Research article

Research on pattern dynamics of a class of predator-prey model with interval biological coefficients for capture

  • Received: 05 April 2024 Revised: 03 May 2024 Accepted: 13 May 2024 Published: 03 June 2024
  • MSC : 65L10, 65R20

  • Due to factors such as climate change, natural disasters, and deforestation, most measurement processes and initial data may have errors. Therefore, models with imprecise parameters are more realistic. This paper constructed a new predator-prey model with an interval biological coefficient by using the interval number as the model parameter. First, the stability of the solution of the fractional order model without a diffusion term and the Hopf bifurcation of the fractional order α were analyzed theoretically. Then, taking the diffusion coefficient of prey as the key parameter, the Turing stability at the equilibrium point was discussed. The amplitude equation near the threshold of the Turing instability was given by using the weak nonlinear analysis method, and different mode selections were classified by using the amplitude equation. Finally, we numerically proved that the dispersal rate of the prey population suppressed the spatiotemporal chaos of the model.

    Citation: Xiao-Long Gao, Hao-Lu Zhang, Xiao-Yu Li. Research on pattern dynamics of a class of predator-prey model with interval biological coefficients for capture[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(7): 18506-18527. doi: 10.3934/math.2024901

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  • Due to factors such as climate change, natural disasters, and deforestation, most measurement processes and initial data may have errors. Therefore, models with imprecise parameters are more realistic. This paper constructed a new predator-prey model with an interval biological coefficient by using the interval number as the model parameter. First, the stability of the solution of the fractional order model without a diffusion term and the Hopf bifurcation of the fractional order α were analyzed theoretically. Then, taking the diffusion coefficient of prey as the key parameter, the Turing stability at the equilibrium point was discussed. The amplitude equation near the threshold of the Turing instability was given by using the weak nonlinear analysis method, and different mode selections were classified by using the amplitude equation. Finally, we numerically proved that the dispersal rate of the prey population suppressed the spatiotemporal chaos of the model.

    With the development of human civilization, maintaining ecological balance has become a major challenge facing mankind. The predator-prey model is a mathematical model for studying the interaction between predators and prey in ecosystems [1,2]. It can be used to analyze the impact of environmental changes or the introduction of new species. At present, about 28% of the assessed species in the world are at risk of extinction [3]. In response to this situation, the implementation of a reasonable policy for the development of biological resources can protect populations from possible extinction [4].

    Yan [5] studied the global stability of a delayed diffusion predator-prey model with Michaelis-Menten-type prey capture. Ou [6] obtained the parameter conditions for the stability and bifurcation of two delayed predator-prey systems. Yao [7] studied the dynamics of a Leslie-Gower predator-prey system with proportionally dependent Holling IV functional response and a constant prey capture rate. Zhang [8] applied a delayed predator-prey model with non-constant mortality and a constant prey capture rate to investigate the effect of time delay on equilibrium stability. Chen [9] studied the pattern dynamics of a harvested predator-prey model with no-flux boundary conditions. Cui [10] proposed a new Lotka-Volterra commensal symbiosis system accompanying delay. Therefore, motivated by the above discussion, we consider the following predator-prey model with a harvesting term:

    {ut=d1Δu+u(1u)auvu+vbu,vt=d2Δv+βuvu+vαv, (1.1)

    where u(x,t) and v(x,t) represent the densities of the prey and predators at location x and time t, respectively. Δ is the Laplacian operator. d1 and d2 represent the diffusion rates of prey u and predator v, respectively. a and β are two positive constants. bu implies harvesting of the prey population, and αv denotes harvesting of the predator population.

    It can be seen from the existing literature that the parameters in most biological models are considered to be accurate. However, due to factors such as climate change, natural disasters, and deforestation, most measurement processes and initial data may have errors [11]. Therefore, models with imprecise parameters are more realistic. A model with imprecise biological parameters can be reflected by random, fuzzy, and interval methods. In fuzzy methods, imprecise parameters are represented in the form of fuzzy sets or fuzzy numbers. Nowadays there are many studies on fuzzy parameters of dynamical systems [12,13]. In the stochastic method, imprecise parameters are represented by random variables with appropriate probability distribution [14,15]. Different from random and fuzzy methods, Pal [16] first proposed the concept of an interval to describe the imprecise parameters of ecological models. This method is easier and more effective than the first two methods. Since then, many scholars have used an interval method to study ecological models with inaccurate parameters. Pal uses the exponential form of interval parameters, and Ramezanadeh uses the linear form of interval parameters [17,18].

