Research article Special Issues

On the boundedness of solutions of some fuzzy dynamical control systems

  • Received: 05 December 2023 Revised: 11 January 2024 Accepted: 16 January 2024 Published: 26 January 2024
  • MSC : 93C10, 93C42, 93D15

  • The asymptotic behavior of solutions of fuzzy control systems is a component of the study of fuzzy control theory. The study of stability for T-S (Takagi-Sugeno) fuzzy systems, which process qualitative data through linguistic expressions, is the subject of this paper. Asymptotic stability is conservative in many real-world applications due to measurement noise and other disruptions. The ultimate limit, which indicates that the mistakes stay in a specific area close to the origin after a long enough amount of time, is a crucial characteristic that is frequently defined for such systems. We are interested with the problem of the state feedback controller for T-S fuzzy models with uncertainties where the global exponential ultimate boundedness of solutions is studied for certain fuzzy control systems. We use common quadratic Lyapunov function and parallel distributed compensation controller techniques to study the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of fuzzy control system in presence of perturbations. An example demonstrating the validity of the main result is discussed.

    Citation: Omar Kahouli, Amina Turki, Mohamed Ksantini, Mohamed Ali Hammami, Ali Aloui. On the boundedness of solutions of some fuzzy dynamical control systems[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(3): 5330-5348. doi: 10.3934/math.2024257

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  • The asymptotic behavior of solutions of fuzzy control systems is a component of the study of fuzzy control theory. The study of stability for T-S (Takagi-Sugeno) fuzzy systems, which process qualitative data through linguistic expressions, is the subject of this paper. Asymptotic stability is conservative in many real-world applications due to measurement noise and other disruptions. The ultimate limit, which indicates that the mistakes stay in a specific area close to the origin after a long enough amount of time, is a crucial characteristic that is frequently defined for such systems. We are interested with the problem of the state feedback controller for T-S fuzzy models with uncertainties where the global exponential ultimate boundedness of solutions is studied for certain fuzzy control systems. We use common quadratic Lyapunov function and parallel distributed compensation controller techniques to study the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of fuzzy control system in presence of perturbations. An example demonstrating the validity of the main result is discussed.


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