Research article

Practical stability for nonlinear systems with generalized conformable derivative

  • Received: 04 March 2023 Revised: 18 April 2023 Accepted: 20 April 2023 Published: 27 April 2023
  • MSC : 34A34, 34A08

  • In this study, we give the stability analysis of a class of nonlinear systems with a generalized conformable derivative, which guarantees that their solutions converge to a ball centered at the origin. The theoretical foundations of the practical stability are investigated in this work. Furthermore, the concept is elucidated with an application. Finally, the theoretical findings offered are illustrated with two numerical examples.

    Citation: Mohammed Aldandani, Omar Naifar, Abdellatif Ben Makhlouf. Practical stability for nonlinear systems with generalized conformable derivative[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(7): 15618-15632. doi: 10.3934/math.2023797

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