    Fractional derivatives have memory and nonlocality. In biological systems, memory refers to the ability of the system to retain the information of past events and use it to influence future behavior [19,20,21,22]. Due to the fact that most populations have long-term memory [23,24], integer order population systems ignore the influence of memory. Therefore, we consider a fractional order predator-prey model. There are many ways to solve fractional differential equations, for example, the fractional reduced differential transform method [25], the Adomian decomposition sumudu transform method [26], the Fourier spectral method [27,28,29,30], and the piecewise reproducing kernel method [31]. In this paper, the Euler discrete method is used. It can describe the ecological process of the reaction-diffusion equation on a long time scale and has the advantage of fast calculation speed.

    The main contributions of this paper are as follows:

    1) Due to other factors, most measurement processes and initial data may have errors. In this paper, a more realistic interval parameter model is used.

    2) The Turing pattern is theoretically classified and verified by numerical methods. Some different results are obtained.

    3) We numerically prove that the dispersal rate of the prey population will suppress the spatiotemporal chaos of the model.

    The rest of this article is organized as follows: In Section 2, we establish a model and explore the positivity and uniqueness of solutions for models without diffusion terms. In Section 3, we discuss the stability of the model and Hopf bifurcation. In Section 4, the Turing instability of the model is discussed. In Section 5, weak nonlinear analysis is used to derive the amplitude equation. In Section 6, we conduct numerical simulations. Conclusions are given in Section 7.

    To establish our model, we introduce the following two definitions.

    Definition 2.1. ([16,18,32]) An interval number A is defined by A=[ˊa,ˊa]={y|ˊayˊa,yR}. Moreover, each real number aR can be represented by [a,a]. Let A=[ˊa,ˊa] and B=[ˊa,ˊa]. Define the following algorithms:

    1)A+B=[ˊa,ˊa]+[ˊb,ˊb]=[ˊa+ˊb,ˊa+ˊb] for ˊa+ˊb>0;

    2)AB=[ˊa,ˊa][ˊb,ˊb]=[ˊaˊb,ˊaˊb] for ˊaˊb>0;

    3)ρA=ρ[ˊa,ˊa]=[ρˊa,ρˊa] for ρ0;

    4)ρA=ρ[ˊa,ˊa]=[ρˊa,ρˊa] for ρ<0.

    Definition 2.2. ([16,18,32]) Let a>0 and b>0 have interval [a,b]. The interval-valued function is presented as f(r)=a1rbr for r[0,1].

    Some authors have found that the dynamic behavior of a fractional model [33,34,35,36] is much more complex than that of the corresponding integer model. According to Definition 2.1, we consider the following fractional predator-prey model with interval biological coefficient

    {Dαtu=d1Δu+u(1u)[ˊa,ˊa]uvu+v[ˊb,ˊb]u,Dαtv=d2Δv+[ˊβ,ˊβ]uvu+v[ˊα,ˊα]v, (2.1)

    where ˊa>0,ˊb>0,ˊα>0, and ˊβ>0. Now, there are many types of fractional derivatives [34,35,36,37,38]. Here, Dαt represents Caputo fractional differentiation. It has the advantage of relatively simple calculation, which is defined as follows:

    Dαtu(t)=1Γ(1α)t0(tτ)u(τ)dτ,t>0. (2.2)

    Using Definition 2.2, we get

    {Dαtu=d1Δu+u(1u)ˊa1rˊaruvu+vˊb1rˊbru,Dαtv=d2Δv+ˊβ1rˊβruvu+vˊα1rˊαrv, (2.3)

    where 0r1.

    In this section, we prove the positivity and uniqueness of the solution of the fractional order model without a diffusion term.

    The non-diffusion version of model (2.3) is as follows:

    {Dαtu=u(1u)ˊa1rˊaruvu+vˊb1rˊbru,Dαtv=ˊβ1rˊβruvu+vˊα1rˊαrv. (2.4)

    Theorem 2.3. All solutions of the model system (2.4) are nonnegative.

    Proof. For a similar proof of Theorem (2.3), readers are referred to [19].

    Theorem 2.4. The fractional system (2.4) has a unique solution under any nonnegative initial conditions.

