Research article

Adaptive predefined-time robust control for nonlinear time-delay systems with different power Hamiltonian functions

  • Received: 24 July 2023 Revised: 14 September 2023 Accepted: 27 September 2023 Published: 13 October 2023
  • MSC : 93B52, 93C10

  • The article studies H control as well as adaptive robust control issues on the predefined time of nonlinear time-delay systems with different power Hamiltonian functions. First, for such Hamiltonian systems with external disturbance and delay phenomenon, we construct the appropriate Lyapunov function and Hamiltonian function of different powers. Then, a predefined-time H control approach is presented to stabilize the systems within a predefined time. Furthermore, when considering nonlinear Hamiltonian system with unidentified disturbance, parameter uncertainty and delay, we devise a predefined-time adaptive robust strategy to ensure that the systems reach equilibrium within one predefined time and have better resistance to disturbance and uncertainty. Finally, the validity of the results is verified with a river pollution control system example.

    Citation: Shutong Liu, Renming Yang. Adaptive predefined-time robust control for nonlinear time-delay systems with different power Hamiltonian functions[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(12): 28153-28175. doi: 10.3934/math.20231441

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  • The article studies H control as well as adaptive robust control issues on the predefined time of nonlinear time-delay systems with different power Hamiltonian functions. First, for such Hamiltonian systems with external disturbance and delay phenomenon, we construct the appropriate Lyapunov function and Hamiltonian function of different powers. Then, a predefined-time H control approach is presented to stabilize the systems within a predefined time. Furthermore, when considering nonlinear Hamiltonian system with unidentified disturbance, parameter uncertainty and delay, we devise a predefined-time adaptive robust strategy to ensure that the systems reach equilibrium within one predefined time and have better resistance to disturbance and uncertainty. Finally, the validity of the results is verified with a river pollution control system example.

    Actual nonlinear systems are subject to a wide variety of unknown disturbances, parameter uncertainties and delay phenomena [1,2]. Robust control and adaptive control methods have been proven successful at addressing these issues [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]. For nonlinear time-delay systems (NTDSs) with variable powers, [4] solved the adaptive robust tracking control problem. Taking into account the disturbance and time-varying delay of nonlinear Lipschitz systems, [5] designed a class of delay-dependent H dynamic observers. The literature [6] investigated the global adaptive state feedback control issue of stochastic NTDSs with unknown disturbances and time-dependent delays. A new adaptive tracking controller with minimum learning parameters was designed to solve an adaptive tracking issue in finite time caused by full-state constrained NTDSs under input saturation [8]. The Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional method was applied to investigate the adaptive robust control problem on finite time of NTDSs subject to uncertainty and disturbances [10]. For NTDSs with the triangular form, the robust output tracking control problem is solved by neural network [11]. For stochastic NTDSs with partially known jump rates, [12] investigated the continuous gain-scheduled robust fault detection issue. The above results developed several good infinite-time and finite-time methods. Although the finite-time control scheme presented above achieves faster convergence and greater robustness than the infinite-time scheme, its convergence time is determined by giving the initial state. Namely, its convergence time has an uncertain upper bound.

    As a result, a predefined-time control method is presented. As is well known, a closed-loop system (CLS) operated under a predefined-time strategy will maintain its convergence time uncorrelated with its initial state, and the upper bound of its convergence time is set beforehand, which improves the control accuracy of the CLS and compensates for the limitations of the finite-time control scheme. Consequently, the predefined-time control approach has received considerable focus from scholars, and some excellent results have been produced [15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33] on the mechanical system, time-varying system and uncertain system. Meanwhile, many effective predefined-time control methods have also been proposed like optimal control [16], time-varying feedback [17,18,19], backstepping [20], high-gain approach [26] and so on. Among them, the Lyapunov-like theorem proposed in [25] ensured that such dynamic systems reached stability in a predefined time and also constituted a framework based on predefined-time stability analysis. By introducing time transformations with terminal time terms, [26] investigated the stability in a predefined time of the nonlinear uncertain system. With a new scale-free backstepping method, [28] solved the predefined-time mean-square stability as well as the inverse optimality issues of nonlinear stochastic systems. By designing a double time-varying gain, [29] presented a new predefined-time adaptive control method and solved the predefined-time control problems involved in triangular NTDSs having unknown parameters. Even so, there are few predefined-time control results of NTDSs except [29]. Particularly, as far as the authors know, no predefined-time control result has been published regarding the NTDSs with external disturbances and parameter uncertainty simultaneously, which inspired the present work.

    As is well known, it is a very difficult task to study nonlinear systems due to lack of an effective research tool. Recently, the Hamiltonian method, as an important nonlinear research tool, has received much attention in the academic community and has been used to solve succesfully a large number of nonlinear problems. In fact, one of the advantages of using the Hamiltonian function method is that the Hamiltonian function in a Hamiltonian system can be chosen as a candidate Lyapunov function, which effectively overcomes the difficulty of constructing Lyapunov functions. Moreover, several well-established techniques for the design of Hamiltonian systems are given in the literature [34,35,36]. Among them, the authors also develop many strategies to obtain their Hamiltonian forms for given nonlinear systems. These methods are presented so that one can easily convert the system under study into its Hamiltonian version. However, the fact that the powers of the Hamiltonian functions in the literature [9,14,37,38] are the same for each state implies that the results have greater limitations.

