Dynamics of delayed mosquitoes populations models with two different strategies of releasing sterile mosquitoes

  • Received: 06 October 2017 Revised: 14 April 2018 Published: 01 October 2018
  • MSC : Primary: 92D25, 92B05, 34D20, 34A34

  • To prevent the transmissions of mosquito-borne diseases (e.g., malaria, dengue fever), recent works have considered the problem of using the sterile insect technique to reduce or eradicate the wild mosquito population. It is important to consider how reproductive advantage of the wild mosquito population offsets the success of population replacement. In this work, we explore the interactive dynamics of the wild and sterile mosquitoes by incorporating the delay in terms of the growth stage of the wild mosquitoes. We analyze (both analytically and numerically) the role of time delay in two different ways of releasing sterile mosquitoes. Our results demonstrate that in the case of constant release rate, the delay does not affect the dynamics of the system and every solution of the system approaches to an equilibrium point; while in the case of the release rate proportional to the wild mosquito populations, the delay has a large effect on the dynamics of the system, namely, for some parameter ranges, when the delay is small, every solution of the system approaches to an equilibrium point; but as the delay increases, the solutions of the system exhibit oscillatory behavior via Hopf bifurcations. Numerical examples and bifurcation diagrams are also given to demonstrate rich dynamical features of the model in the latter release case.

    Citation: Liming Cai, Shangbing Ai, Guihong Fan. Dynamics of delayed mosquitoes populations models with two different strategies of releasing sterile mosquitoes[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2018, 15(5): 1181-1202. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2018054

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  • To prevent the transmissions of mosquito-borne diseases (e.g., malaria, dengue fever), recent works have considered the problem of using the sterile insect technique to reduce or eradicate the wild mosquito population. It is important to consider how reproductive advantage of the wild mosquito population offsets the success of population replacement. In this work, we explore the interactive dynamics of the wild and sterile mosquitoes by incorporating the delay in terms of the growth stage of the wild mosquitoes. We analyze (both analytically and numerically) the role of time delay in two different ways of releasing sterile mosquitoes. Our results demonstrate that in the case of constant release rate, the delay does not affect the dynamics of the system and every solution of the system approaches to an equilibrium point; while in the case of the release rate proportional to the wild mosquito populations, the delay has a large effect on the dynamics of the system, namely, for some parameter ranges, when the delay is small, every solution of the system approaches to an equilibrium point; but as the delay increases, the solutions of the system exhibit oscillatory behavior via Hopf bifurcations. Numerical examples and bifurcation diagrams are also given to demonstrate rich dynamical features of the model in the latter release case.

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