Research article

Suppression of absence seizures by using different stimulations in a reduced corticothalamic-basal ganglion-pedunculopontine nucleus model

  • Received: 22 July 2023 Revised: 10 October 2023 Accepted: 30 October 2023 Published: 13 November 2023
  • Coupled neural network models are playing an increasingly important part in the modulation of absence seizures today. However, it is currently unclear how basal ganglia, corticothalamic network and pedunculopontine nucleus can coordinate with each other to develop a whole coupling circuit, theoretically. In addition, it is still difficult to select effective parameters of electrical stimulation on the regulation of absence seizures in clinical trials. Therefore, to develop a coupled model and reduce computation cost, a new model constructed by a simplified basal ganglion, two corticothalamic circuits and a pedunculopontine nucleus was proposed. Further, to seek better inhibition therapy, three electrical stimulations, high frequency stimulation (HFS), 1:0 coordinate reset stimulation (CRS) and 3:2 CRS, were applied to the thalamic reticular nucleus (RE) in the first corticothalamic circuit in the coupled model. The simulation results revealed that increasing the frequency and pulse width of an electrical stimulation within a certain range can also suppress seizures. Under the same parameters of electrical stimulation, the inhibitory effect of HFS on seizures was better than that of 1:0 CRS and 3:2 CRS. The research established a reduced corticothalamic-basal ganglion-pedunculopontine nucleus model, which lays a theoretical foundation for future optimal parameters selection of electrical stimulation. We hope that the findings will provide new insights into the role of theoretical models in absence seizures.

    Citation: Xiaolong Tan, Rui Zhu, Yan Xie, Yuan Chai. Suppression of absence seizures by using different stimulations in a reduced corticothalamic-basal ganglion-pedunculopontine nucleus model[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(12): 20468-20485. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023905

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  • Coupled neural network models are playing an increasingly important part in the modulation of absence seizures today. However, it is currently unclear how basal ganglia, corticothalamic network and pedunculopontine nucleus can coordinate with each other to develop a whole coupling circuit, theoretically. In addition, it is still difficult to select effective parameters of electrical stimulation on the regulation of absence seizures in clinical trials. Therefore, to develop a coupled model and reduce computation cost, a new model constructed by a simplified basal ganglion, two corticothalamic circuits and a pedunculopontine nucleus was proposed. Further, to seek better inhibition therapy, three electrical stimulations, high frequency stimulation (HFS), 1:0 coordinate reset stimulation (CRS) and 3:2 CRS, were applied to the thalamic reticular nucleus (RE) in the first corticothalamic circuit in the coupled model. The simulation results revealed that increasing the frequency and pulse width of an electrical stimulation within a certain range can also suppress seizures. Under the same parameters of electrical stimulation, the inhibitory effect of HFS on seizures was better than that of 1:0 CRS and 3:2 CRS. The research established a reduced corticothalamic-basal ganglion-pedunculopontine nucleus model, which lays a theoretical foundation for future optimal parameters selection of electrical stimulation. We hope that the findings will provide new insights into the role of theoretical models in absence seizures.


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