This paper deals with the new Fujita type results for Cauchy problem of a quasilinear parabolic differential inequality with both a source term and a gradient dissipation term. Specially, nonnegative weights may be singular or degenerate. Under the assumption of slow decay on initial data, we prove the existence of second critical exponents μ∗, such that the nonexistence of solutions for the inequality occurs when μ<μ∗.
Citation: Xiaomin Wang, Zhong Bo Fang. New Fujita type results for quasilinear parabolic differential inequalities with gradient dissipation terms[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(10): 11482-11493. doi: 10.3934/math.2021665
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This paper deals with the new Fujita type results for Cauchy problem of a quasilinear parabolic differential inequality with both a source term and a gradient dissipation term. Specially, nonnegative weights may be singular or degenerate. Under the assumption of slow decay on initial data, we prove the existence of second critical exponents μ∗, such that the nonexistence of solutions for the inequality occurs when μ<μ∗.
We consider the nonexistence theorems of nonnegative nontrivial solutions for Cauchy problem to a quasilinear parabolic differential inequality:
ut−Δpu≥a(x)uq−b(x)um⏐∇u⏐s,(x,t)∈S, | (1.1) |
where S=RN×R+, R+=(0,+∞), N≥2, Δpu:=div(⏐∇u⏐p−2∇u). The parameters p>1, q>0, 0≤m<q and 0<s≤p(q−m)/(q+1), initial data u0∈L1(RN) is a nonnegative function and the nonnegative weights a, b may be singular or degenerate.
As everyone knows, Fujita [1] studied the following Cauchy problem for the semilinear heat equation in 1966:
ut−Δu=⏐u⏐q−1u. | (1.2) |
He obtained the critical exponent qF=1+2/N on the existence versus nonexistence (i.e. blow-up) of nonnegative nontrivial global solutions, namely, every nontrivial solution blows up in finite time for any initial data when 1<q<1+N/2, while blow-up can occur when q>1+2/N, which depends on the size of u0. Noted that the critical case qF=1+2/N belongs to blow-up case and was settled later by Hayakawa [2] and Weissler [3]. From then on, similar critical Fujita exponents have been appeared in various nonlinear parabolic equations, systems and inequalities, and have been studied by many mathematicians in many papers. There have been a number of literature and here we just refer to a survey paper [4] for models with gradient dissipative terms and [5,6,7] for recent progress. Particularly, Filippucci and Lombardi [7] derived the very interesting Fujita type theorems for the Cauchy problem to inequality (1.1). Their results can completely cover the two open problems in [4], and extend some partial results in [5,6]. As already observed by authors in [7], the presence of weights is crucial in the validity of the Fujita type result under consideration. In addition, for the study of the nonexistence of solutions for stationary elliptic p-Laplacian differential inequalities involving gradient terms in the whole space, we refer to the papers by Mitidieri, Pohozaev and Filippucci et al. [8,9,10].
However, it is obvious that the Fujita critical exponent is not optimal for the Cauchy problem of classical semilinear parabolic Eq (1.2). Therefore, whether the global solution and nonglobal solution can be classified has become the key issue. The pioneering work in this subject is given by Lee and Ni [11]. They considered the Cauchy problem for Eq (1.2) and introduced the second critical exponent as μ∗=2/(q−1) by virtue of the slow decay behavior of the initial data at spatial infinity. More precisely, with initial data u0(x)=λφ(x) and q>qF=1+2/N, there exist constants η, Γ, Γ0 such that the solution blows up in finite time whenever lim inf⏐x⏐→∞⏐x⏐μ∗φ(x)>η>0 and λ>Γ, or exists globally if lim sup⏐x⏐→∞⏐x⏐μφ(x)<∞ with μ>μ∗ and λ<Γ0. Afterward, the degenerate parabolic equation with p-Laplacian operator
ut=Δpu+uq, | (1.3) |
where p>2, was considered by Mu et al. [12]. By constructing the proper auxiliary function and the radially symmetric forward self-similar supersolution, they got the second critical exponent μ∗=p/(q−p+1). When we move to the case of fast diffusion, the same result occurs with the same exponent μ∗=p/(q−p+1) by Zheng and Fang [13]. The authors proposed a modification of the method in [12] and discussed the singular Eq (1.3) with a more generalized nonlocal source term. On the Cauchy problem for quasilinear parabolic equation with singular coefficients
ut=Δpu+a(x)uq, | (1.4) |
where a(x)∼⏐x⏐−α, Yang et al. [14] and Zheng and Mu [15] considered the slow and fast diffusion cases of Cauchy problem (1.4) in a more general form, respectively. While, they all derived a new second critical exponent μ∗(α)=(p−α)/(q−p+1).
