Research article

Performance analysis of the convex non-convex total variation denoising model

  • Received: 29 July 2024 Revised: 25 September 2024 Accepted: 09 October 2024 Published: 14 October 2024
  • MSC : 49J40, 65K10, 68U10

  • Total variation (TV) regularization is a powerful tool in image denoising, but it often exhibits limited performance in preserving edges. In contrast, non-convex TV regularization can more effectively preserve edges and contours, albeit posing challenges when solving. Recently, the convex non-convex (CNC) strategy has emerged as a potent approach that allows incorporating non-convex TV regularization terms while maintaining the overall convexity of the objective function. Its superior performance has been validated through various numerical experiments; however, theoretical analysis remains lacking. In this paper, we provided theoretical analysis of the performance of the CNC-TV denoising model. By utilizing the oracle inequality, we derived an improved upper bound on its performance compared to TV regularization. In addition, we devised an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm to address the proposed model and verified its convergence properties. Our proposed model has been validated through numerical experiments in 1D and 2D denoising, demonstrating its exceptional performance.

    Citation: Yating Zhu, Zixun Zeng, Zhong Chen, Deqiang Zhou, Jian Zou. Performance analysis of the convex non-convex total variation denoising model[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(10): 29031-29052. doi: 10.3934/math.20241409

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  • Total variation (TV) regularization is a powerful tool in image denoising, but it often exhibits limited performance in preserving edges. In contrast, non-convex TV regularization can more effectively preserve edges and contours, albeit posing challenges when solving. Recently, the convex non-convex (CNC) strategy has emerged as a potent approach that allows incorporating non-convex TV regularization terms while maintaining the overall convexity of the objective function. Its superior performance has been validated through various numerical experiments; however, theoretical analysis remains lacking. In this paper, we provided theoretical analysis of the performance of the CNC-TV denoising model. By utilizing the oracle inequality, we derived an improved upper bound on its performance compared to TV regularization. In addition, we devised an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm to address the proposed model and verified its convergence properties. Our proposed model has been validated through numerical experiments in 1D and 2D denoising, demonstrating its exceptional performance.


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