Research article Special Issues

A decision-making framework based on the Fermatean hesitant fuzzy distance measure and TOPSIS

  • Received: 23 August 2023 Revised: 29 October 2023 Accepted: 15 December 2023 Published: 28 December 2023
  • MSC : 90B50

  • A particularly useful assessment tool for evaluating uncertainty and dealing with fuzziness is the Fermatean fuzzy set (FFS), which expands the membership and non-membership degree requirements. Distance measurement has been extensively employed in several fields as an essential approach that may successfully disclose the differences between fuzzy sets. In this article, we discuss various novel distance measures in Fermatean hesitant fuzzy environments as research on distance measures for FFS is in its early stages. These new distance measures include weighted distance measures and ordered weighted distance measures. This justification serves as the foundation for the construction of the generalized Fermatean hesitation fuzzy hybrid weighted distance (DGFHFHWD) scale, as well as the discussion of its weight determination mechanism, associated attributes and special forms. Subsequently, we present a new decision-making approach based on DGFHFHWD and TOPSIS, where the weights are processed by exponential entropy and normal distribution weighting, for the multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) issue with unknown attribute weights. Finally, a numerical example of choosing a logistics transfer station and a comparative study with other approaches based on current operators and FFS distance measurements are used to demonstrate the viability and logic of the suggested method. The findings illustrate the ability of the suggested MADM technique to completely present the decision data, enhance the accuracy of decision outcomes and prevent information loss.

    Citation: Chuan-Yang Ruan, Xiang-Jing Chen, Shi-Cheng Gong, Shahbaz Ali, Bander Almutairi. A decision-making framework based on the Fermatean hesitant fuzzy distance measure and TOPSIS[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(2): 2722-2755. doi: 10.3934/math.2024135

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  • A particularly useful assessment tool for evaluating uncertainty and dealing with fuzziness is the Fermatean fuzzy set (FFS), which expands the membership and non-membership degree requirements. Distance measurement has been extensively employed in several fields as an essential approach that may successfully disclose the differences between fuzzy sets. In this article, we discuss various novel distance measures in Fermatean hesitant fuzzy environments as research on distance measures for FFS is in its early stages. These new distance measures include weighted distance measures and ordered weighted distance measures. This justification serves as the foundation for the construction of the generalized Fermatean hesitation fuzzy hybrid weighted distance (DGFHFHWD) scale, as well as the discussion of its weight determination mechanism, associated attributes and special forms. Subsequently, we present a new decision-making approach based on DGFHFHWD and TOPSIS, where the weights are processed by exponential entropy and normal distribution weighting, for the multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) issue with unknown attribute weights. Finally, a numerical example of choosing a logistics transfer station and a comparative study with other approaches based on current operators and FFS distance measurements are used to demonstrate the viability and logic of the suggested method. The findings illustrate the ability of the suggested MADM technique to completely present the decision data, enhance the accuracy of decision outcomes and prevent information loss.


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