Research article

An exact asymptotic solution for a non-Newtonian fluid in a generalized Couette flow subject to an inclined magnetic field and a first-order chemical reaction

  • Received: 19 March 2024 Revised: 24 April 2024 Accepted: 29 May 2024 Published: 21 June 2024
  • MSC : 80A19

  • Understanding generalized Couette flow provides valuable insights into the behavior of fluids under various conditions, contributing to the advancement of more accurate models for real-world applications including tribology and lubrication, polymer and food processing, water conservation and oil exploration, microfluidics, biological fluid dynamics (blood flow in vessels), and electrohydrodynamic, and so on. The present study provided the exact asymptotic solution for the generalized Couette flow of a non-Newtonian Jeffrey fluid in a horizontal channel immersed in a saturated porous medium.The governing partial differential equations were transformed into a dimensionless form using the similarity technique and the resulting system of equations is solved by the Perturbation technique, as well as the method of the separation of variables, and computed on MATLAB (ode15s solver).The behavior of fluid velocity was investigated and presented through 2-D and 3-D graphs for two cases (ⅰ) when the implication of the magnetic field was strengthened and (ⅱ) when the magnitude of the magnetic field was fixed but its degree of inclination was altered. The first-order chemical reactions and thermal radiation were also considered. Additionally, the effect of numerous emerging quantities on momentum, temperature, and concentration contours characterizing the fluid flow was depicted graphically and discussed. Furthermore, the skin friction (at different angles of inclination and magnetic strength), Nusselt number, and Sherwood number (at different time intervals) were evaluated at both boundaries and presented tabularly. The findings revealed that there was a decrease in the velocity profile with an increasing degree of inclination and strength of the magnetic field. Moreover, we observed an increment in thermal and mass flux when it was measured over time at both of the channels. Also, the outcomes predicted an oscillatory nature of shear stress at both of the boundries.

    Citation: Shabiha Naz, Tamizharasi Renganathan. An exact asymptotic solution for a non-Newtonian fluid in a generalized Couette flow subject to an inclined magnetic field and a first-order chemical reaction[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(8): 20245-20270. doi: 10.3934/math.2024986

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  • Understanding generalized Couette flow provides valuable insights into the behavior of fluids under various conditions, contributing to the advancement of more accurate models for real-world applications including tribology and lubrication, polymer and food processing, water conservation and oil exploration, microfluidics, biological fluid dynamics (blood flow in vessels), and electrohydrodynamic, and so on. The present study provided the exact asymptotic solution for the generalized Couette flow of a non-Newtonian Jeffrey fluid in a horizontal channel immersed in a saturated porous medium.The governing partial differential equations were transformed into a dimensionless form using the similarity technique and the resulting system of equations is solved by the Perturbation technique, as well as the method of the separation of variables, and computed on MATLAB (ode15s solver).The behavior of fluid velocity was investigated and presented through 2-D and 3-D graphs for two cases (ⅰ) when the implication of the magnetic field was strengthened and (ⅱ) when the magnitude of the magnetic field was fixed but its degree of inclination was altered. The first-order chemical reactions and thermal radiation were also considered. Additionally, the effect of numerous emerging quantities on momentum, temperature, and concentration contours characterizing the fluid flow was depicted graphically and discussed. Furthermore, the skin friction (at different angles of inclination and magnetic strength), Nusselt number, and Sherwood number (at different time intervals) were evaluated at both boundaries and presented tabularly. The findings revealed that there was a decrease in the velocity profile with an increasing degree of inclination and strength of the magnetic field. Moreover, we observed an increment in thermal and mass flux when it was measured over time at both of the channels. Also, the outcomes predicted an oscillatory nature of shear stress at both of the boundries.


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