Research article Special Issues

On the correlation of $ k $ symbols

  • Received: 16 April 2024 Revised: 20 June 2024 Accepted: 24 June 2024 Published: 04 July 2024
  • MSC : 11K45, 94A55, 94A60

  • In 2002 Mauduit and Sárközy started to study finite sequences of $ k $ symbols $ E_{N} = \left(e_{1}, e_{2}, \cdots, e_{N}\right)\in \mathcal{A}^{N}, $ where$ \mathcal{A} = \left\{a_{1}, a_{2}, \cdots, a_{k}\right\}, \ \ (k\in \mathbb{N}, k\geq 2) $is a finite set of $ k $ symbols. Bérczi estimated the pseudorandom measures for a truly random sequence $ E_{N} $ of $ k $ symbol. In this paper, we shall study the minimal values of correlation measures for the sequences of $ k $ symbols, developing the methods similar to those introduced by Alon, Anantharam, Gyarmati, and Schmidt, among others.

    Citation: Yixin Ren, Huaning Liu. On the correlation of $ k $ symbols[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(8): 21455-21470. doi: 10.3934/math.20241042

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  • In 2002 Mauduit and Sárközy started to study finite sequences of $ k $ symbols $ E_{N} = \left(e_{1}, e_{2}, \cdots, e_{N}\right)\in \mathcal{A}^{N}, $ where$ \mathcal{A} = \left\{a_{1}, a_{2}, \cdots, a_{k}\right\}, \ \ (k\in \mathbb{N}, k\geq 2) $is a finite set of $ k $ symbols. Bérczi estimated the pseudorandom measures for a truly random sequence $ E_{N} $ of $ k $ symbol. In this paper, we shall study the minimal values of correlation measures for the sequences of $ k $ symbols, developing the methods similar to those introduced by Alon, Anantharam, Gyarmati, and Schmidt, among others.


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