For the study of quasilinear parabolic inequalities with gradient dissipative terms, we are particularly interested in the second critical exponent of Theorem 2.2 given by Mitidieri and Pokhozhaev in [5]. Using test function method in the whole space RN, they discussed the inequality
ut−Δpu≥up−b0⏐∇u⏐s,b0>0, | (1.5) |
where p>1 and s=pq/(q+1) and obtained: Assume p>1, q>max{1,p−1}, s∈(0,pq/(q+1)) and b0>0 sufficiently small. If there exist μ>0 such that
lim inf⏐x⏐→∞u0(x)⏐x⏐μ>0andμ<μ∗1(0)=pq−p+1, |
then problem (1.5) does not admit nonnegative nontrivial global weak solutions belonging to appropriate set.
The main goal of this paper is to show some non-optimality of Fujita type results of quasilinear parabolic inequality (1.1) in [7] without assuming the radial symmetry or monotonicity of solutions, and the proofs make no use of any comparison principles. In special cases, our Theorem 1.1 guarantees Theorem 2.2 in [5], and our main results are the second critical exponents corresponding to all the Fujita type results in [7]. Specifically, the following results are valid.
Theorem 1.1. Let 1<p<N, q>max{1,p−1}, m∈[0,q). Assume that b0>0 is sufficiently small, if there exist μ>0 such that
lim inf⏐x⏐→∞u0(x)⏐x⏐μ>0, | (1.6) |
μ<μ∗1(0):=pq−p+1, | (1.7) |
{ut−Δpu≥uq−b0um⏐∇u⏐p(q−m)/(q+1),(x,t)∈S,u(x,0)=u0(x)≥0,x∈RN | (1.8) |
does not admit nonnegative nontrivial solutions in
S0d:={u∈W1,ploc(S):uq−d,u−d−1⏐∇u⏐p,um−d⏐∇u⏐p(q−m)/(q+1)∈L1loc(S)}, |
where d sufficiently small.
Remark 1.1. Theorem 1.1 shows that for model (1.9), if b0>0 is sufficiently small, the second critical exponent μ∗1(0)=pq−p+1 is identical with the second critical exponent of our model (1.3) in [12] and [13] and our model (1.5) in [5]. Meanwhile, when
max{1,p−1}<q<p−1+NpN(p−1)+p, |
it can be compared with the first critical exponent qF,1(0)=p−1+pN of Theorem 1.1 in [7], and has the following relationship
qF,1(0)<μ∗1(0). |
Theorem 1.2. Assume
1<p<N,q>max{1,p−1,mp+sp−s} | (1.9) |
s∈(0,p(q−mq+1),m∈[0,q−s(q+1)p). | (1.10) |
Let a,b:RN∖{0}→R+0 be continuous functions that satisfy
a(x)≥a0⏐x⏐−α,b(x)≤b0⏐x⏐−β,x∈RN∖{0} | (1.11) |
with a0,b0>0 and α,β∈R such that
α<pandα(p−s)<βp<N(p−s). | (1.12) |
β≥p−s−NΛ | (1.13) |
{p−N(q−p+1)≤α<q,ifΛ≤0,α≤p−N(q−p+1),ifΛ≥0, | (1.14) |
if there exist μ>0 such that (1.7) holds, namely
lim inf⏐x⏐→∞u0(x)⏐x⏐μ>0, |
μ<μ∗1(α):=p−αq−p+1, | (1.15) |
then (1.1) does not admit nonnegative nontrivial solutions belonging to the class
Sd:={u∈W1,ploc(S):a(x)uq−d,u−d−1⏐∇u⏐p,b(x)um−d⏐∇u⏐s∈L1loc(S)}, |
where d sufficiently small.