    Proof. According to the method proposed in [39,40,41], we define the following operator:

    {f1(t,u)=u(1u)ˊa1rˊaruvu+vˊb1rˊbru,f2(t,v)=ˊβ1rˊβruvu+vˊα1rˊαrv. (2.5)


    N1=sup||f1(t,u)Ca,b1||,N2=sup||f2(t,v)Ca,b2||, (2.6)


    Ca,b1=[ta,t+a]×[ub1,u+b1]=A1×B1, (2.7)
    Ca,b2=[ta,t+a]×[vb2,v+b2]=A2×B2. (2.8)

    Using the Banach fixed point theorem, we can obtain the uniform norm:

    ||f(t)||=sup|f(t)|, t[ta,t+a]. (2.9)

    The Picardis operator is as follows:

    O:C(A1,B1,B2)C(A1,B1,B2). (2.10)

    This is defined as:

    OX(t)=X0(t)+1Γ(α)t0(tτ)α1F(τ,X(τ))dτ, (2.11)

    where X(t)=[u(t),v(t)]T,X0(t)=[u0(t),v0(t)]T, and F(t,X(t))=[f1(t,u),f2(t,v)]T.

    We assume that the solution of the model is bounded in a time period:

    ||X(t)||max{b1,b2}. (2.12)

    We can get:

    ||OX(t)X0(t)||=||1Γ(α)t0(tτ)α1F(τ,X(τ))dτ|| (2.13)
    1Γ(α)t0(tτ)α1||F(τ,X(τ))||dτNaαΓ(α)aNb, (2.14)

    with N=max{N1,N2},b=max{b1,b2}, and a<bN.

    ||OX1(t)OX2(t)||=||1Γ(α)t0(tτ)α1{F(τ,X1(τ))F(τ,X2(τ))}dτ|| (2.15)
    1Γ(α)t0(tτ)α1||F(τ,X1(τ))F(τ,X2(τ))||dτ (2.16)
    βΓ(α)t0(tτ)α1||X1(τ)X2(τ)||dτ (2.17)
    βaαΓ(α)||X1(τ)X2(τ)||aβ||X1(τ)X2(τ)||. (2.18)

    Since F is a contraction and β<1, we obtain aβ<1, that is, the defined operator O is also a contraction. Therefore, the uniqueness proof of the system solution is complete.

    Here, we determine the equilibrium point of the system (2.4). By analyzing the stability of the equilibrium point and the Hopf bifurcation, the conditions under which different states of the system appear are given.

    Before determining the stability of the equilibrium point, we first give the stability criterion of the fractional differential system.

    Theorem 3.1. ([42,43]) Consider a fractional differential system

    Dαtx(t)=f(t,x(t)). (3.1)

    Let x be an equilibrium point and the λi,(i=1,2,,n) are eigenvalues of Jacobian matrix J=fx.

    1) The equilibrium point x is asymptotically stable if and only if

    |arg(λi)|>απ2,i=1,2,,n. (3.2)

    2) The equilibrium point x is stable if and only if

    |arg(λi)|απ2,i=1,2,,n. (3.3)

    3) The equilibrium point x is unstable if and only if

    :|arg(λi)|<απ2,i=1,2,,n. (3.4)

    Definition 3.2. ([44]) The roots of the equation f(t,x(t))=0 are called the equilibria of fractional differential system

    Dαtx(t)=f(t,x(t)), (3.5)

    where x(t)=(x1(t),x2(t),,xn(t))TRn,f(t,x(t))Rn, and Dαtx(t)=(Dα1tx1(t),Dα2tx2(t),,Dαntxn(t))T,αiR+,i=1,2,,n.

    From a biological perspective, we are only interested in the positive equilibrium point. Obtain the equilibrium point by solving the following system of equations.

    {f(u,v)=u(1u)ˊa1rˊaruvu+vˊb1rˊbru,g(u,v)=ˊβ1rˊβruvu+vˊα1rˊαrv. (3.6)

    Denote by f(u,v)=0 and g(u,v)=0. The positive equilibrium point E=(u,v) is obtained, where

    u=ˊa1rˊar(ˊαrˊβrˊβrˊα1rˊβ)ˊb1rˊbrˊβ+ˊβˊβ, (3.7)


    v=ˊβ1rˊβrˊαrˊαr1(ˊa1rˊar+ˊb1rˊbr1)+(ˊarˊαrˊβrˊα1rˊβr1+2ˊar)ˊa1r+ˊbrˊb1r1. (3.8)

    We can obtain the Jacobi matrix for system (3.6) at the equilibrium point E as follows:

    J=(a11a12a21a22)=(ˊarˊa1rv2(u+v)2(ˊbrˊb1r+2u1)(u+v)2ˊarˊa1ru2(u+v)2ˊβ1rˊβrv2(u+v)2ˊαrˊα1r(u+v)2+ˊβ1rˊβru2(u+v)2). (3.9)

    As such, the characteristic equation at equilibrium point E is read as follows:

    λ2tr0λ+det0=0, (3.10)


    tr0=a11+a22,det0=a11a22a21a12. (3.11)

    Roots of the characteristic equations are

    λ1,2=tr0±tr204det02. (3.12)

    Through Theorem (3.1), we draw the following conclusions:

    Theorem 3.3. ([45]) The stability of equilibrium point E is determined by tr0,det0, and α.

