Research article

Partially doubly strictly diagonally dominant matrices with applications

  • Received: 28 November 2022 Revised: 02 March 2023 Accepted: 09 March 2023 Published: 20 March 2023
  • A new class of matrices called partially doubly strictly diagonally dominant (for shortly, PDSDD) matrices is introduced and proved to be a subclass of nonsingular $ H $-matrices, which generalizes doubly strictly diagonally dominant matrices. As applications, a new eigenvalue localization set for matrices is given, and an upper bound for the infinity norm bound of the inverse of PDSDD matrices is presented. Based on this bound, a new pseudospectra localization for matrices is derived and a lower bound for distance to instability is obtained.

    Citation: Yi Liu, Lei Gao, Tianxu Zhao. Partially doubly strictly diagonally dominant matrices with applications[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 31(5): 2994-3013. doi: 10.3934/era.2023151

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  • A new class of matrices called partially doubly strictly diagonally dominant (for shortly, PDSDD) matrices is introduced and proved to be a subclass of nonsingular $ H $-matrices, which generalizes doubly strictly diagonally dominant matrices. As applications, a new eigenvalue localization set for matrices is given, and an upper bound for the infinity norm bound of the inverse of PDSDD matrices is presented. Based on this bound, a new pseudospectra localization for matrices is derived and a lower bound for distance to instability is obtained.


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