Research article

Effects of additional food availability and pulse control on the dynamics of a Holling-($ p $+1) type pest-natural enemy model

  • Received: 14 June 2023 Revised: 14 September 2023 Accepted: 20 September 2023 Published: 28 September 2023
  • In this paper, a novel pest-natural enemy model with additional food source and Holling-($ p $+1) type functional response is put forward for plant pest management by considering multiple food sources for predators. The dynamical properties of the model are investigated, including existence and local asymptotic stability of equilibria, as well as the existence of limit cycles. The inhibition of natural enemy on pest dispersal and the impact of additional food sources on system dynamics are elucidated. In view of the fact that the inhibitory effect of the natural enemy on pest dispersal is slow and in general deviated from the expected target, an integrated pest management model is established by regularly releasing natural enemies and spraying insecticide to improve the control effect. The influence of the control period on the global stability and system persistence of the pest extinction periodic solution is discussed. It is shown that there exists a time threshold, and as long as the control period does not exceed that threshold, pests can be completely eliminated. When the control period exceeds that threshold, the system can bifurcate the supercritical coexistence periodic solution from the pest extinction one. To illustrate the main results and verify the effectiveness of the control method, numerical simulations are implemented in MATLAB programs. This study not only enriched the related content of population dynamics, but also provided certain reference for the management of plant pest.

    Citation: Xinrui Yan, Yuan Tian, Kaibiao Sun. Effects of additional food availability and pulse control on the dynamics of a Holling-($ p $+1) type pest-natural enemy model[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 31(10): 6454-6480. doi: 10.3934/era.2023327

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  • In this paper, a novel pest-natural enemy model with additional food source and Holling-($ p $+1) type functional response is put forward for plant pest management by considering multiple food sources for predators. The dynamical properties of the model are investigated, including existence and local asymptotic stability of equilibria, as well as the existence of limit cycles. The inhibition of natural enemy on pest dispersal and the impact of additional food sources on system dynamics are elucidated. In view of the fact that the inhibitory effect of the natural enemy on pest dispersal is slow and in general deviated from the expected target, an integrated pest management model is established by regularly releasing natural enemies and spraying insecticide to improve the control effect. The influence of the control period on the global stability and system persistence of the pest extinction periodic solution is discussed. It is shown that there exists a time threshold, and as long as the control period does not exceed that threshold, pests can be completely eliminated. When the control period exceeds that threshold, the system can bifurcate the supercritical coexistence periodic solution from the pest extinction one. To illustrate the main results and verify the effectiveness of the control method, numerical simulations are implemented in MATLAB programs. This study not only enriched the related content of population dynamics, but also provided certain reference for the management of plant pest.


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