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Research article

Ulam-Hyers stabilities of fractional functional differential equations

  • Received: 12 October 2019 Accepted: 17 January 2020 Published: 20 January 2020
  • MSC : 26A33, 34A08, 34K37, 34K20

  • From the first results on Ulam-Hyers stability, what has been noted is the exponential growth of the researchers dedicated to investigating Ulam-Hyers stability of fractional differential equation solutions whether they are functional, evolution, impulsive, among others. However, some issues and problems still need to be addressed. An intensifying problem is the small amount of work on Ulam-Hyers stability of solutions of fractional functional differential equations through more general fractional operators. In this sense, in this paper, we present a study on the Ulam-Hyers and UlamHyers-Rassias stabilities of the solution of the fractional functional differential equation using the Banach fixed point theorem.

    Citation: J. Vanterler da C. Sousa, E. Capelas de Oliveira, F. G. Rodrigues. Ulam-Hyers stabilities of fractional functional differential equations[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2020, 5(2): 1346-1358. doi: 10.3934/math.2020092

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  • From the first results on Ulam-Hyers stability, what has been noted is the exponential growth of the researchers dedicated to investigating Ulam-Hyers stability of fractional differential equation solutions whether they are functional, evolution, impulsive, among others. However, some issues and problems still need to be addressed. An intensifying problem is the small amount of work on Ulam-Hyers stability of solutions of fractional functional differential equations through more general fractional operators. In this sense, in this paper, we present a study on the Ulam-Hyers and UlamHyers-Rassias stabilities of the solution of the fractional functional differential equation using the Banach fixed point theorem.

    From an exchange of questions and answers between Ulam and Hyers, the research on the stability of solutions of functional differential equations was started several years ago [12,44]. More precisely, Ulam raised the following question: Let H1 and H2 be a group and a metric group endowed with the metric d(,), respectively. Given ε>0, does there exists a δ>0 such that if the function f:H1H2 satisfies the following inequality d(f(x,y),f(x)f(y))<δ, x,yH1, then there exists a homeomorphism F:H1H2 with d(f(x),F(x))<ε, xH1? And so Hyers, presents his answer, in the case where H1 and H2 are Banach spaces [44]. Since then, a significant number of researchers have devoted themselves to developing their research which address stability and many important works have been published not only on functional differential equations, but also other types of equations [15,16,17,18,32].

    On the other hand, with the expansion of the fractional calculus and the number of researchers investigating more and more problems involving the stability of solutions of fractional functional differential equations, specially in Banach spaces, this field started to gain more attention [2,3,4,39]. In addition, not only stability has been the subject of study, but investigating the existence and uniqueness, as well as the controllability of solutions of fractional differential equations, has called, and still call, a lot of attention over the years [5,11,14,20,21,22,23,26,30].

    In 2012 Zhao et al. [49], investigated the existence of positive solutions of the fractional functional differential equation introduced by means of the Caputo fractional derivative and using the Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem. In this paper, the results obtained on the existence of positive solutions for the fractional functional differential equation improves and generalize the existing results. There are numerous works on the existence and uniqueness of fractional functional differential equations, both locally and globally in the Hilbert, Banach and Fréchet spaces. For better reading we suggest the works [7,9,25,47].

    In the middle of 2017, Abbas et al. [4], investigated the existence of Ulam-Hyers and Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stabilities of the random solution of the fractional functional differential equation of the Hilfer and Hilfer-Hadamard type by means of fixed point theorems. Abbas et al. [2], also investigated the Ulam stability of functional partial differential equations through Picard's operator theory and provided some examples. Further work on stability of fractional functional differential equations and even functional integral equation can be found in the following works [1,8,13,45]. The stability study is broad and there are other types of stability in which we will not discuss in this paper, but in the paper of Stamova and Stamov [40], they perform a system stability analysis of fractional functional differential equations using the Lyapunov method and the principle of comparison.

    In addition, it is worth mentioning the work done in 2019 by Liu et al., on Ulam–Hyers–Mittag-Leffler stability for ψ-Hilfer fractional-order delay differential equations using Picard's method and Gronwall inequality [27]. On the other hand, the theory of fractional differential equations with almost sectorial operators has been investigated over the years and results on the existence, uniqueness, stability and attractivity of mild solutions are the subject of study by many researchers [6,50,51]. This shows that research in the field of fractional differential equations over the years has been construed and some important and were interesting results are obtained [24,29,35,36]. Another significant result in this field of study, is the investigation of approximate controllability of mild solutions in Banach space using the Banach principle technique [28,48].

