The quantum calculus has emerged as a connection between mathematics and physics. It has wide applications, particularly in quantum mechanics, analytic number theory, combinatorial analysis, operation theory etc. The $ q $-calculus, which serves as a powerful tool to model quantum computing, has drawn attention of many researchers in the field of special functions and as a result the $ q $-analogues of certain special functions, especially hypergeometric function, 1-variable Hermite polynomials, Appell polynomials etc., are introduced and studied. In this paper, we introduce the 2-variable $ q $-Hermite polynomials by means of generating function. Also, its certain properties like series definition, recurrence relations, $ q $-differential equation and summation formulas are established. The operational definition and some integral representations of these polynomials are obtained. Some examples are also considerd to show the efficacy of the proposed method. Some concluding remarks are given. At the end of this paper, the graphical representations of these polynomials of certain degrees with specified values of $ q $ are given.
Citation: Nusrat Raza, Mohammed Fadel, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, M. Zakarya. On 2-variable $ q $-Hermite polynomials[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(8): 8705-8727. doi: 10.3934/math.2021506
The quantum calculus has emerged as a connection between mathematics and physics. It has wide applications, particularly in quantum mechanics, analytic number theory, combinatorial analysis, operation theory etc. The $ q $-calculus, which serves as a powerful tool to model quantum computing, has drawn attention of many researchers in the field of special functions and as a result the $ q $-analogues of certain special functions, especially hypergeometric function, 1-variable Hermite polynomials, Appell polynomials etc., are introduced and studied. In this paper, we introduce the 2-variable $ q $-Hermite polynomials by means of generating function. Also, its certain properties like series definition, recurrence relations, $ q $-differential equation and summation formulas are established. The operational definition and some integral representations of these polynomials are obtained. Some examples are also considerd to show the efficacy of the proposed method. Some concluding remarks are given. At the end of this paper, the graphical representations of these polynomials of certain degrees with specified values of $ q $ are given.
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