Research article

Hopf bifurcation exploration and control technique in a predator-prey system incorporating delay

  • Received: 27 October 2023 Revised: 20 November 2023 Accepted: 22 November 2023 Published: 13 December 2023
  • MSC : 34C23, 34K18, 37GK15, 39A11, 92B20

  • Recently, delayed dynamical model has witnessed a great interest from many scholars in biological and mathematical areas due to its potential application in describing the interaction of different biological populations. In this article, relying the previous studies, we set up two new predator-prey systems incorporating delay. By virtue of fixed point theory, inequality tactics and an appropriate function, we explore well-posedness (includes existence and uniqueness, boundedness and non-negativeness) of the solution of the two formulated delayed predator-prey systems. With the aid of bifurcation theorem and stability theory of delayed differential equations, we gain the parameter conditions on the emergence of stability and bifurcation phenomenon of the two formulated delayed predator-prey systems. By applying two controllers (hybrid controller and extended delayed feedback controller) we can efficaciously regulate the region of stability and the time of occurrence of bifurcation phenomenon for the two delayed predator-prey systems. The effect of delay on stabilizing the system and adjusting bifurcation is investigated. Computer simulation plots are provided to sustain the acquired prime outcomes. The conclusions of this article are completely new and can provide some momentous instructions in dominating and balancing the densities of predator and prey.

    Citation: Wei Ou, Changjin Xu, Qingyi Cui, Yicheng Pang, Zixin Liu, Jianwei Shen, Muhammad Zafarullah Baber, Muhammad Farman, Shabir Ahmad. Hopf bifurcation exploration and control technique in a predator-prey system incorporating delay[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(1): 1622-1651. doi: 10.3934/math.2024080

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  • Recently, delayed dynamical model has witnessed a great interest from many scholars in biological and mathematical areas due to its potential application in describing the interaction of different biological populations. In this article, relying the previous studies, we set up two new predator-prey systems incorporating delay. By virtue of fixed point theory, inequality tactics and an appropriate function, we explore well-posedness (includes existence and uniqueness, boundedness and non-negativeness) of the solution of the two formulated delayed predator-prey systems. With the aid of bifurcation theorem and stability theory of delayed differential equations, we gain the parameter conditions on the emergence of stability and bifurcation phenomenon of the two formulated delayed predator-prey systems. By applying two controllers (hybrid controller and extended delayed feedback controller) we can efficaciously regulate the region of stability and the time of occurrence of bifurcation phenomenon for the two delayed predator-prey systems. The effect of delay on stabilizing the system and adjusting bifurcation is investigated. Computer simulation plots are provided to sustain the acquired prime outcomes. The conclusions of this article are completely new and can provide some momentous instructions in dominating and balancing the densities of predator and prey.


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