    In the paper, we investigate a general class of NTDSs with uncertain parameter and external disturbance, and propose several predefined-time H and adaptive robust control results by applying the Hamiltonian function method with different powers. Here are some of the main contributions of this paper: (1) Contrary to the available results of infinite-time control as well as finite-time control, our predefined-time controller is capable of ensuring the CLS converges to zero within any given predefined constant number, and its convergence time cannot be affected by the initial state, making the system behavior better determined. (2) In contrast with the previous NTDS control results using the Hamiltonian approach (with the same power Hamiltonian form), this paper develops several more general results with different power Hamiltonian function forms, implying that these results have broader applications. (3) Compared with the recent predefined-time control result on the delay system in [29] (considering only the triangular form and unknown parameter), this paper examines a general class of NTDSs subject to uncertainties and disturbances and designs its predefined-time H controller and adaptive robust controller by applying different power Hamiltonian forms. As expected, the results are more in line with reality.

    The remaining sections of the paper are listed below. In Section 2, we present several preliminaries. Section 3 gives our main findings, Section 4 illustrates a case of river pollution that supports our new result and Section 5 is the conclusion.

    Consider the system

    ˙x=f(t,x,x(th),ρ), (2.1)

    where f:R+×Rn×RnRn indicates a nonlinear function, xRn represents the system state, h>0 is the constant delay, ρ denotes an uncertain constant parameter with appropriate dimension, and t indicates time variable defined on [t0,), where t0R+{0}, x0=x(t0) is the initial condition.

    In some practical cases, it would be desirable if the system (2.1) could achieve its original point in a given time Ta, where Ta is a constant and can be defined beforehand.

    Assume that M(Rn) is a non-empty set. If any solution x(t,x0) reaches M in tt0+Ta, then the predefined time Ta gets defined.

    Lemma 2.1. Suppose that V(t,xt):=V is a continuous radial unbounded function with V(t,0)=0 such that

    ˙V1qTaexp(Vq)V1q,xM, (2.2)

    holds, then M is predefined-time attractive, where xt is a delay function segment defined as xt:=x(t+ϱ),ϱ[h,0] with h>0, the constant 0<q1 and Ta is the predefined time.

    Proof. From Eq (2.2), it is easy to obtain:

    V(t,xt)[ln(1tt0Ta+exp((Vx0)q))]1q. (2.3)

    To give the upper boundary of t, using V(t,0)=0, we can obtain

    tt0+Ta[1exp((Vx0)q)],x0Rn, (2.4)

    where Vx0 denotes the initial value of V. From Eq (2.4), and 0<exp((Vx0)q)1, we have

    tt0+Ta,x0Rn, (2.5)

    implying Ta is the predefined time. Therefore, it has been proved.

    Lemma 2.2. [39] For real matrices ϝa,ϝb and a positive real number τ, the following equation holds:

    ϝTaϝb+ϝTbϝaτϝTaϝa+τ1ϝTbϝb. (2.6)

    Lemma 2.3. [35] When a scalar function g(x) has continuous partial derivatives of order n and g(0)=0(xRn), then g(x) may be characterized as g(x)=l1(x)x1++ln(x)xn with li(x)(i=1,2,,n) also being scalar functions.

    Assuming k(x)(Rn) is a smooth function and k(0)=0, then k(x):=M(x)x=

    [l11(x)l12(x)l1n(x)l21(x)l22(x)l2n(x)ln1(x)ln2(x)lnn(x)][x1x2xn]. (2.7)

    Lemma 2.4. [13] For any given real number d1, the inequality holds:

    nd1d(ni=1|xi|)1dni=1|xi|1d(ni=1|xi|)1d. (2.8)

    Consider the following NTDS

    ˙x=[J(x)R(x)]xH(x)+T(x)˜xH(˜x)+g1(x)u+g2(x)ω, (3.1)

    where the state vector is x(t)(Ω), Ω represents the bounded convex neighborhood of the zero point inside the space Rn, inverse symmetric structure matrix J(x)(Rn×n) and positive definite symmetric matrix R(x)(Rn×n) are given, ˜x:=x(th), Hamiltonian function H(x) reaches its minimum when x=0 that is H(0)=0, the gradient vector of H(x) is denoted by TxH(x), T(x)Rn×n with T(0)=0, g1(x) and g2(x) are the weighted matrices, u represents system input, ω denotes outside disturbance, and φ(η) denotes a vector-valued initial value function. Moreover, assume that g1(x) has full column rank.

    To present several predefined-time control results on the Hamiltonian system (3.1), we assume that

    H(x)=ni=1(x2i)αi2αi1(αi>1,i=1,,n) (3.2)

    and y=gT1(x)xH(x) is the system output signal.

    Remark 3.1. Note that the Hamiltonian function of the present paper has different powers, which is different from the existing results on the Hamiltonian system [9,14,37,38]. It should be mentioned as well that we presume the Hamiltonian function takes the form (3.2) so as to get certain predefined-time control outcomes on the Hamiltonian system (3.1). Obviously, a real system cannot satisfy the form. For a specific system, we have the following methods to develop its Hamiltonian form: the orthogonal decomposition method [40], Hamiltonian functional method [40], the energy shaping approach [40], the vector field decomposition method [41] and so on. In this section, we only present a theory result. Once the theory result is obtained, then one can design a suitable controller and apply the energy shaping approach to convert the general form to the form (3.2). Please refer to Section 4 for more details.

    Assumption 3.1. The disturbance ω satisfies

    Λ={ωRq:μ2+0ωT(t)ω(t)dt1}, (3.3)

    where μ>0 is a given positive constant.