    If tr204det00, then,

    1) The equilibrium point E is asymptotically stable if and only if tr00 and det0>0;

    2) The equilibrium point E is unstable if and only if tr0>0 or det0<0.

    If tr204det0<0, then,

    1) The equilibrium point E is stable if and only if απ2<|tan1(4det0tr20tr0)|;

    2) The equilibrium point E is unstable if and only if απ2>|tan1(4det0tr20tr0)|.

    Proof. The eigenvalues are real when tr204det00.

    For tr0=0, λ1,2=±idet0 is obtained, therefore |arg(λ1,2)|=π2>απ2 implies E is asymptotically stable; the eigenvalues are negative real when tr0<0 and det0>0, so |arg(λ1,2)|=π>απ2 implies E is asymptotically stable.

    For tr0>0 and det0>0, both the eigenvalues are positive real, hence |arg(λ1,2)|=0<απ2 implies E is unstable; when det0<0, the two eigenvalues are real numbers with opposite signs, so there exists |arg(λ1)|=0<απ2 which implies that E is unstable.

    The two eigenvalues are now complex conjugate when tr204det0<0.

    |arg(λ)|=|tan1(4det0tr20tr0)|. (3.13)

    Therefore, E is stable if απ2<|tan1(4det0tr20tr0)| and is unstable for απ2>|tan1(4det0tr20tr0)|.

    When tr0=0 and det0>0, the system (2.4) with α=1 loses stability through Hopf bifurcation. Since the stability of system (2.4) is affected by the fractional derivative, the fractional derivative can be regarded as a parameter of Hopf bifurcation. In the following, we establish the conditions for the Hopf bifurcation of system (3.1) around E at parameter α=αh [19,46]:

    1) The Jacobian matrix at the equilibrium point E has a pair of complex conjugate eigenvalues λ1,2=ai+ibi which become purely imaginary at α=αh;

    2)m(αh)=0 where m(α)=απ2min1i2|arg(λi)|;


    Now, we prove that E has Hopf bifurcation when α goes through αh.

    Theorem 3.4. Suppose that the equilibrium point E is unstable when tr204det0<0 and tr0>0. The fractional parameter α passes through the critical value αh, and the system (2.4) undergoes Hopf bifurcation near E, where

    αh=2πtan1(4det0tr20tr0). (3.14)

    Proof. For tr204det0<0 and tr0>0, the eigenvalues are complex conjugates with a positive real part. Hence,

    0<arg(λ12)=tan1(4det0tr20tr0)<π2, (3.15)

    and απ2>|tan1(4det0tr20tr0)| for some α. Let αhπ2=|tan1(4det0tr20tr0)|, get αh=2πtan1(4det0tr20tr0). Moreover, m(α)α|α=αh=π20. Therefore, all Hopf conditions satisfy.

    In this section, we present the Turing instability condition of the system (2.3) at α=1.

    Perturbate the equilibrium point with u=u+˜u,v=v+˜v, substitute it into system (2.3), expand it through the Taylor series, and remove higher-order terms to obtain the linear perturbation equation

    ˙U=JU+DΔU, (4.1)


    U=(˜u˜v),D=(d1d2), (4.2)

    and J is a Jacobian matrix about E. For convenience, we still denote ˜u and ˜v as u and v.

    Expanding the perturbation variables in Fourier space and substituting U=(c1kc2k)eλt+ikr into the perturbation Eq (4.1) yields the characteristic equation

    λ(c1kc2k)=(a11k2d1a12a21a22k2d2)(c1kc2k), (4.3)

    where λ is the growth rate, k is the wave number, r is the spatial vector, and c1k,c2k are constants.

    Solve characteristic Eq (4.3), and obtain the following dispersion relationship:

    λ2trkλ+detk=0, (4.4)


    {trk=a11+a22k2(d1+d2)=tr0k2(d1+d2),detk=a11a22a21a12k2(a11d2+a22d1)+k4d1d2=det0k2(a11d2+a22d1)+k4d1d2. (4.5)

    The solution of characteristic Eq (4.4) is in the following form:

    λk=trk±tr2k4detk2. (4.6)

    In order to explore the existence conditions of Turing instability at k0, we should ensure that trk<0 and detk<0. When ˊarˊa1r>ˊβ1rˊβr, trk<0 is easy to satisfy. In order to ensure the occurrence of detk<0, the condition of marginal stability min(detk2c)=0 should be satisfied. Here k2c=a11d2+a22d12d1d2 is the minimum value of detk with respect to k2c.