    Since the theory about the Ulam-Hyers stability of functional differential equations is in wide growth, and the number of papers on this matter is, in our opinion, still small, one of the objectives for the realization of this paper is to provide an investigation of the fractional differential equation Eq. (1.1), in order to be a good research material in this matter.

    Consider the delay fractional differential equation of the form

    HDυ,ζ;ψt0+y(t)=F(t,y(t),y(ta)) (1.1)

    where HDυ,ζ;ψt0+() is the ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative with 0<υ1, 0ζ1, F:R3R is a bounded and continuous function, a>0 is a real constant and t>a.

    Motivated by the works [31,41,42], in this paper, we have as main purpose to investigate the Ulam-Hyers and Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stabilities of the fractional functional differential equation Eq. (1.1) by means of Banach fixed point theorem.

    This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we present as preliminaries the continuous functions and the weighted function space, in order to introduce the ψ- Riemann-Liouville fractional integral and the ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative. In this sense, we present the concepts of Ulam-Hyers and Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stabilities, as well as Banach fixed point theorem, which is fundamental for obtaining the main results. In Section 3, we present the first result of this paper, the Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stability by means of Banach fixed point theorem. In Section 4, again by means of Banach fixed point theorem, we present the second result of this paper, the Ulam-Hyers stability. Concluding remarks close the paper.

    In this section we present some important concepts that will be useful to write our mains results. First, we present the definitions of the ψ-Riemann-Liouville fractional integral and the ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative. In this sense, we present the Ulam-Hyers, Ulam-Hyers-Rassias and generalized Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stabilities concepts for the ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative. We conclude the section with the Banach fixed point theorem, an important result to obtain the stability of the fractional functional differential equation.

    Let [a,b] (0<a<b<) be a finite interval on the half-axis R+ and C[a,b], ACn[a,b], Cn[a,b] be the spaces of continuous functions, n-times absolutely continuous functions, n-times continuously differentiable functions on [a,b], respectively.

    The space of the continuous functions f on [a,b] with the usual norm is defined by [33]


    On the order hand, we have n-times absolutely continuous functions given by

    ACn[a,b]={f:[a,b]R; f(n1)AC([a,b])}.

    The weighted space Cγ,ψ[a,b] of functions f on (a,b] is defined by [33]

    Cγ;ψ[a,b]={f:(a,b]R; (ψ(t)ψ(a))γf(t)C[a,b]}, 0γ<1

    with the norm


    The weighted space Cnγ;ψ[a,b] of function f on (a,b] is defined by [33]

    Cnγ;ψ[a,b]={f:(a,b]R; f(t)Cn1[a,b]; f(n)(t)Cγ;ψ[a,b]}, 0γ<1

    with the norm


    For n=0, we have, C0γ,ψ[a,b]=Cγ,ψ[a,b].

    The weighted space Cυ,ζγ,ψ[a,b] is defined by

    Cυ,ζγ;ψ[a,b]={fCγ;ψ[a,b]; HDυ,ζ;ψa+fCγ;ψ[a,b]}, γ=υ+ζ(1υ).

    Let υ>0, [a,b] a interval (a<b) and ψ(t) be an increasing and positive monotone function on (a,b], having a continuous derivative ψ(t) on [a,b]. The Riemann-Liouville fractional integral with respect to another function ψ on [a,b] is defined by [33,34]

    Iυ;ψt0+y(t):=1Γ(υ)tt0Nυψ(t,s)y(s)ds (2.1)

    where Γ() is the gamma function with 0<υ1 and Nυψ(t,s):=ψ(s)(ψ(t)ψ(s))υ1. The ψ-Riemann-Liouville fractional integral on the left is defined in an analogous way.

    On the other hand, let n1<υn with nN, J=[a,b] be an interval such that a<b+ and let f,ψCn([a,b],R) be two functions such that ψ is increasing and ψ(t)0, for all tJ. The ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative is given by [33,34]


    The ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative on the left is defined in an analogous way.

    Let X be a nonempty set. A function d:X×X[0,] is called generalized metric on X if, and only if, d satisfies [43]:

    1. d(x,y)=0 if x=y;

    2. d(x,y)=d(y,x), for all x,yX;

    3. d(x,z)d(x,y)+d(y,z), for all x,y,zX.

    For the study of Ulam-Hyers, Ulam-Hyers-Rassias and generalized Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stabilities, we will adapt such definitions [31,41,43].

