Research article Special Issues

The dynamics of a stochastic SEI model with standard incidence and infectivity in incubation period

  • Received: 19 June 2022 Revised: 31 July 2022 Accepted: 08 August 2022 Published: 11 August 2022
  • MSC : 34D05, 60H10

  • This paper focuses on the long time dynamics for a class stochastic SEI model with standard incidence and infectivity in incubation period. Firstly, we investigate a unique global positive solution almost surely for any positive initial value. Secondly, we obtain a unique stationary measure and the extinction condition of the epidemic based on the technique of Lyapunov function and inequalities. Thirdly, we explore the asymptotic behavior of the solutions around equilibriums of the corresponding deterministic model from different aspects. Finally, we establish some numerical simulations to illustrate the main presented results.

    Citation: Ping Zhu, Yongchang Wei. The dynamics of a stochastic SEI model with standard incidence and infectivity in incubation period[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(10): 18218-18238. doi: 10.3934/math.20221002

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