    From min(detk2c)=0, we can obtain:

    a222d21+2d2(a11a222det0)d1+a211d22=0. (4.7)

    Let H(d1)=a222d21+2d2(a11a222det0)d1+a211d22. If there are H(d1)=0 and H(d1)=min(detk2c), then there must be two roots, d+1 and d1, where

    d+1=d2(2det0a11a22)+2d2det0(det0a11a22)a222>0, (4.8)
    d1=d2(2det0a11a22)2d2det0(det0a11a22)a222>0. (4.9)

    Theorem 4.1. Suppose 0r1,d1>0,d2>0, and ˊarˊa1r>ˊβ1rˊβr are valid.

    1) The equilibrium point E is asymptotically stable if and only if d+<d1<d+1;

    2) The equilibrium point E is unstable if and only if d1>d+ or d1<d+;

    3) Turing bifurcation occurs at d1=d+ or d1=d+, and the critical wave number is k2c=det0d+1d2 or k2c=det0d1d2.

    Proof. The eigenvalues are negative real when d+<d1<d+1, so |arg(λk)|=π>απ2 implies E is asymptotically stable. When d1>d+ or d1<d+, the two eigenvalues are real numbers with opposite signs, so there exists |arg(λk)|=0<απ2 which implies that E is unstable. From min(det(k2c))=0, we have k2c=det0d+1d2 or k2c=det0d1d2.

    Remark 4.2. Take [ˊa,ˊa]=[1.31,3.3],[ˊb,ˊb]=[0.01,0.04],[ˊα,ˊα]=[0.5,1.5],[ˊβ,ˊβ]=[1.05,1.5],r=1, and d2=1.24. We have drawn the stable region of equilibrium point E on the plane when d1>0,d2>0. According to Theorem 4.1, the stable region and the unstable region are distinguished. The critical value d1=0.1458 was obtained through fixed parameters in Figure 1(a). Furthermore, we draw a graph k about the wave number and the real part λ of the eigenvalue as shown in Figure 1(b).

    Figure 1.  Stability domains and wave number.

    In this section, we will use weak nonlinear analysis to calculate the amplitude equation near the Turing instability threshold d1=dc1. Write system (2.3) in the following form:

    Ut=LU+N(U,U), (5.1)

    where L is a linear operator and N is a nonlinear operator

    L=(a11+d1Δa12a21a22+d2Δ), (5.2)


    N=(12fuuu2+fuvuv+12fvvv2+13!fuuuu3+12fuuvu2v+12fuvvuv2+13!fvvvv312guuu2+guvuv+12gvvv2+13!guuuu3+12guuvu2v+12guvvuv2+13!gvvvv3)+O(4), (5.3)


    fuu=2ˊarˊa1rv22(u+v)3(u+v)3,fuv=2ˊarˊa1ruv(u+v)3,fvv=2ˊarˊa1ru2(u+v)3, (5.4)
    fuuu=6ˊarˊa1rv2(u+v)4,fuuv=2ˊarˊa1rv(2uv)(u+v)4,fuvv=2ˊarˊa1ru(u2v)(u+v)4,fvvv=6ˊarˊa1ru2(u+v)4, (5.5)
    guu=2ˊβrˊβ1rv2(u+v)3,guv=2ˊβrˊβ1ruv(u+v)3,gvv=2ˊβrˊβ1ru2(u+v)3, (5.6)
    guuu=6ˊβrˊβ1rv2(u+v)4,guuv=2ˊβrˊβ1rv(2uv)(u+v)4,guvv=2ˊβrˊβ1ru(u2v)(u+v)4,gvvv=6ˊβrˊβ1ru2(u+v)4. (5.7)

    We only consider the behavior of the control parameter near the bifurcation point, so the control parameter d1 can be expanded as follows:

    d1dc1=εd11+ε2d12+ε3d13+O(4), (5.8)

    where ε is a small parameter. At the same time, the variable U and the nonlinear term N are expanded according to this small parameter:

    U=(uv)=ε(u1v1)+ε2(u2v2)+ε3(u3v3)+O(4), (5.9)
    N=ε2N2+ε3N3+O(ε4), (5.10)


    N2=(12fuuu21+fuvu1v1+12fvvv2112guuu21+guvu1v1+12gvvv21), (5.11)


    N3=(fuuu1u2+fuv(u1v2+u2v1)+fvvv1v2+fuuu3!u31+fuuv2!u21v1+fuvv2!u1v21+fvvv3!v31guuu1u2+guv(u1v2+u2v1)+gvvv1v2+guuu3!u31+guuv2!u21v1+guvv2!u1v21+gvvv3!v31). (5.12)