    Definition 1. Let ε0, ΦC1γ;ψ[t0a,t0] and t0,TR with T>t0. Assume that for any continuous function f:[t0a,T]R satisfying

    {|HDυ,ζ;ψt0+f(t)F(t,f(t),f(ta))|<ε, t[t0,T]|f(t)Φ(t)|<ε, t[t0a,t0],

    exists a continuous function f0:[t0a,T]R satisfying:

    {HDυ,ζ;ψt0+f0(t)=F(t,f0(t),f0(ta)), t[t0,T]f0(t)=Φ(t), t[t0a,t0]


    |f(t)f0(t)|K(ε), t[t0a,T]

    where K(ε) in dependant of ε only. Then, we say that the solution of Eq. (1.1) is Ulam-Hyers stable.

    Definition 2. Let ε0, ΦC1γ;ψ[t0a,t0] and t0,TR with T>t0. Assume that for any continuous function f:[t0a,T]R satisfying

    {|HDυ,ζ;ψt0+f(t)F(t,f(t),f(ta))|<φ, t[t0,T]|f(t)Φ(t)|<φ, t[t0a,t0];

    exists a continuous function f0:[t0a,T]R satisfying

    {HDυ,ζ;ψt0+f0(t)=F(t,f0(t),f0(ta)), t[t0,T]f0(t)=Φ(t), t[t0a,t0]


    |f(t)f0(t)|Φ1, t[t0a,T]

    where Φ1 is a function not depending on f and f0 explicitly. Then, we say that the solution of Eq. (1.1) is the Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stable.

    Definition 3. Eq.(1.1) is said to be generalized Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stable with respect to ϕ if there exists cϕ>0 such that for each solution yC11γ;ψ([t0a,T],R) to

    |HDυ,ζ;ψt0+y(t)F(t,y(t),y(ta))|ϕ(t), t[t0a,T]

    there exists a solution xC11γ;ψ([t0a,T],R) of Eq.(1.1) with

    |y(t)x(t)|cϕϕ(t), t[t0a,T].

    The following is the result of the Banach fixed point theorem, however its proof will be omitted.

    Theorem 1. [10] Let (X,d) be a generalized complete metric space. Assume that Ω:XX is a strictly contractive operator with the Lipschitz constant L<1. If there exists a nonnegative integer k such that d(Ωk+1x,Ωkx)< for some xX, then the following are true:

    1. The sequence {Ωnx} converges to a fixed x of Ω;

    2. x is the unique fixed point of Ω in


    3. If yX, then


    By means of the Banach fixed point theorem, in this section we present the first result of this paper, the Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stability for the delay fractional differential equation, Eq. (1.1).

    Theorem 2. Consider the interval I=[t0a,T] and suppose that F:I×R×RR is a continuous function with the following Lipschitz condition:


    for all (t,x,y),(t,z,w)I×R×R.

    Let ϕ:I(0,) be a continuous function. Assume that ΦC1γ;ψ[t0a,t0], K,L1 and L2 are positive constants with




    for all tI=[t0a,T].

    Then, if a continuous function y:IR and φ:I(0,) satisfies


    then there exists a unique continuous function y0:IR such that

    {HDυ,ζ;ψt0+y0(t)=F(t,y0(t),y0(ta)),t[t0,T]y0(t)=Φ(t),t[t0a,t0] (3.1)


    |y(t)y0(t)|11K(L1+L2)Kϕ(t),for all tI. (3.2)

    Proof. For the proof of this theorem, first consider the set S given by

    S={φ:IR:φC1γ;ψ, φ(t)=Φ(t), if t[t0a,t0]}

    and the following generalized metric over S

    d(φ,μ)=inf{M[0,):|φ(t)μ(t)|Mϕ(t), tI}. (3.3)

    Note that, (S,d) is a generalized complete metric space. Now, we introduce the following function Ω:SS given by