    For the purpose of analysis, the set Ω is selected in the following form:

    Ω:={x:αTjx1,j=1,2,,n}, (3.4)

    where αj(j=1,2,,n) are known constant vectors, which describe n edges of Ω.

    We begin by defining the predefined-time H stabilization issue.

    The predefined-time H stabilization is to: Design a controller u=a(x) so that the CLS is stable for a predefined time when ω disappears. Meanwhile, when ωΛ is not zero, the zero-state response (φ(η)=0, η[h,0]) meets

    t0z(s)2dsγ2t0ω(s)2ds,0<t<, (3.5)

    where positive constant γ represents the disturbance suppression level, while z denotes the penalty signal described by

    z=h(x)y=h(x)g1T(x)xH(x), (3.6)

    with the weighted matrix h(x) having the appropriate dimension.

    Now, the main results of our study are presented.

    Theorem 3.1. Considering the system (3.1) under Assumption 3.1, for Ta>0 and γ>0, if

    (1) constant matrices L<0, P>0 and constant numbers ϵ>0, 0<rγ2 exist, the following inequalities hold:

    2R(x)+ϵ1In+r1g2(x)g2T(x)1γ2g1(x)g1T(x)L, (3.7)
    2xTH(x)xH(x)PϵTT(x)T(x)0, (3.8)

    (2) real numbers s>0 and μ>0 exist and

    [2sδγ22μ2sαTjsαjIn]0,j=1,2,,n, (3.9)

    then a predefined-time H controller of the NTDS (3.1) could be constructed as follows:

    g1(x)u=1σTaΦ(x)xH(x)˜xTH(˜x)P˜xH(˜x)+g1(x)v, (3.10)
    v=12[hT(x)h(x)+1γ2Im]g1T(x)xH(x), (3.11)

    where δ:=max{c2αmin22αmin1,c2αmax22αmax1} with c:=max{x:xΩ}, σ:=W1αmax1αmin with H(x)W when xΩ, αmin represents the minimum value of αi, αmax represents the maximum value of αi, and Φ(x) is the predefined-time stabilizing function that follows

    Φ(x)=213αminαminαmin(2αmax1)2α2max(αmin1)exp[(2H(x))11αmin]xH(x). (3.12)

    Proof. To prove the system (3.1) is a predefined-time H stabilization, we first show (3.5) holds for ω0, and then prove its stability in a predefined time when ω disappears.

    The Lyapunov function is constructed in the following form:

    V(x)=2H(x). (3.13)

    Based on Lemma 2.2, one can derive


    Computing the derivative of V(x) and using xTH(x)J(x)xH(x)=0, one can obtain

    ˙V(x)2TxH(x)R(x)xH(x)+2TxH(x)T(x)˜xH(˜x)+2TxH(x)g1(x)u+2TxH(x)g2(x)ω2TxH(x)R(x)xH(x)+2TxH(x)T(x)˜xH(˜x)+2TxH(x)g1(x)u+rωTω+r1TxH(x)g2(x)gT2(x)xH(x)xTH(x)[2R(x)+r1g2(x)gT2(x)+ϵ1In]xH(x)+T˜xH(˜x)[2TxH(x)xH(x)P+ϵTT(x)T(x)]˜xH(˜x)2TxH(x)1σTaΦ(x)+2TxH(x)g1(x)v+rω2TxH(x)[2R(x)+ϵ1In+r1g2(x)gT2(x)1γ2g1(x)gT1(x)]xH(x)+T˜xH(˜x)[2TxH(x)xH(x)P+ϵTT(x)T(x)]˜xH(˜x)2TxH(x)1σTaΦ(x)z2+rω2212αminαminσTaαmin(2αmax1)2α2max(αmin1)exp[(2H(x))11αmin]TxH(x)xH(x)z2+rω2. (3.14)

    Noting that 2αi2αi1=1112αi is a decreasing function, we have

    xTH(x)xH(x)=ni=1(2αi2αi1)2(x2i)12αi1(2αmax2αmax1)2ni=1(x2i)12αi1. (3.15)

    Next, when xΩ, let H(x)W. Since H(x)W, we can obtain that 1Wni=1(xi)2αi2αi1<1. From that and Lemma 2.4, we get

    ni=1(2αi2αi1)2(x2i)12αi1(2αmax2αmax1)2ni=1(x2i)12αi1=(2αmax2αmax1)2ni=1[(x2i)αi2αi1]1αi(2αmax2αmax1)2[ni=1(xi)2αi2αi1]1αi=(2αmax2αmax1)2W1αi[1Wni=1(xi)2αi2αi1]1αi(2αmax2αmax1)2W1αi[1Wni=1(xi)2αi2αi1]1αmin=(2αmax2αmax1)2W1αi1αmin(H(x))1αmin. (3.16)

    Note that the monotonicity of W1αi1αmin is related to the value range of W. When 0<W1, W1αi1αmin is an increasing function of αi, then W1αi1αminW1αmin1αmin=1 and if W>1, W1αi1αmin is a decreasing function on αi, we have W1αi1αminW1αmax1αmin. Combining these two cases, we have W1αi1αminmin{1,W1αmax1αmin}=W1αmax1αmin:=σ with σ being a positive constant. Substituting it into Eq (3.16), we have ni=1(2αi2αi1)2(x2i)12αi1σ(2αmax2αmax1)2(H(x))1αmin, namely,

    TxH(x)xH(x)σ(2αmax2αmax1)2(H(x))1αmin. (3.17)

    Substituting (3.17) into (3.14), one can get

    ˙V(x)αminTa(αmin1)exp[(2H(x))11αmin](2H(x))1αminz2+rω2. (3.18)

    Now, we prove (3.5) holds.