Remark 1.2. For the model inequality (1.1) with β≥p−s−NΛ, the second critical exponent μ∗1(α)=p−αq−p+1 is the same as the second critical exponent of our model (1.4) in references [14,15]. At the same time, when
max{1,p−1,mp+sp−s}<q<p−1+N(p−α)N(p−1)+(p−α), |
it can be compared with the first critical exponent qF,1(α)=p−1+p−αN given in Theorem 1.2 in [7], and has the following relationship
qF,1(α)<μ∗1(α). |
Theorem 1.3. Assume (1.9)-(1.12). When
β≤p−s−NΛ, | (1.16) |
{p−N(q−p+1)≤α<q,ifΛ≥0,α≤p−N(q−p+1),ifΛ≤0, | (1.17) |
if there exist μ≥0 such that (1.6) holds and
μ<μ∗2(α,β):=βp−α(p−s)q(p−s)−mp−s, | (1.18) |
then (1.1) does not admit nonnegative nontrivial solutions belonging to the class Sd for d sufficiently small.
Remark 1.3. For the model inequality (1.1) with β≤p−s−NΛ, when
max{1,p−1,mp+sp−s}<q<mp+sp−s+[βp−α(p−s)]Nβp−α(p−s)−N(mp+s), |
the second critical exponent μ∗2(α,β)=βp−α(p−s)q(p−s)−mp−s can be compared with the first critical exponent qF,2(α,β)=p−1−αN+p(NΛ+β)N(p−s) given in Theorem 1.3 in [7]. Actually, we have
qF,2(α,β)<μ∗2(α,β). |
Remark 1.4. In particular,
μ∗1(α)=μ∗2(α,β)=p−αq−p+1 |
if Λ=m+1−p+s=0 and β≥p−s−NΛ.
Corollary 1.1. Assume (1.6), (1.9)–(1.11) with β=0 and α<0. Then
{ut−Δpu≥a(x)uq−b0um⏐∇u⏐s(x,t)∈S,b0>0,u(x,0)=u0(x)≥0,x∈RN | (1.19) |
does not admit nonnegative nontrivial solutions in Sd, with d sufficiently small, when 0<μ<μ∗1(α) and the following conditions hold
p−N(1+m)N+1≤s<p(q−m)q+1 | (1.20) |
α≤p−N(q−p+1). | (1.21) |
Note that since p−N(1+m)N+1>p−1−m, then it follows from condition (1.20) that s>p−1−m, that is Λ>0, indeed the subcase Λ≤0 of Theorem 1.2 cannot occur when β=0 since p−s>0.
Corollary 1.2. Assume (1.6), (1.9)–(1.11) with β=0 and α<0. Then (1.19) does not admit nonnegative nontrivial solutions in Sd, with d sufficiently small, when 0<μ<μ∗2(α,β) and the condition
0<s≤p−N(1+m)N+1 | (1.22) |
{p−N(q−p+1)≤α<q,ifΛ≥0,α≤p−N(q−p+1),ifΛ≤0 |
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce some basic definitions, assumptions, and key lemmas that will be used in the proofs of main results. In Section 3, we give the detailed proofs of main results, which include the proofs of Corollaries 1.1 and 1.2.
Throughout this paper, we will use C to denote various constants independent of u, which may be different from line to line, and we denote R+0:=[0,∞).
Meanwhile, we follow the definition of weak solution and the construction of test function introduced in [7]. Here we recall the preliminaries required for reader's convenience.
Definition 2.1. [7] For a weak solution of (1.1), we mean a nonnegative function u(x,t), belonging to the set S given by those functions u∈W1,ploc(S) with
(i) A(x,u,∇u)∈[Lp′loc(S)]N,
(ii) a(x)uq, b(x)um⏐∇u⏐s∈L1loc(S)
such that for any nonnegative test function φ∈C10(RN×R+0), we have
∫sa(x)uqφdxdt≤−∫RNu0(x)φ(x,0)dx−∫suφtdxdt+∫sA(x,u,∇u)∇u⋅∇φdxdt+∫sb(x)um⏐∇u⏐sφdxdt. | (2.1) |
Furthermore, when necessary, we make use of the following weak formulation of (1.1)
∫sa(x)uqφdxdt≤∫sutφdxdt+∫sA(x,u,∇u)∇u⋅∇φdxdt+∫sb(x)um⏐∇u⏐sφdxdt. | (2.2) |
for any nonnegative text function φ∈C10(RN×R+0).
