Research article Special Issues

An improved fixed-time stabilization problem of delayed coupled memristor-based neural networks with pinning control and indefinite derivative approach

  • Received: 24 October 2022 Revised: 21 February 2023 Accepted: 23 February 2023 Published: 01 March 2023
  • In this brief, we propose a class of generalized memristor-based neural networks with nonlinear coupling. Based on the set-valued mapping theory, novel Lyapunov indefinite derivative and Memristor theory, the coupled memristor-based neural networks (CMNNs) can achieve fixed-time stabilization (FTS) by designing a proper pinning controller, which randomly controls a small number of neuron nodes. Different from the traditional Lyapunov method, this paper uses the implementation method of indefinite derivative to deal with the non-autonomous neural network system with nonlinear coupling topology between different neurons. The system can obtain stabilization in a fixed time and requires fewer conditions. Moreover, the fixed stable setting time estimation of the system is given through a few conditions, which can eliminate the dependence on the initial value. Finally, we give two numerical examples to verify the correctness of our results.

    Citation: Chao Yang, Juntao Wu, Zhengyang Qiao. An improved fixed-time stabilization problem of delayed coupled memristor-based neural networks with pinning control and indefinite derivative approach[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 31(5): 2428-2446. doi: 10.3934/era.2023123

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  • In this brief, we propose a class of generalized memristor-based neural networks with nonlinear coupling. Based on the set-valued mapping theory, novel Lyapunov indefinite derivative and Memristor theory, the coupled memristor-based neural networks (CMNNs) can achieve fixed-time stabilization (FTS) by designing a proper pinning controller, which randomly controls a small number of neuron nodes. Different from the traditional Lyapunov method, this paper uses the implementation method of indefinite derivative to deal with the non-autonomous neural network system with nonlinear coupling topology between different neurons. The system can obtain stabilization in a fixed time and requires fewer conditions. Moreover, the fixed stable setting time estimation of the system is given through a few conditions, which can eliminate the dependence on the initial value. Finally, we give two numerical examples to verify the correctness of our results.


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