Research article

SaaSRec+: a new context-aware recommendation method for SaaS services

  • Received: 17 June 2021 Accepted: 11 October 2021 Published: 08 December 2021
  • Cloud computing is an attractive model that provides users with a variety of services. Thus, the number of cloud services on the market is growing rapidly. Therefore, choosing the proper cloud service is an important challenge. Another major challenge is the availability of diverse cloud services with similar performance, which makes it difficult for users to choose the cloud service that suits their needs. Therefore, the existing service selection approaches is not able to solve the problem, and cloud service recommendation has become an essential and important need. In this paper, we present a new way for context-aware cloud service recommendation. Our proposed method seeks to solve the weakness in user clustering, which itself is due to reasons such as 1) lack of full use of contextual information such as cloud service placement, and 2) inaccurate method of determining the similarity of two vectors. The evaluation conducted by the WSDream dataset indicates a reduction in the cloud service recommendation process error rate. The volume of data used in the evaluation of this paper is 5 times that of the basic method. Also, according to the T-test, the service recommendation performance in the proposed method is significant.

    Citation: Hossein Habibi, Abbas Rasoolzadegan, Amir Mashmool, Shahab S. Band, Anthony Theodore Chronopoulos, Amir Mosavi. SaaSRec+: a new context-aware recommendation method for SaaS services[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(2): 1471-1495. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022068

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  • Cloud computing is an attractive model that provides users with a variety of services. Thus, the number of cloud services on the market is growing rapidly. Therefore, choosing the proper cloud service is an important challenge. Another major challenge is the availability of diverse cloud services with similar performance, which makes it difficult for users to choose the cloud service that suits their needs. Therefore, the existing service selection approaches is not able to solve the problem, and cloud service recommendation has become an essential and important need. In this paper, we present a new way for context-aware cloud service recommendation. Our proposed method seeks to solve the weakness in user clustering, which itself is due to reasons such as 1) lack of full use of contextual information such as cloud service placement, and 2) inaccurate method of determining the similarity of two vectors. The evaluation conducted by the WSDream dataset indicates a reduction in the cloud service recommendation process error rate. The volume of data used in the evaluation of this paper is 5 times that of the basic method. Also, according to the T-test, the service recommendation performance in the proposed method is significant.


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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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