    By letting Γ(t,x)=V(x)+t0(z(s)2γ2ω(s)2)ds, we next indicate that Γ(t,x)0.

    Noting that rγ2, we obtain

    ˙Γ(t,x)=˙V(x)+z2γ2ω2αminTa(αmin1)exp[(2H(x))11αmin](2H(x))1αminz2+rω2+z2γ2ω2(rγ2)ω20. (3.19)

    Using the condition of zero-state response and integrating (3.19) over 0 and t result in

    V(x)+t0(z(s)2γ2ω(s)2)ds0. (3.20)

    Since V(x)0, one obtains

    t0z2dsγ2t0ω(s)2)ds. (3.21)

    In addition, noting that αi2αi1<1 and xTx=ni=1(xi)2, we have xTx=c2ni=1(xic)2c2ni=1[(xic)2]αi2αi1=c2c2αi2αi1ni=1(x2i)αi2αi1=c2αi22αi1H(x) holds on Ω.

    The monotonicity of c2αi22αi1 is related to the value range of c. When 0<c1, c2αi22αi1 is a decreasing function of αi, then c2αi22αi1c2αmin22αmin1 and if c>1, c2αi22αi1 is an increasing function of αi, we have c2αi22αi1c2αmax22αmax1. Combining these two equations, we can reach the conclusion that c2αi22αi1max{c2αmin22αmin1,c2αmax22αmax1}:=δ, from which we have xTxδH(x).

    Noting Assumption 3.1 and (3.20), we have xTxδH(x)=12δV(t,x)δγ22T0w(s)2dsδγ22μ2, namely, x2δγ22μ2.

    Afterward, it is shown that x(t)Ω holds when t>0, φ=0, ωΛ. With (3.4), it must be demonstrated that

    xTxδγ22μ20, s.t. 22αTjx0(j=1,,n). (3.22)

    From [42], we have

    ζT[2sδγ22μ2sαTjsαjIn]ζ0(j=1,2,,n), (3.23)

    which indicates that (3.9) holds with free scalar s>0 introduced by the S-procedure and ζ=[1,xT]T.

    Thus, we conclude that x(t) remains in Ω for all t>0, φ=0, ωΛ.

    Next, we demonstrate the stability in a predefined time for the CLS (3.1) when ω disappears.

    Noting (3.18), we get

    ˙V(x)αminTa(αmin1)exp[(2H(x))11αmin](2H(x))1αminz2αminTa(αmin1)exp[(2H(x))11αmin](2H(x))1αmin=αminTa(αmin1)exp[V11αmin]V1αmin. (3.24)

    It implies Lemma 2.1 holds. Thus, it has been proved.

    In Theorem 3.1, the controller (3.10) contains the delay term. Next, we present a controller without containing the delay term for the NTDS (3.1).

    Theorem 3.2. Consider the NTDS (3.1) under Assumption 3.1. For the presented Ta>0 and γ>0, if

    (1) constant matrices L<0,P>0 and constant numbers ϵ>0, r>0 exist such that e(hλmax{P})χ2rγ2,

    2H(x)P2R(x)+ϵ1In+r1g2(x)gT2(x)1γ2g1(x)gT1(x)L<0, (3.25)
    ϵTT(x)T(x)+2H(x)P0, (3.26)

    (2) real numbers s>0 and μ>0 exist, and

    [2sδγ22μ2sαTjsαjIn]0,j=1,2,,n, (3.27)

    where δ:=max{χ2αmin22αmin1,χ2αmax22αmax1} with χ:=max{xt:xΩ}, then a predefined-time H controller of the NTDS (3.1) could be constructed as follows:

    g1(x)u=1σTaΦ(x)+g1(x)v, (3.28)
    v=12[hT(x)h(x)+1γ2Im]gT1(x)xH(x), (3.29)

    where σ:=W1αmax1αmin with H(x)W when xΩ, αmin and αmax are similar to these in Theorem 3.1, and Φ(x) is the predefined-time stabilizing function that follows

    Φ(x)=213αminαminαmin(2αmax1)2α2max(αmin1)G(t)1αminαminexp[(2G(t)H(x))11αmin]xH(x) (3.30)

    and G(t):=etthTxH(x(s))PxH(x(s))ds.

    Proof. To prove the system (3.1) has predefined-time H stability, we first show

    t0z2dsγ2t0ω(s)2)ds (3.31)

    holds for ω0.

    Construct the Lyapunov function as:

    V(t,xt)=2etthTxH(x(s))PxH(x(s))dsH(x):=2G(t)H(x). (3.32)

    Computing the derivative of V(t,xt) and using TxH(x)J(x)xH(x)=0, one can obtain

    ˙V(t,xt)G(t)[2TxH(x)H(x)PxH(x)2T˜xH(˜x)H(x)P˜xH(˜x)2TxH(x)R(x)xH(x)+2TxH(x)T(x)˜xH(˜x)+2TxH(x)g1(x)u+rωTω+r1TxH(x)g2(x)g2T(x)xH(x)]G(t)[xTH(x)[2H(x)P2R(x)+ϵ1In+r1g2(x)g2T(x)]xH(x)˜xTH(˜x)[2H(x)PϵTT(x)T(x)]˜xH(˜x)2TxH(x)1σTaΦ(x)+2xTH(x)g1(x)v+rω2]=G(t)[xTH(x)[2H(x)P2R(x)+ϵ1In+r1g2(x)g2T(x)1γ2g1(x)g1T(x)]xH(x)+˜xTH(˜x)[2H(x)P+ϵTT(x)T(x)]˜xH(˜x)2TxH(x)1σTaΦ(x)z2+rω2]212αminαminσTaαmin(2αmax1)2α2max(αmin1)G(t)1αminexp[(2G(t)H(x))11αmin]xTH(x)xH(x)G(t)z2+G(t)rω2. (3.33)

    From that and using (3.17), one obtains

    ˙V(t,xt)αminTa(αmin1)exp[(2G(t)H(x))11αmin](2G(t)H(x))1αminG(t)z2+G(t)rω2. (3.34)

    Now, we prove (3.5) holds. Do so by letting Γ1(t,x)=V(t,xt)+t0(z(s)2γ2ω(s)2)ds. We next indicate that Γ1(t,x)0.