We introduce the test functions constructed in [7,Section 3], which have the form of a separation of the variables in detail.
Let be BR(0) the ball of RN, centered at x=0 and with radius R>0. We introduce a cut-off function ξ0(s)∈C1([0,+∞)) that satisfies
0≤ξ0(s)≤1,∀s≥0;ξ0(s)=1,0≤s≤1;ξ0(s)=0,s≥2. |
⏐ξ′0(s)⏐≤C,s>0, |
where C>0 is a constant.
For the space variable, we consider
χ(x):=ξ0(⏐x⏐R), |
thus χ(x)∈C10(RN) and
χ(x)=1,x∈BR(0),χ(x)=0,x∈RN∖B2R(0), |
0≤χ(x)≤1,∀x∈RN,⏐∇χ(x)⏐≤CR,x∈RN, |
where C>0 is a constant.
For the time variable, take
η(t):=ξ0(⏐x⏐Rγ), |
with γ≥1 to be chosen.
Now, we define, for all R>0, a nonnegative cut-off function in S, given by
ψ(x,t):=χ(x)η(t). |
Clearly ψ∈C10(S).
We take the test function
φ(x,t):=˜u−dϵψk(x,t), |
˜uϵ:=τ+∫RNξϵ(x−y,t)u(y,t)dy, |
here τ>0, k>0 large enough, ϵ>0 sufficiently small and (ξϵ)ϵ>0 a standard family of mollifiers.
From this, we can get the following two key lemmas. Owing that the proofs are similar to Lemmas 5.1 and 5.2 in [7], we omit here.
Lemma 2.1. Let p>1. Assume (1.10)2 and
s∈(0,p(q−m)q+1],q>max{1,p−1} |
0<d<min{1,p−1,mp+sp−s}. | (2.3) |
If u∈W1,ploc(S) is a nonnegative solution of (1.1) belonging to the class Sd, then the following inequality holds
12∫Sa(x)uq−dψkdxdt+c1d3∫Su−d−1⏐∇u⏐pψkdxdt+11−d∫RNu1−d0ψk(x,0)dxdt≤C(Rσ1+Rσ2)+C∫Sb(x)pp−sump+s−d(p−s)p−sψkdxdt, | (2.4) |
σ1:=N+γ+α−γqq−1+dγ−αq−1,σ2:=N+γ+α(p−1)−pqq−p+1+dp−αq−p+1 | (2.5) |
for some constant C>0.
Lemma 2.2. Let p>1. Assume (1.10), (2.3) and
q>max{1,p−1,mp+sp−s}. |
If u∈W1,ploc(S) is a nonnegative solution of (1.1) belonging to the class Sd, then the following inequality holds
14∫Sa(x)uq−dψkdxdt+c1d3∫Su−d−1⏐∇u⏐pψkdxdt+11−d∫RNu1−d0ψk(x,0)dxdt≤C(Rσ1+Rσ2+Rσ3), | (2.6) |
where σ1 and σ2 are given in (2.5),
σ3:=N+γ+α(mp+s)−βpqq(p−s)−mp−s+dβp−α(p−s)q(p−s)−mp−s | (2.7) |
for some constant C>0.
In this section, we consider the two cases that a(x),b(x) are both positive constants, and a(x),b(x) may be singular or degenerate. Based on the two lemmas established in Section 2, we give the detailed proofs of main results.
Proof of Theorem 1.1: Let u be a nonnegative solution of (1.8), with u∈S0d. Replacing α=β=0 in (1.11) and taking a0=1 for simplicity, that is a(x)=a0=1 and b(x)=b0, and applying Lemma 1 with s=p(q−m)q+1, so that
pp−s=q+1m+1andq−d=mp+s−d(p−s)p−s, |
then (2.4) gives
[12−Cbq+1m+10]∫Suq−dψkdxdt+c1d3∫Su−d−1⏐∇u⏐pψkdxdt+11−d∫RNu1−d0ψk(x,0)dxdt≤C(Rσ1+Rσ2), |
σ1=N+γ−γqq−1+dγq−1,σ2=N+γ−pqq−p+1+dpq−p+1. |
Hence if b0>0 is sufficiently small, then 12−Cbq+1m+10>0, so that we arrive to
∫RNu1−d0ψk(x,0)dxdt≤C(Rσ1+Rσ2). |
Thanks to (1.6), it becomes
RN−μ(1−d)≤C(Rσ1+Rσ2). |
Taking γ=p(q−1)q−p+1 so that σ1=σ2, therefore we get
RN−μ≤CRN−pq−p+1 |
with d sufficiently small. Finally by our assumption (1.7), let R→∞, the contradiction obtained completes the proof of the theorem.
