Research article Special Issues

Unsteady Casson fluid flow over a vertical surface with fractional bioconvection

  • Received: 07 October 2021 Revised: 13 January 2022 Accepted: 27 January 2022 Published: 24 February 2022
  • MSC : 35A22, 76A05

  • This paper deals with unsteady flow of fractional Casson fluid in the existence of bioconvection. The governing equations are modeled with fractional derivative which is transformed into dimensionless form by using dimensionless variables. The analytical solution is attained by applying Laplace transform technique. Some graphs are made for involved parameters. As a result, it is found that temperature, bioconvection are maximum away from the plate for large time and vice versa and showing dual behavior in their boundary layers respectively. Further recent literature is recovered from the present results and obtained good agreement.

    Citation: Muhammad Imran Asjad, Muhammad Haris Butt, Muhammad Armaghan Sadiq, Muhammad Danish Ikram, Fahd Jarad. Unsteady Casson fluid flow over a vertical surface with fractional bioconvection[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(5): 8112-8126. doi: 10.3934/math.2022451

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  • This paper deals with unsteady flow of fractional Casson fluid in the existence of bioconvection. The governing equations are modeled with fractional derivative which is transformed into dimensionless form by using dimensionless variables. The analytical solution is attained by applying Laplace transform technique. Some graphs are made for involved parameters. As a result, it is found that temperature, bioconvection are maximum away from the plate for large time and vice versa and showing dual behavior in their boundary layers respectively. Further recent literature is recovered from the present results and obtained good agreement.


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