    Assuming that xtχ, it follows that G(t)e(hλmax{P})χ2. Substituting ˙V(t,xt) into ˙Γ1(t,x), and noting that e(hλmax{P})χ2rγ2,G(t)1, one gets

    ˙Γ1(t,x)=˙V(t,xt)+z2γ2ω2αminTa(αmin1)exp[(2G(t)H(x))11αmin](2G(t)H(x))1αminG(t)z2+G(t)rω2+z2γ2ω2(G(t)1)z2+(e(hλmax{P})χ2rγ2)ω20. (3.35)

    The condition of zero-state response and the integration of ˙Γ1(t,x) over 0 and t result in

    V(t,xt)+t0(z(s)2γ2ω(s)2)ds0, (3.36)

    and under V(t,xt)0, one obtains

    t0z2dsγ2t0ω(s)2)ds. (3.37)

    Using αi2αi1<1 as well as xTx=ni=1(xi)2, we have xTx=χ2ni=1(xiχ)2χ2ni=1[(xiχ)2]αi2αi1=χ2χ2αi2αi1ni=1(x2i)αi2αi1=χ2αi22αi1H(x) holds on Ω.

    The monotonicity of χ2αi22αi1 is related to the value range of χ. When 0<χ1, χ2αi22αi1 is a decreasing function, then χ2αi22αi1χ2αmin22αmin1 and if χ>1, χ2αi22αi1 is an increasing function, we have χ2αi22αi1χ2αmax22αmax1. Combining these two equations, we can conclude that χ2αi22αi1max{χ2αmin22αmin1,χ2αmax22αmax1}:=δ, from which we have xTxδH(x).

    Noting Assumption 3.1, Eq (3.36) and G(t)1, one has xTxδH(x)G(t)δH(x)=12δV(t,xt)δγ22T0ω(s)2dsδγ22μ2, namely, x2δγ22μ2.

    Afterward, it is shown that x(t)Ω holds when t>0, φ=0, ωΛ. With (3.4), it must be demonstrated that

    xTxδγ22μ20, s.t. 22αTjx0(j=1,,n). (3.38)

    From [42], we have

    ξT[2sδγ22μ2sαTjsαjIn]ξ0(j=1,2,,n), (3.39)

    which indicates that (3.27) holds with free scalar s>0 introduced by the S-procedure and ξ=[1,xT]T. Thus, we conclude that x(t) remains in Ω when all t>0, φ=0, ωΛ.

    As the remainder of the proof is similar to Theorem 3.1, it is omitted.

    Now, we present an adaptive robust stabilization result with external disturbance and uncertainty.

    Consider the NTDS

    ˙x=[J(x,p)R(x,p)]xH1(x,p)+T(x)˜xH1(˜x)+g1(x)u+g2(x)ω, (3.40)

    where p represents constant bounded uncertainty, inverse symmetric structure matrix J(x,p) and symmetric matrix R(x,p) are given, J(x,0)=J(x), R(x,0)=R(x), J(x,p)=J(x)+ΔJ(x,p), R(x,p)=R(x)+ΔR(x,p), Hamiltonian function H1(x), which is smooth, reaches its minimum when x=0 that is H1(0)=0, H1(x,0)=H1(x), xH1(x,p)=xH1(x)+ΔH1(x,p), uRm1 represents system input, ωRq indicates the external interference satisfying 0ωT(t)ω(t)dt<, and φ(η) denotes a vector-valued initial value function. Moreover, assume that g1(x) has full column rank.

    Assumption 3.2. [14,43,44,45] Assume ϕ(x) satisfies

    [J(x,p)R(x,p)]ΔH1(x,p)=g1(x)ϕT(x)θ (3.41)

    for xΩ, where θRm2 indicates the constant vector determined by the uncertain parameter p and assume the constant k>0 exists such that θk.

    Under Assumption 3.2, noting that J(x,p)=J(x)+ΔJ(x,p), R(x,p)=R(x)+ΔR(x,p), the system (3.40) can be transformed into:

    ˙x(t)=[J(x)R(x)]xH1(x)+T(x)˜xH1(˜x)+g1(x)u+g2(x)ω+g1(x)ϕT(x)θ+G(x,p), (3.42)

    where G(x,p):=[J(x,p)R(x,p)]xH1(x).

