method efficiently optimizes FO chaotic systems with hidden attractors while saving execution time.

    Citation: Daniel Clemente-López, Esteban Tlelo-Cuautle, Luis-Gerardo de la Fraga, José de Jesús Rangel-Magdaleno, Jesus Manuel Munoz-Pacheco. Poincaré maps for detecting chaos in fractional-order systems with hidden attractors for its Kaplan-Yorke dimension optimization[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(4): 5871-5894. doi: 10.3934/math.2022326

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  • The optimization of fractional-order (FO) chaotic systems is challenging when simulating a considerable number of cases for long times, where the primary problem is verifying if the given parameter values will generate chaotic behavior. In this manner, we introduce a methodology for detecting chaotic behavior in FO systems through the analysis of Poincaré maps. The optimization process is performed applying differential evolution (DE) and accelerated particle swarm optimization (APSO) algorithms for maximizing the Kaplan-Yorke dimension ($ D_{KY} $) of two case studies: a 3D and a 4D FO chaotic systems with hidden attractors. These FO chaotic systems are solved applying the Grünwald-Letnikov method, and the Numba just-in-time (jit) compiler is used to improve the optimization process's time execution in Python programming language. The optimization results show that the proposed method efficiently optimizes FO chaotic systems with hidden attractors while saving execution time.


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