Research article

Some generalizations for the Schwarz-Pick lemma and boundary Schwarz lemma

  • Received: 19 August 2023 Revised: 27 October 2023 Accepted: 31 October 2023 Published: 20 November 2023
  • MSC : 30C80, 31A30

  • In this paper, we first obtain a Schwarz-Pick type lemma for the holomorphic self-mapping of the unit disk with respect to the $ q $-distance. Second, we establish the general Schwarz-Pick lemma for the self-mapping of the unit disk satisfying the Poisson differential inequality. As an application, it is proven that this mapping is Lipschitz continuous with respect to the $ q $-distance under certain conditions. Moreover, the corresponding explicit Lipschitz constant is given. Third, it is proved that there exists a self-mapping of the unit disk satisfying the Poisson differential inequality, which does not meet conditions of the boundary Schwarz lemma. Finally, with some additional conditions, a boundary Schwarz lemma for the self-mapping of the unit disk satisfying the Poisson differential inequality is established.

    Citation: Fangming Cai, Jie Rui, Deguang Zhong. Some generalizations for the Schwarz-Pick lemma and boundary Schwarz lemma[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(12): 30992-31007. doi: 10.3934/math.20231586

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  • In this paper, we first obtain a Schwarz-Pick type lemma for the holomorphic self-mapping of the unit disk with respect to the $ q $-distance. Second, we establish the general Schwarz-Pick lemma for the self-mapping of the unit disk satisfying the Poisson differential inequality. As an application, it is proven that this mapping is Lipschitz continuous with respect to the $ q $-distance under certain conditions. Moreover, the corresponding explicit Lipschitz constant is given. Third, it is proved that there exists a self-mapping of the unit disk satisfying the Poisson differential inequality, which does not meet conditions of the boundary Schwarz lemma. Finally, with some additional conditions, a boundary Schwarz lemma for the self-mapping of the unit disk satisfying the Poisson differential inequality is established.


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