    {(Ωφ)(t)=Φ(t), t[t0a,t0](Ωφ)(t)=Φ(t0)Ψγ(t,t0)+1Γ(υ)tt0Nυψ(t,s)F(u,φ(u),φ(ua))du, t[t0,T], (3.4)

    where Ψγ(t,t0):=(ψ(t)ψ(t0))1γΓ(γ), with γ=υ+ζ(1υ). Note that, for φS, the function Ωφ is continuous. In this way, we can write ΩφS. Let φ,μS and by Eq.(3.4), we have

    |(Ωφ)(t)(Ωμ)(t)||1Γ(υ)tt0Nυψ(t,u)(F(u,φ(u),φ(ua))F(u,μ(u),μ(ua)))du|1Γ(υ)tt0Nυψ(t,u)(L1|φ(u)μ(u)|L2|φ(ua)μ(ua)|)duML1Γ(υ)tt0Nυψ(t,u)ϕ(u)du+ML2Γ(υ)tt0Nυψ(t,u)ϕ(u)duM(L1+L2)Γ(υ)|tt0Nυψ(t,u)ϕ(u)du|MK(L1+L2)ϕ(t), t[t0,T]


    |(Ωφ)(t)(Ωμ)(t)|=Φ(t)Φ(t)=0, t[t0a,t]

    which implies that d(ΩφΩμ)K(L1+L2)d(φ,μ). Since 0<K(L1+L2)<1, then Ω is strictly contractive on S.

    Let ξS arbitrary and mintI ϕ(t)>0. As F(t,ξ(t),ξ(ta)) and ξ(t) are bounded on I, then there exists a constant 0<M< such that

    |(Ωξ)(t)ξ(t)|=|Ψγ(t,t0)Φ(t0)+1Γ(υ)tt0Nυψ(t,u)F(u,ξ(u),ξ(ua))duξ(t)|Mφ(t). (3.5)

    Thus, by means of Eq. (3.5), it follows that d(Ωξ,ξ)<. By means of the Theorem 1 (1), there exists a continuous function y0:IR such that Ωnξy0 in (S,d) and Ωy0=y0, then y0 satisfies

    {HDυ,ζ;ψt0+y0(t)=F(t,y0(t),y0(ta)), t[t0,T]y0(t)=Φ(t), t[t0a,t0].

    Now consider for any gS, such that g and ξ are bounded on I, then exist a constant 0<Mg< such that


    for tI.

    Thus, we can write gS, d(ξ,g)< with S={gS;d(ξ,g)<}. Furthermore, it is clear that

    ϕ(t) HDυ,ζ;ψt0+y(t)F(t,y(t),y(ta))ϕ(t), t[t0,T]. (3.6)

    Applying the fractional integral Iυ;ψt0() on both sides of Eq.(3.6), we have

    |y(t)Ψγ(t,t0)Φ(t0)1Γ(υ)tt0Nυψ(t,u)F(u,y(u),y(ua))du||1Γ(υ)tt0Nυψ(t,u)ϕ(u)du|Kϕ(t), t[t0,T].

    This form, by definition Ω, finishes

    |y(t)(Ωy)(t)|Kϕ(t), tI.

    Consequently, it implies that d(y,Ωy)K. By means of Theorem 1 (3) and the last estimative, we have

    d(y,y0)11K(L1+L2)d(Ωy,y)Kϕ(t)1K(L1+L2), tI.

    Thus, by Theorem 1 (2), we conclude that there exists y0, the unique continuous function with the property Eq. (3.1).

    Remark 1. One of the advantages of working with Ulam-Hyers and Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stabilities, or any other type of stability with the global fractional differential operator so-called ψ-Hilfer, is that the results obtained in this way, are also valid for their respective individual cases.

    In this section, we investigate the second main result of the paper, the Ulam-Hyers stability, again making use of the Banach fixed point theorem.

    Theorem 3. Suppose that F:I×R×RR is a continuous function with the following Lipschitz condition


    where (t,x,y),(t,z,w)I×R×R and 0<(ψ(T))υ(L1+L2)Γ(υ+1)<1.

    Let ΦC1γ;ψ[t0a,t] and ε0. If a continuous function y:IR satisfies


    then there exists a unique continuous function y0:IR such that

    {HDυ,ζ;ψt0+y0(t)=F(t,y0(t),y0(ta)),t[t0,T]y0(t)=Φ(t),t[t0a,t0] (4.1)


    |y(t)y0(t)|ε(ψ(T))υΓ(υ+1)(ψ(T))υ(L1+L2),tI. (4.2)

    Proof. For the proof, we consider the following generalized metric over S, given by

    d1(φ,μ)=inf{M[0,]:|φ(t)μ(t)|M, tI}.

    Note that, (S,d1) is a generalized complete metric space.

    For any φ,μS and Mφ,μ{M[0,]:|φ(t)μ(t)|M, tI}, using Eq. (3.4), we obtain



    |(Ωφ)(t)(Ωμ)(t)|=Φ(t)Φ(t)=0, t[t0a,t0]

    which imply that d1(Ωφ,Ωμ)(L1+L2)(ψ(T))υΓ(υ+1)d(φ,μ).

