Research article Special Issues

Dynamics and analysis of COVID-19 disease transmission: The effect of vaccination and quarantine

  • Received: 03 January 2023 Revised: 09 April 2023 Accepted: 25 April 2023 Published: 01 September 2023
  • In this study, a fractional-order model for COVID-19 disease transmission is proposed and studied. First, the disease-free equilibrium and the basic reproduction number, $ {\cal R}_0 $ of the model has been communicated. The local and global stability of the disease-free equilibrium have been proved using well-constructed Lyapunov functions. Moreover, a normalized sensitivity analysis for the model parameters has been performed to identify their influence on $ {\cal R}_0 $. Real data on COVID-19 disease from Wuhan in China has been used to validate the proposed model. Finally, a simulation of the model has been performed to determine the effects of memory and control strategies. Overall, one can note that vaccination and quarantine have the potential to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in the population.

    Citation: Mlyashimbi Helikumi, Paride O. Lolika. Dynamics and analysis of COVID-19 disease transmission: The effect of vaccination and quarantine[J]. Mathematical Modelling and Control, 2023, 3(3): 192-209. doi: 10.3934/mmc.2023017

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  • In this study, a fractional-order model for COVID-19 disease transmission is proposed and studied. First, the disease-free equilibrium and the basic reproduction number, $ {\cal R}_0 $ of the model has been communicated. The local and global stability of the disease-free equilibrium have been proved using well-constructed Lyapunov functions. Moreover, a normalized sensitivity analysis for the model parameters has been performed to identify their influence on $ {\cal R}_0 $. Real data on COVID-19 disease from Wuhan in China has been used to validate the proposed model. Finally, a simulation of the model has been performed to determine the effects of memory and control strategies. Overall, one can note that vaccination and quarantine have the potential to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in the population.


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