Proofs of Theorem 1.2 and Theorem 1.3: Let u be a nonnegative solution of (1.1), with u∈Sd. By the definition of the weak solution of (1.1) and Lemma 2.2, we derive
14∫Sa(x)uq−dψkdxdt+c1d3∫Su−d−1⏐∇u⏐pψkdxdt+11−d∫RNu1−d0ψk(x,0)dxdt≤C(Rσ1+Rσ2+Rσ3), |
∫RNu1−d0ψk(x,0)dxdt≤C(Rσ1+Rσ2+Rσ3), |
where σ1, σ2 and σ3 are given in (2.5) and (2.7), specifically,
σ1=N+γ+α−γqq−1+dγ−αq−1,σ2=N+γ+α(p−1)−pqq−p+1+dp−αq−p+1,σ3=N+γ+α(mp+s)−βpqq(p−s)−mp−s+dβp−α(p−s)q(p−s)−mp−s. |
By by our assumption (1.6), we have
R−μ(1−d)≤C(Rγ+α−γqq−1+Rγ+l), | (3.1) |
with d sufficiently small, here
l=max{α(p−1)−pqq−p+1,α(mp+s)−βpqq(p−s)−mp−s}. |
One can see that the expression on the right in (3.1) attains its minimum at
Rγ=(1q−1)q−1qR(αq−1−l)q−1q=c(q)Rα−l(q−1)q. | (3.2) |
Noting that c(q)=(1q−1)q−1q and substituting (3.2) into (3.1), we obtain
R−μ≤CRα+lq. | (3.3) |
Now, we discuss the value of l. We consider the following difference:
α(p−1)−pqq−p+1−α(mp+s)−βpqq(p−s)−mp−s. |
Due to the conditions we assumed, obviously, q−p+1>0, q(p−s)−mp−s>0.
Considering now only the numerator, we write
M:=[α(p−1)−pq][q(p−s)−mp−s]−[α(mp+s)−βpq](q−p+1)=αq[(p−s)(p−1)−mp−s]+βpq(q−p+1)−pq2(p−s)+pq(mp+s). |
On one hand, substituting (1.13), that is, β≥p−s−NΛ into the formula above and replacing the value of Λ, after simple calculation one can get
Mq≥α[(p−s)(p−1)−mp−s]+(p−s−NΛ)p(q−p+1)−pq(p−s)+p(mp+s)=(α−p)[(p−s)(p−1)−mp−s]−pNΛ(q−p+1)=−pΛ[α−p+N(q−p+1)]. | (3.4) |
When the condition (1.14) holds, summarizing (1.9) and (1.10), we have Mq≥0, thus, l=α(p−1)−pqq−p+1. Now (3.3) can be rewritten as
R−μ≤CRα−pq−p+1. |
Meanwhile, by (1.15), μ<μ∗1(α)=p−αq−p+1, and let R→∞, the contradiction can be derived.
On the other hand, when β≤p−s−NΛ, Similar to the comparison in (3.4), we can get
Mq≤−pΛ[α−p+N(q−p+1)]. |
When the condition (1.17) holds, we have Mq≤0 and l=α(mp+s)−βpqq(p−s)−mp−s. Consequently, (3.3) can be rewritten as
R−μ≤CRα(p−s)−βpq(p−s)−mp−s. |
Meanwhile, by (1.18), μ<μ∗1(α)=p−αq−p+1, and let R→∞, the contradiction can be derived.
In this paper, by using the test function method, we derive the second Fujita type critical exponents for quasilinear parabolic differential inequality (1.1) with weighted coefficients under the assumption of slow decay on initial data at infinity. Our results correspond to all the results obtained in [7] for the first Fujita type critical exponents and can also cover the relevant critical exponents in existing literature. Meanwhile, its analytical method can be used in other models.
This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province of China (No.ZR2019MA072) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No.201964008). The authors would like to deeply thank all the reviewers for their insightful and constructive comments.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.
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