Research article Special Issues

MSFSS: A whale optimization-based multiple sampling feature selection stacking ensemble algorithm for classifying imbalanced data

  • Received: 07 March 2024 Revised: 23 April 2024 Accepted: 24 April 2024 Published: 21 May 2024
  • MSC : 68T20

  • Learning from imbalanced data is a challenging task in the machine learning field, as with this type of data, many traditional supervised learning algorithms tend to focus more on the majority class while damaging the interests of the minority class. Stacking ensemble, which formulates an ensemble by using a meta-learner to combine the predictions of multiple base classifiers, has been used for solving class imbalance learning issues. Specifically, in the context of class imbalance learning, a stacking ensemble learning algorithm is generally considered to combine with a specific sampling algorithm. Such an operation, however, might suffer from suboptimization problems as only using a sampling strategy may make it difficult to acquire diverse enough features. In addition, we also note that using all of these features may damage the meta-learner as there may exist noisy and redundant features. To address these problems, we have proposed a novel stacking ensemble learning algorithm named MSFSS, which divides the learning procedure into two phases. The first stage combined multiple sampling algorithms and multiple supervised learning approaches to construct meta feature space by means of cross combination. The adoption of this strategy satisfied the diversity of the stacking ensemble. The second phase adopted the whale optimization algorithm (WOA) to select the optimal sub-feature combination from the meta feature space, which further improved the quality of the features. Finally, a linear regression classifier was trained as the meta learner to conduct the final prediction. Experimental results on 40 benchmarked imbalanced datasets showed that the proposed MSFSS algorithm significantly outperformed several popular and state-of-the-art class imbalance ensemble learning algorithms. Specifically, the MSFSS acquired the best results in terms of the F-measure metric on 27 datasets and the best results in terms of the G-mean metric on 26 datasets, out of 40 datasets. Although it required consuming more time than several other competitors, the increment of the running time was acceptable. The experimental results indicated the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed MSFSS algorithm.

    Citation: Shuxiang Wang, Changbin Shao, Sen Xu, Xibei Yang, Hualong Yu. MSFSS: A whale optimization-based multiple sampling feature selection stacking ensemble algorithm for classifying imbalanced data[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(7): 17504-17530. doi: 10.3934/math.2024851

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  • Learning from imbalanced data is a challenging task in the machine learning field, as with this type of data, many traditional supervised learning algorithms tend to focus more on the majority class while damaging the interests of the minority class. Stacking ensemble, which formulates an ensemble by using a meta-learner to combine the predictions of multiple base classifiers, has been used for solving class imbalance learning issues. Specifically, in the context of class imbalance learning, a stacking ensemble learning algorithm is generally considered to combine with a specific sampling algorithm. Such an operation, however, might suffer from suboptimization problems as only using a sampling strategy may make it difficult to acquire diverse enough features. In addition, we also note that using all of these features may damage the meta-learner as there may exist noisy and redundant features. To address these problems, we have proposed a novel stacking ensemble learning algorithm named MSFSS, which divides the learning procedure into two phases. The first stage combined multiple sampling algorithms and multiple supervised learning approaches to construct meta feature space by means of cross combination. The adoption of this strategy satisfied the diversity of the stacking ensemble. The second phase adopted the whale optimization algorithm (WOA) to select the optimal sub-feature combination from the meta feature space, which further improved the quality of the features. Finally, a linear regression classifier was trained as the meta learner to conduct the final prediction. Experimental results on 40 benchmarked imbalanced datasets showed that the proposed MSFSS algorithm significantly outperformed several popular and state-of-the-art class imbalance ensemble learning algorithms. Specifically, the MSFSS acquired the best results in terms of the F-measure metric on 27 datasets and the best results in terms of the G-mean metric on 26 datasets, out of 40 datasets. Although it required consuming more time than several other competitors, the increment of the running time was acceptable. The experimental results indicated the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed MSFSS algorithm.


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