    Based on the NTDS (3.40) and Lemma 2.3, we can easily know that matrix M(x)Rn×n as well as positive constant ϖ exist such that xH1(x)=M(x)x, and

    G(x,p)2ϖx2,xΩ, (3.43)


    ϖ=:λmax{MT(x)[ΔJ(x,p)ΔR(x,p)]T[ΔJ(x,p)ΔR(x,p)]M(x)}. (3.44)

    To investigate the predefined-time stabilizing issue, we need to convert the Hamiltonian function H1(x) into:

    H(x)=ni=1(x2i)αi2αi1(αi>1,i=1,,n). (3.45)

    To do this, the controller u is designed as

    g1(x)u=[J(x)R(x)]xH2(x)+T(x)˜xH2(˜x)+[ιInT(x)]˜xH(˜x)+g1(x)v, (3.46)

    where v represents a new input, ι>0, and ι2=dH(x) with d being a positive constant, H2(x):=H(x)H1(x),v=v1+v2 with v1 and v2 being determined later.

    Substituting (3.46) into (3.42), system (3.42) is expressed as

    ˙x(t)=[J(x)R(x)]xH(x)+ιIn˜xH(˜x)+g1(x)v+g2(x)ω+g1(x)ϕT(x)θ+G(x,p). (3.47)

    Consider the system (3.47), set γ>0 as disturbance suppression level, and choose penalty signal z=h(x)gT1(x)xH(x), where h(x) denotes the weight matrix of the appropriate dimension.

    Theorem 3.3. Consider the NTDS (3.40) under Assumptions 3.1 and 3.2. For the presented Ta>0 and γ>0, if

    (1) constant matrices L, P>0, Q12k2In and constant numbers r>0, b>0 exist such that e(hλmax{P})a2rγ2,

    2H(x)P2R(x)+r1g2(x)g2T(x)1γ2g1(x)g1T(x)+2In+ϖNT(x)N(x)L<b1In, (3.48)
    2H(x)Pι2In0, (3.49)
    TxH(x)xH(x)bϕ(x)gT1(x)g1(x)ϕT(x)0, (3.50)

    where k>0, ϖ and ι are given in Assumption 3.2, (3.44) and (3.46), respectively, N(x):=Diag{(2α112α1)x2α122α111,(2α212α2)x2α222α212,,(2αn12αn)x2αn22αn1n}, and

    (2) real numbers s>0 and μ>0 exist, and

    [2sδγ22μ2sαTjsαjIn]0,j=1,2,,n, (3.51)

    where δ:=max{a2αmin22αmin1,a2αmax22αmax1} with a:=max{xt:xΩ}, then a predefined-time adaptive robust controller of the NTDS (3.47) could be constructed as

    g1(x)v1=1σTaΦ(x), (3.52)
    g1(x)v2=12g1(x)[hT(x)h(x)+1γ2Im]g1T(x)xH(x)QxH(x), (3.53)

    where σ:=min{1,W1αmax1αmin} with H(x)W when xΩ, αmin and αmax are similar to these in Theorem 3.1, and Φ(x) is given in (3.30).

    Proof. V(t,xt) is set as follows:

    V(t,xt)=2etthTxH(x(s))PxH(x(s))dsH(x):=2G(t)H(x). (3.54)

    When we compute the derivative of V(t,xt) and use xTH(x)J(x)xH(x)=0, one can obtain

    ˙V(t,xt)G(t)[2TxH(x)H(x)PxH(x)2T˜xH(˜x)H(x)P˜xH(˜x)2TxH(x)RxH(x)+TxH(x)xH(x)+ι2T˜xH(˜x)˜xH(˜x)2TxH(x)1σTaΦ(x)z21γ2TxH(x)g1(x)gT1(x)xH(x)+r1TxH(x)g2(x)gT2(x)xH(x)+rωTω+TxH(x)xH(x)+GT(x,p)G(x,p)+2TxH(x)g1(x)ϕT(x)θ2TxH(x)QxH(x)]. (3.55)

    There exists a matrix N(x):=Diag{(2α112α1)x2α122α111,(2α212α2)x2α222α212,,(2αn12αn)x2αn22αn1n} such that x:=N(x)xH(x) holds, and using (3.43), one can get

    GT(x,p)G(x,p)ϖxTx:=ϖxTH(x)NT(x)N(x)xH(x). (3.56)

    Substituting (3.56) and (3.17) into (3.55), we have

    ˙V(t,xt)G(t)[TxH(x)LxH(x)z2T˜xH(˜x)[2H(x)Pι2In]˜xH(˜x)2TxH(x)1σTaΦ(x)+rωTω+2TxH(x)g1(x)ϕT(x)θ2TxH(x)QxH(x)]G(t)TxH(x)LxH(x)212αminαminσTaαmin(2αmax1)2α2max(αmin1)G(t)1αminexp[(2G(t)H(x))11αmin]×TxH(x)xH(x)G(t)z2+G(t)rω2+2G(t)TxH(x)g1(x)ϕT(x)θ2G(t)TxH(x)QxH(x)αminTa(αmin1)exp[(2G(t)H(x))11αmin](2G(t)H(x))1αmin+G(t)TxH(x)LxH(x)G(t)z2+G(t)rω2+2G(t)TxH(x)g1(x)ϕT(x)θ2G(t)TxH(x)QxH(x). (3.57)

    Noting that θ2k2 and Q12k2In, one can obtain that 2Qk2InθTθIn, which is

    2TxH(x)QxH(x)θTTxH(x)xH(x)θ. (3.58)

    Substituting (3.58) into (3.57), and noting (3.48) and (3.50), one can get

    ˙V(t,xt)αminTa(αmin1)exp[(2G(t)H(x))11αmin](2G(t)H(x))1αmin+G(t)[TxH(x)LxH(x)+2TxH(x)g1(x)ϕT(x)θθTTxH(x)xH(x)θ]G(t)z2+G(t)rω2αminTa(αmin1)exp[(2G(t)H(x))11αmin](2G(t)H(x))1αmin+G(t)[TxH(x)[L+b1In]xH(x)θT[TxH(x)xH(x)bϕ(x)gT1(x)g1(x)ϕT(x)]θ]G(t)z2+G(t)rω2αminTa(αmin1)exp[(2G(t)H(x))11αmin](2G(t)H(x))1αminG(t)z2+G(t)rω2. (3.59)

    First, we prove (3.5) holds by letting D(t,x)=V(t,xt)+t0(z(s)2γ2ω(s)2)ds. Then we indicate that D(t,x)0.