    Since 0<(ψ(T))υ(L1+L2)Γ(υ+1)<1, then Ω is strictly contractive on S.

    Now, for an arbitrary δS and using the fact that F(t,δ(t),δ(ta)) and δ(t), are bounded on S, we can show d1(Ωδ,δ)<. Hence, from Theorem 1 (1), there exists a continuous function y0:IR such that Ωnξy0 in (S,d1) and Ωy0=y0, then y0 satisfies

    {HDυ,ζ;ψt0+y0(t)=F(t,y0(t),y0(ta)), t[t0,T]y0(t)=Φ(t), t[t0a,t0].

    Using the fact that g and δ are bounded on I, then d1(δ,g)<, gS, with S={d1(δ,y)<}.

    Then, using Theorem 1 (2), y0 is the unique continuous function with the property Eq.(4.1). Note that,

    ε HDυ,ζ;ψt0+y(t)F(t,y(t),y(ta))ε (4.3)

    for all t[t0,T].

    Applying the fractional integral Iυ;ψt0(), on both sides of Eq.(4.3), we get

    |y(t)Ψγ(t,t0)1Γ(υ)tt0Nυψ(t,u)F(u,y(u),y(ua))du|εIυ;ψt0(1)ε(ψ(T))υΓ(υ+1) (4.4)

    for each tI.

    By means of Theorem 1 (3) and Eq. (4.4), we get


    which concludes the proof.

    Corollary 1. Suppose the conditions of the Theorem 2 . If a continuous function y:IR satisfies

    {|Dυt0+y(t)F(t,y(t),y(ta))|<ε,t[t0,T]|y(t)Φ(t)|<ε,t[t0a,t0] (4.5)

    then there exists a unique continuous function y0:IR such that

    {Dυt0+y0(t)=F(t,y0(t),y0(ta)),t[t0,T]y0(t)=Φ(t),t[t0a,t0] (4.6)


    |y(t)y0(t)|ε(lnT)υΓ(υ+1)(lnT)υ(L1+L2),tI, (4.7)

    where Dt0+() is the Hadamard fractional derivative.

    Proof. The proof is a direct consequence of the Theorem 2.

    Corollary 2. Suppose the conditions of the Theorem 2. If a continuous function y:IR satisfies

    {|y(t)F(t,y(t),y(ta))|<ε,t[t0,T]|y(t)Φ(t)|<ε,t[t0a,t0] (4.8)

    then there exists a unique continuous function y0:IR such that

    {y0(t)=F(t,y0(t),y0(ta)),t[t0,T]y0(t)=Φ(t),t[t0a,t0] (4.9)


    |y(t)y0(t)|εT1T(L1+L2),tI. (4.10)

    Proof. The proof is a direct consequence of the Theorem 2.

    Remark 2. The following fractional differential equation

    HDυ,ζ;ψt0+y(t)=F(t,y(t)) (4.11)

    is a special case of Eq. (1.1) . Consequently, the results proposed here are also valid for Eq. (4.11).

    Applying the limit υ1 on both sides of the Eq. (4.11) , we obtain the following first order differential equation [19]


    which, in turn, the results proposed here, are also valid.

    The study of Ulam-Hyers-type stability of solutions of the fractional functional differential equations has been the object of much study and investigated by many researchers [1,5,8,20,21,22,26,30,45]. Although it is yet a field of mathematics that is in expansion, over the years countless works have been published and others are yet to come. In this sense, the paper presented a discussion on the Ulam-Hyers and Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stabilities of the fractional functional differential equation Eq. (1.1) through the Banach fixed point theorem, which contributes to the growth of this area.

    From this contribution, the natural question that arises is whether by means of the ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative it is also possible to obtain the stabilities investigated here in the function space Lp,υ(I,R)? And using another fixed point theorem? Another possibility of study is to investigate other types of stabilities such as δ-Ulam-Hyers-Rassias, semi-Ulam-Hyers-Rassias and Mittag-Leffler-Ulam using the same fractional differentiable operator [37,38,46]. Studies in this direction are being prepared and will be published in the near future.

    JVCS acknowledges the financial support of a PNPD-CAPES (nº88882.305834/2018-01) scholarship of the Postgraduate Program in Applied Mathematics of IMECC-Unicamp and to the anonymous referees for suggestions that improved the manuscript. We are grateful to the referees for their suggestions that improve the manuscript.

    All authors declare no conflicts of interest in this paper.

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