    The linear operator L can be decomposed into

    L=Lc+(d1dc1)M, (5.13)


    Lc=(a11+dc1Δa12a21a22+d2Δ),M=(Δ000). (5.14)

    We set T0=t,T1=εt,T2=ε2t, and T3=ε3t, then the partial derivative of time can be written as follows:

    t=εT1+ε2T2+ε3T3+O(4). (5.15)

    Substitute formulas (5.8)–(5.15) into Eq (5.1), and the left side of the equation becomes:

    εt(u1v1)+ε2t(u2v2)+ε3t(u3v3)= (5.16)
    ε[εT1(u1v1)+ε2T2(u1v1)+ε3T3(u1v1)]+ε2[εT1(u2v2)+ε2T2(u2v2)+ε3T3(u2v2)]+..., (5.17)

    and the right side of the equation becomes:

    [Lc+(εd11+ε2d12+ε3d13)M][ε(u1v1)+ε2(u2v2)+ε3(u3v3)]+ε2N2+ε3N3. (5.18)

    Comparing the order of ε on both sides of the equation, the following three cases are obtained:

    ε:Lc(u1v1)=0, (5.19)
    ε2:Lc(u2v2)=T1(u1v1)d11M(u1v1)N2, (5.20)
    ε3:Lc(u3v3)=T1(u2v2)+T2(u1v1)d11M(u2v2)d12M(u1v1)N3. (5.21)

    They are discussed separately below. For O(ε):

    Lc(u1v1)=0. (5.22)

    That is, (u1v1) is a linear combination of eigenvectors corresponding to eigenvalues of 0. Therefore,

    (a11+dc1k2ca12a21a22+d2k2c)(u1v1)=0, (5.23)

    and the general solution of Eq (5.19) can be written as:

    (u1v1)=(ϕ1)(3j=1Ajeikjr+3j=1ˉAjeikjr), (5.24)

    where ϕ=a22+d2k2ca21, |kj|=kc, k2c=det0d1d2, and kj is the amplitude about the mode of eikjr. For O(ε2):

    (PuPv)=T1(u1v1)d11M(u1v1)N2. (5.25)

    According to the de Fredholm solvability condition, the vector function at the right end of Eq (5.25) must be orthogonal to the zero eigenvalue of L+c for this equation to have a nontrivial solution.

    L+c=(a11+dc1Δa21a12a22+d2Δ). (5.26)

    The zero eigenvector as:

    (1φ)eikjr+c.c., j=1,2,3, (5.27)

    with φ=a12a22+d2k2c. According to the orthogonal condition of Eq (5.20), we have

    (1,φ)(PjuPjv)=0, j=1,2,3, (5.28)

    where Pju and Pjv are the coefficients corresponding to eikjr in Pu and Pv. The system of equations related to amplitude Aj obtained from Eq (5.28) is:

    {(ϕ+φ)A1T1=d11k2cϕA1+2(h1+φh2)ˉA2ˉA3,(ϕ+φ)A2T1=d11k2cϕA2+2(h1+φh2)ˉA1ˉA3,(ϕ+φ)A3T1=d11k2cϕA3+2(h1+φh2)ˉA1ˉA2, (5.29)

    where h1=fuu2ϕ2+fuvϕ+fvv2, and h2=guu2ϕ2+guvϕ+gvv2. Introducing a second-order disturbance term as:

    (u2v2)=(U0V0)+3j=1(UjVj)eikjr+3j=1(UjjVjj)e2ikjr+(U12V12)ei(k1k2)r+(U23V23)ei(k2k3)r+(U31V31)ei(k3k1)r+c.c., (5.30)

    Substitute formulas (5.24) and (5.30) into Eq (5.20), and we have

    Uj=ϕVj,j=1,2,3,(U0V0)=(u00v00)(|A1|2+|A2|2+|A3|2), (5.31)
    (UjjVjj)=(u11v11)A2j,j=1,2,3,(UijVij)=(u22v22)AiˉAj,ij,i=j=1,2,3, (5.32)


    (u00v00)=(2(a12h2a22h1)a11a22a12a212(a21h1a11h2)a11a22a12a21),(u11v11)=(a12h2(a224d2k2c)h1(a114dc1k2c)(a224d2k2c)a12a21a21h1(a114d1k2c)h2(a114dc1k2c)(a224d2k2c)a12a21),(u22v22)=(2[a12h2(a223d2k2c)h1](a113dc1k2c)(a223d2k2c)a12a212[a21h1(a113d1k2c)h2](a113dc1k2c)(a223d2k2c)a12a21). (5.33)