    Substituting (3.59) into ˙D(t,x), we get

    ˙D(t,x)=˙V(t,xt)+z2γ2ω2αminTa(αmin1)exp[(2G(t)H(x))11αmin](2G(t)H(x))1αmin+(G(t)rγ2)ω2+(G(t)+1)z2. (3.60)

    Assuming that xta, it follows that G(t) e(hλmax{P})a2, from which we obtain ˙D(t,x) αminTa(αmin1)exp[(2G(t)H(x))11αmin](2G(t)H(x))1αmin+(e(hλmax{P})a2rγ2)ω2+(G(t)+1)z2.

    Noting that e(hλmax{P})a2rγ2 and G(t)1, one gets

    ˙D(t,x)αminTa(αmin1)exp[(2G(t)H(x))11αmin](2G(t)H(x))1αmin<0. (3.61)

    The condition of zero-state response and the integration of ˙D(t,x) over 0 and t result in

    V(t,xt)+t0(z(s)2γ2ω(s)2)ds0, (3.62)

    and with V(t,xt)0, we get

    t0z2dsγ2t0ω(s)2)ds. (3.63)

    Furthermore, using αi2αi1<1 and xTx=ni=1(xi)2, it is easy to obtain that xTx=a2ni=1(xia)2a2ni=1[(xia)2]αi2αi1=a2a2αi2αi1ni=1(x2i)αi2αi1=a2αi22αi1H(x) holds on Ω.

    Similar to Theorem 3.1, we can get xTxδH(x).

    Noting Assumption 3.1 and Eq (3.62), we have xTxδH(x)G(t)δH(x)=12δV(t,xt)δγ22×T0ω(s)2dsδγ22μ2, namely, x2δγ22μ2.

    Afterward, it is shown that x(t)Ω holds when t>0, φ=0, ωΛ. With (3.4), it must be demonstrated that

    xTxδγ22μ20, s.t. 22αTjx0(j=1,,n). (3.64)

    From [42], we have

    ςT[2sδγ22μ2sαTjsαjIn]ς0(j=1,2,,n), (3.65)

    which indicates that (3.64) holds with free scalar s>0 introduced by the S-procedure and ζ=[1,xT]T. Thus, we conclude that x(t) remains in Ω for all t>0, φ=0, ωΛ.

    Next, we demonstrate the stability in the predefined time for the NTDS (3.47) when ω disappears.

    Noting (3.59), one obtains

    ˙V(t,xt)αminTa(αmin1)exp[(2G(t)H(x))11αmin](2G(t)H(x))1αminG(t)z2αminTa(αmin1)exp[(2G(t)H(x))11αmin](2G(t)H(x))1αmin=αminTa(αmin1)exp[V11αmin]V1αmin, (3.66)

    which implies that Lemma 2.1 holds when ω=0. Thus, it has been proved.

    Take into account the following pollution control system with the single delay for rivers [46,47]:

    ˙x=(A0+ΔA0(t))x+(A1+ΔA1(t))˜x+Bu(t)+ˉω(t), (4.1)

    where A1=β0η2I2, ΔA1(t)=Δβη2I2, B=Diag{η1,1}, A0=[k10η1η20k30k20η1η2],ΔA0(t)=[Δk1(t)0Δk3(t)Δk2(t)].

    From Ref. [47], we are aware that A0(t)=BΨ(t), ˉω(t)=Bω(t) and constants ρi(i=1,2)>0, where Ψ(t)ρ1,ω(t)ρ2. Ref. [46] explains the physical meaning of the above parameters (for more details, please see Ref. [46]). Furthermore, assume that x=[x1,x2]TΩ={(x1,x2):|x1|2.5,|x2|2.5} and A0(t)=[p0pp].

    First, the Hamiltonian form of system (4.1) is expressed as follows:

    ˙x=(JR)xHa(x)+T˜xHa(˜x)+g1u(t)+g2ω(t)+ΔA0(t)x, (4.2)

    where Ha(x)=0.5(x21+x22), T=A1+A1(t), g1=g2=B and JR=:A0. Besides, since G(x,p)=0, we can easily see that (3.43) holds on Ω with ϖ=0.

    In the following, we can obtain

    A0(t)x=[x1,x1+x2]Tp=B[1η1x1,x1+x2]Tp=g1(x)ϕT(x)θ, (4.3)

    where θ=p and ϕ(x)=[1η1x1,x1+x2]. Substituting (4.3) into (4.2), one gets

    ˙x=[JR]xHa(x)+T˜xHa(˜x)+g1(x)u+g1(x)ω+g1(x)ϕT(x)θ. (4.4)

    Next, design the controller in the following manner:

    g1(x)u=[JR]xHb(x)+T˜xHb(˜x)+[ιInT]˜xH(˜x)+g1(x)v, (4.5)

    where v represents a new input, ι:=(dH(x))12=(0.0001H(x))12, and Hb(x):=H(x)Ha(x) with H(x)=x431+x652(α1=2,α2=3). Noting that H(x)W when xΩ and selecting W=8, one can obtain σ:=min{1,W1αmax1αmin}=22. As a result, the system (4.4) can be expressed as follows:

    ˙x=[JR]xH(x)+ιIn˜xH(˜x)+g1(x)v+g1(x)ω+g1(x)ϕT(x)θ. (4.6)

    In addition, set γ=0.19 as disturbance suppression level, and choose penalty signal z=h(x)gT1xH(x)=4η13x131+65x152, where h(x)=[1,1] denotes the weight matrix of the appropriate dimension.

