Special Issue: Advances in Difference Equations and Applications to Biosciences and Engineering
Guest Editors
Prof. Martin Bohner
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Email: bohner@mst.edu
Dr. Sabrina Streipert
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University, Canada
Email: streipes@mcmaster.ca
Manuscript Topics
We recall the popularization of difference equations in biosciences with the works of Robert May in population dynamics, John Haldane and Sewall Wright in evolutionary biology, and Sir Ronald Ross, Anderson McKendrick and William Kermack in epidemiology, among others.
Since then, difference equations have gained increasing attention from a variety of researchers due to their ability to capture discrete processes such as nonoverlapping generations and the ability to describe chaotic behavior even in simple models. The study of difference equations further benefited from the demand in computational implementations of dynamical models.
Discrete dynamical systems can be used to describe interacting and structured populations and can account for spatial scattering using discrete partial difference equations. The consideration of stochasticity in form of stochastic difference equations, as well as the implementation of memory aspects modelled by fractional difference equations provide a platform for an even broader range of applications in biosciences. As the complexity of these models and their acceptance among regulatory sciences increases, the understanding and analysis of discrete systems is of utmost importance especially given the many challenges we face today in conservation of species and control of pandemics.
We therefore invite you to share your research in Advances in Difference Equations and Applications to Biosciences and Engineering in this special issue to contribute to the rapidly developing area of difference equations in biosciences. Corresponding contributions in the area of dynamic equations on time scales are welcome as well. We will accept high-quality papers having original research results.
Instructions for authors
Please submit your manuscript to online submission system
Paper Submission
All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 15 July 2022