Research article Special Issues

Estimation of NO$ _{x} $ and O$ _{3} $ reduction by dissipating traffic waves

  • Received: 15 May 2024 Revised: 12 August 2024 Accepted: 19 August 2024 Published: 22 August 2024
  • Current research directions indicate that vehicles with autonomous capabilities will increase in traffic contexts. Starting from data analyzed in R. E. Stern et al. (2018), this paper shows the benefits due to the traffic control exerted by a unique autonomous vehicle circulating on a ring track with more than 20 human-driven vehicles. Considering different traffic experiments with high stop-and-go waves and using a general microscopic model for emissions, it was first proved that emissions reduces by about 25%. Then, concentrations for pollutants at street level were found by solving numerically a system of differential equations with source terms derived from the emission model. The results outline that ozone and nitrogen oxides can decrease, depending on the analyzed experiment, by about 10% and 30%, respectively. Such findings suggest possible management strategies for traffic control, with emphasis on the environmental impact for vehicular flows.

    Citation: Maya Briani, Rosanna Manzo, Benedetto Piccoli, Luigi Rarità. Estimation of NO$ _{x} $ and O$ _{3} $ reduction by dissipating traffic waves[J]. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2024, 19(2): 822-841. doi: 10.3934/nhm.2024037

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  • Current research directions indicate that vehicles with autonomous capabilities will increase in traffic contexts. Starting from data analyzed in R. E. Stern et al. (2018), this paper shows the benefits due to the traffic control exerted by a unique autonomous vehicle circulating on a ring track with more than 20 human-driven vehicles. Considering different traffic experiments with high stop-and-go waves and using a general microscopic model for emissions, it was first proved that emissions reduces by about 25%. Then, concentrations for pollutants at street level were found by solving numerically a system of differential equations with source terms derived from the emission model. The results outline that ozone and nitrogen oxides can decrease, depending on the analyzed experiment, by about 10% and 30%, respectively. Such findings suggest possible management strategies for traffic control, with emphasis on the environmental impact for vehicular flows.


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