    Now, we demonstrate that all conditions of Theorem 3.3 hold for the system by choosing k10=19, k20=5, k30=10, β0=0.6, β=0.02, η1=0.3, η2=0.7, and then we can obtain J(x)=[0550],R(x)=[20556], T=0.434I2.

    Meanwhile, set the parameters as follows: Ta=0.1s and 0.05s, respectively, k=4, b=0.1661, r=0.035, P=0.15I2, Q=10I2. From x:=N(x)xH(x), we have N=Diag{34x231,56x452}. Then, condition (1) holds for 0<h<0.5.

    Selecting αj=0.1(j=1,2), s=10 and μ=0.06, the equations αj|xj|1 and (3.51) are valid. It follows that condition (2) of Theorem 3.3 holds.

    For this system, Theorem 3.3 is fulfilled when 0<h<0.5. Based on Theorem 3.3, we design a adaptive robust controller in the predefined time for the system (4.2) as

    [u1=139.0735x1310.6x152+66.6667x11.4467˜x1+0.0444(x431+x652)˜x1316.1728x131Taexp(0.1333x231+0.108x252)×exp((2x431+2x652)exp(0.1333x231+0.108x252)),u2=13.5333x13136.4205x152+10x1+6x20.434˜x2+0.012(x431+x652)˜x1521.6667x152Taexp(0.1333x231+0.108x252)×exp((2x431+2x652)exp(0.1333x231+0.108x252))]. (4.7)

    Choose h=0.5 and p=0.5. To assess how robust the controller (4.7) is against disturbances from outside, a disturbance with magnitude [120,120]T is introduced into our system in the time interval [0.01s0.03s]. Figures 14 are the simulation results.

    Figure 1.  The behavior of x within predefined-time Ta = 0.05s.
    Figure 2.  The behavior of x within predefined-time Ta = 0.1s.
    Figure 3.  The behavior of x in an infinite-time controller.
    Figure 4.  The behavior of x in a finite-time controller.

    Applying the predefined-time adaptive robust controller (4.7) to the system (4.2) with φ=(1.9,0.5), Ta=0.05s and Ta=0.1s, the simulation outcomes can be seen in Figure 1 as well as 2, and the behaviors of the corresponding control inputs are shown in Figures 5 and 6, indicating the system converges to zero within 0.05s and 0.1s. In addition, when the infinite-time controller designed in [34] is applied to the system (4.6) with the same initial conditions and disturbance, the result is shown in Figure 3, and the behavior of the corresponding control inputs is shown in Figure 7, and it is obvious that the system states converge to zero in 0.35s.

    Figure 5.  The behavior of u within predefined-time Ta = 0.05s.
    Figure 6.  The behavior of u within predefined-time Ta = 0.1s.
    Figure 7.  The behavior of u in an infinite-time controller.

    In addition, we also give a comparison with the finite-time controller from [14] with the same initial conditions and disturbance, Figure 4 illustrates the simulation result, and Figure 8 shows the behavior of the corresponding control inputs. According to Figure 4, the states stabilize within 0.15s.

    Figure 8.  The behavior of u in a finite-time controller.

    Comparing Figures 1 and 2, Figures 3 and 4, the predefined-time, infinite-time and finite-time control schemes were applied to the same system (4.6) under the same initial conditions, the same applied perturbations and the same parameters, respectively, and the comparison results are shown in Table 1. Through Table 1, we can find that the system converges faster under predefined-time control. Moreover, under the same disturbances, the CLS with the above-mentioned predefined-time controller has a smaller amplitude and returns to equilibrium rapidly after the perturbation ends. Consequently, the controller presented in this paper is shown that is very effective for robust stabilization calming.

    Table 1.  Comparison results of predefined time, finite time and infinite time control schemes.
    Total system convergence time Convergence time of the system after the disappearance of the disturbance System amplitude after adding the same disturbance
    Predefined-time control with T=0.05s 0.039s 0.009s 0.6
    Predifined-time control with T=0.1s 0.045s 0.015s 0.8
    Finite-time control 0.1s 0.07s 1.55
    Infinite-time control 0.31s 0.28s 1.58

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    Throughout the work, we have studied the predefined-time control problem for NTDSs based on the Hamiltonian function approach. By choosing a suitable Hamiltonian form of different powers and constructing appropriate Lyapunov functions, we have presented two corresponding predefined-time control results, namely, H control and adaptive robust control ones, which have guaranteed the systems to be quickly calibrated in a predefined time and have shortened the calibration time and improved the control accuracy. The simulation results have indicated that the predefined-time adaptive robust scheme presented here has quicker convergence and greater robustness over existing infinite-time and finite-time control schemes. Moreover, unlike the results of existing Hamiltonian systems (where the powers are the same), this paper uses a more realistic form of different power Hamiltonian functions, implying its wider application.

    The authors declare they have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.

    This article received support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (G61773015), the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (ZR2023MF019), the Research Leader Studio of Jinan (202228119).

    All the authors declare no conflict of interest.

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