    For O(ε3):

    (PuPv)=T1(u2v2)+T2(u1v1)d11M(u2v2)d12M(u1v1)N3. (5.34)

    According to the orthogonal condition of Eq (5.21), we have

    (1,φ)(PjuPjv)=0, j=1,2,3. (5.35)

    Direct calculation produces the amplitude equation:

    {(ϕ+φ)(V1T1+A1T2)=k2cϕ(d11V1+d12A1)+2(h1+φh2)(ˉA2ˉV3+ˉA3ˉV2)+[(H1+φH3)|A1|2+(H2+φH4)(|A2|2+|A3|2)]A1,(ϕ+φ)(V2T1+A2T2)=k2cϕ(d11V2+d12A2)+2(h1+φh2)(ˉA1ˉV3+ˉA3ˉV1)+[(H1+φH3)|A2|2+(H2+φH4)(|A1|2+|A3|2)]A2,(ϕ+φ)(V3T1+A2T2)=k2cϕ(d11V3+d12A3)+2(h1+φh2)(ˉA2ˉV1+ˉA1ˉV2)+[(H1+φH3)|A3|2+(H2+φH4)(|A2|2+|A1|2)]A3, (5.36)


    H1=(ϕfuu+fuv)(u00+u11)+(ϕfuv+fvv)(v00+v11)+3ϕ3fuuu3!+3ϕ2fuuv2!+3ϕfuvv2!+3fvvv3!,H2=(ϕfuu+fuv)(u00+u22)+(ϕfuv+fvv)(v00+v22)+6ϕ3fuuu3!+6ϕ2fuuv2!+6ϕfuvv2!+6fvvv3!,H3=(ϕguu+guv)(u00+u11)+(ϕguv+gvv)(v00+v11)+3ϕ3guuu3!+3ϕ2guuv2!+3ϕguvv2!+3gvvv3!,H4=(ϕguu+guv)(u00+u22)+(ϕguv+gvv)(v00+v22)+6ϕ3guuu3!+6ϕ2guuv2!+6ϕguvv2!+6gvvv3!. (5.37)

    Suppose that the perturbation of amplitude G under ε is as follows:

    G=εAj+ε2Vj+O(3). (5.38)

    Then, from formulas (5.15), (5.29), (5.36), and (5.38), we can derive

    {τ0G1t=μG1+hˉG2ˉG3[g1|G1|2+g2(|G2|2+|G3|2)]G1,τ0G2t=μG2+hˉG1ˉG3[g1|G2|2+g2(|G1|2+|G3|2)]G2,τ0G3t=μG3+hˉG1ˉG2[g1|G3|2+g2(|G1|2+|G2|2)]G3, (5.39)


    μ=d1dc1dc1,τ0=ϕ+φdc1k2c,h=2(h1+φh2)dc1k2c,g1=H1+φH3dc1k2c,andg2=H2+φH4dc1k2c. (5.40)

    Since each amplitude Aj=ρjeiψj(j=1,2,3) in Eq (5.39) can be decomposed into mode ρj=|Aj| and phase angle ψj, substituting Aj into Eq (5.39) to separate the real and imaginary parts yields the following equation:

    {ψt=hρ21ρ22+ρ21ρ23+ρ22ρ23ρ1ρ2ρ3sinψ,ρ1t=μρ1+hρ2ρ3cosψg1ρ31g2(ρ22+ρ23)ρ1,ρ1t=μρ1+hρ2ρ3cosψg1ρ31g2(ρ22+ρ23)ρ1,ρ1t=μρ1+hρ2ρ3cosψg1ρ31g2(ρ22+ρ23)ρ1, (5.41)

    where ψ=ψ1+ψ2+ψ3. We can infer from Eq (5.41) that the solution to the equation is stable when h>0,ψ=0 and h<0,ψ=π. Eq (5.41) has the following solutions:

    1) Stationary state:

    ρ1=ρ2=ρ3=0, (5.42)

    stable when μ<μ2=0, and unstable when μ>μ2=0.

    2) Strip pattern:

    ρ1=μg10,ρ2=ρ3=0, (5.43)

    stable when μ>μ3=h2g1(g2g1)2, and unstable when μ<μ3=h2g1(g2g1)2.

    3) Hexagon pattern:

    When μ>μ1=h24(g1+2g2) is satisfied, there exists

    ρ1=ρ2=ρ3=|h|±h2+4(g1+2g2)μ2(g1+2g2). (5.44)

    When μ<μ4=(2g1+g2)h2(g2g1)2, ρ+=|h|+h2+4(g1+2g2)μ2(g1+2g2) is stable, and ρ=|h|h2+4(g1+2g2)μ2(g1+2g2) is always unstable.

