Research article

Non-Lipschitz heterogeneous reaction with a p-Laplacian operator

  • Received: 19 August 2021 Accepted: 26 November 2021 Published: 30 November 2021
  • MSC : 35K55, 35K57, 35K92

  • The intention along this work is to provide analytical approaches for a degenerate parabolic equation formulated with a p-Laplacian operator and heterogeneous non-Lipschitz reaction. Firstly, some results are discussed and presented in relation with uniqueness, existence and regularity of solutions. Due to the degenerate diffusivity induced by the p-Laplacian operator (specially when $ \nabla u = 0 $, or close zero), solutions are studied in a weak sense upon definition of an appropriate test function. The p-Laplacian operator is positive for positive solutions. This positivity condition is employed to show the regularity results along propagation. Afterwards, profiles of solutions are explored specially to characterize the propagating front that exhibits the property known as finite propagation speed. Finally, conditions are shown to the loss of compact support and, hence, to the existence of blow up phenomena in finite time.

    Citation: José L. Díaz. Non-Lipschitz heterogeneous reaction with a p-Laplacian operator[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(3): 3395-3417. doi: 10.3934/math.2022189

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  • The intention along this work is to provide analytical approaches for a degenerate parabolic equation formulated with a p-Laplacian operator and heterogeneous non-Lipschitz reaction. Firstly, some results are discussed and presented in relation with uniqueness, existence and regularity of solutions. Due to the degenerate diffusivity induced by the p-Laplacian operator (specially when $ \nabla u = 0 $, or close zero), solutions are studied in a weak sense upon definition of an appropriate test function. The p-Laplacian operator is positive for positive solutions. This positivity condition is employed to show the regularity results along propagation. Afterwards, profiles of solutions are explored specially to characterize the propagating front that exhibits the property known as finite propagation speed. Finally, conditions are shown to the loss of compact support and, hence, to the existence of blow up phenomena in finite time.


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