    4) Mixed state:

    When μ>μ3=h2g1(g2g1)2 is satisfied, there exists

    ρ1=|h|g2g1,ρ2=ρ3=μg1ρ21g1+g2. (5.45)

    It is always unstable with g1<g2.

    In this section, we use the Euler discrete method for numerical simulation in two-dimensional space Ω=[0,Lx]×[0,Ly]. Choose Lx=200,Ly=200,t=1000, time step Δt=0.9, and space step Δh=2. We define unpq=u(xp,yq,nΔt) and vnpq=v(xp,yq,nΔt) where p,q=1,2,,LxΔh. System (2.3) is discretized by the Euler method as follows:




    The parameters in system (2.3) are selected as follows:


    and then, we obtain


    The initial data are as follows:


    The numerical simulation results show that there is a mixed structure solution under this set of parameters, and there are spots and stripe patterns in the graphics, as shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2.  Asymmetric mixed pattern solutions of u and v. Here [ˊa,ˊa]=[1.31,3.3],[ˊb,ˊb]=[0.01,0.04], [ˊα,ˊα]=[0.5,1.5],[ˊβ,ˊβ]=[1.05,1.5],d1=0.1,d2=1.24, and dc1=0.1458.

    Under the same parameters, changing r=0.6 yields E=(0.21788,0.14732),μ=0.31413,μ3=4.52393,g1=15680.19532, and g2=20512.90109. The numerical results show that there are also mixed structure solutions under this set of parameters, as seen in Figure 3.

    Figure 3.  Asymmetric mixed pattern solutions of u and v. Here [ˊa,ˊa]=[1.31,3.3],[ˊb,ˊb]=[0.01,0.04], [ˊα,ˊα]=[0.5,1.5],[ˊβ,ˊβ]=[1.05,1.5],d1=0.1,d2=1.24, and dc1=0.1458.

    Although we only change the interval variable r in the graph, it can still be seen that the interval variable r will affect the positive equilibrium point E and the critical value dc1 of the Turing instability. Therefore, these two spatial patterns are slightly different and also prove the correctness of the theory.

    Select the following symmetric initial conditions:

    u(x,y,0)={u+0.5,    x,y(80,120),u0.001, other.v(x,y,0)={v+0.25,x,y(80,120),v0.001,other.

    Applying symmetric initial conditions, numerical simulations are performed with varying the parameters r,t, and d1 while other parameters remain constant, and the results show the existence of a symmetric hybrid structure solution, as seen in Figure 4. The figure shows the detailed pattern evolution of symmetric mixed patterns under different parameters. At first, circular patterns begin to appear under the initial conditions. As time t progresses, the bounded domain is gradually destroyed and the circular pattern decomposes into striped and spotted patterns. It is found that as the diffusion rate d1 of the prey population increases, the spatiotemporal chaos of the model is gradually suppressed.

    Figure 4.  The evolution of u under different parameters. Here [ˊa,ˊa]=[1.31,3.3],[ˊb,ˊb]=[0.01,0.04], [ˊα,ˊα]=[0.5,1.5],[ˊβ,ˊβ]=[1.05,1.5],d2=1.24, and dc1=0.1458.

    In this paper, the predator-prey model with an interval biological coefficient was analyzed theoretically and simulated numerically. We proved the existence and uniqueness of the model solution, discussed the stability of the positive equilibrium point, studied the Hopf bifurcation around the equilibrium point related to the fractional parameter α, and discussed the Turing instability of the model at the starting point d1=d1. It was found that the fractional α and the diffusion term d1 played an important role in controlling the existence of the Hopf bifurcation and Turing instability. Then, the amplitude equation near the threshold of the Turing instability was given by using the weak nonlinear analysis method, and different mode selections were classified by using the amplitude equation. Finally, through numerical simulation, we showed the symmetric and asymmetric patterns of the model, and found that the diffusion rate of the prey population inhibited the spatiotemporal chaos of the model.

    Conceptualization: Xiao-Long Gao and Hao-Lu Zhang; Methodology and software: Xiao-Yu Li; Data curation, formal analysis, and funding acquisition: Xiao-Long Gao and Xiao-Yu Li; Writing-original draft and writing-review and editing: Xiao-Long Gao, Hao-Lu Zhang, and Xiao-Yu Li. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

    The authors declare they have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.

    This paper is supported by the doctoral research start-up Fund of Inner Mongolia University of Technology (DC2300001252).

    The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this article.

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