Citation: Junyoung Jang, Kihoon Jang, Hee-Dae Kwon, Jeehyun Lee. Feedback control of an HBV model based on ensemble kalman filter and differential evolution[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2018, 15(3): 667-691. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2018030
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Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is an important global health problem implicated in liver cancer and cirrhosis. Nearly 2 billion people worldwide have been infected and 240 million patients have suffered from chronic HBV infection. Eighty percent of all liver cancer is caused by chronic hepatitis B, resulting in half a million fatalities annually [22]. Several therapeutic agents have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, including interferon and nucleosides/nucleotides analogues (NUCs) such as lamivudine, adefovir, entecavir, telbivudine and tenofovir [1,2,13]. These agents fall into one of two categories: inhibiting de novo infection and inhibiting viral production. Despite the success of these drugs in reducing liver damage and delaying the progression of liver disease in chronically infected people, their long-term use comes with substantial complications. A critical challenge in the treatment of patients with chronic Hepatitis B is the emergence of drug resistance. In addition, high drug cost and complicated drug regimens impose a burden on some patients who have limited access to antiviral agents in developing countries [1].
Mathematical models have recently contributed significantly to understanding many complex biological systems and investigating the dynamics and control of virus such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus. Many researchers have used mathematical models to simulate the course of virus infection and predict the potential response to different therapies [10,18]. They also have applied optimal control techniques with mathematical models to suggest optimal treatment strategies for HIV, tuberculosis, and vector-borne diseases [3,4,17]. Several studies have explored the optimization of strategies for vaccination distribution for influenza using control theory [15,16]. A mathematical model was developed to estimate the effects of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) on the HIV epidemic in South Korea [14].
Optimal control of HBV infection is the subject of research interest because it may contribute to the development of effective treatment strategies. The effectiveness of HBV therapy may be improved by developing dynamic drug strategies, where the treatment schedule changes over time in response to the individual's disease progression. The model we use to derive the optimal drug treatment strategies for HBV infection is originally developed in [13], although the paper did not provide a mathematical analysis of the model. The authors introduced immune effectors as a new compartment in the model to show triphasic viral dynamics since traditional biphasic models is not sufficient to explain long-term viral dynamics of hepatitis B. In this paper, we first perform a qualitative analysis of the HBV model and then consider feedback control of HBV infection incorporating current knowledge of patients. The reproduction number is determined and the stability of the steady state is investigated by using the number which is commonly used to measure the potential for the disease spread in epidemiology. We also derive optimal treatment strategies for HBV infection by formulating a feedback control problem. The model predictive control (MPC) is an advanced feedback control methodology which solves a finite-horizon open-loop control problem iteratively such that the current state is measured at the sampling time [12]. Application of the MPC method requires full information on the current state. In a clinical setting, however, it is impossible to quantify all state variables because of a lack of technical skills. To overcome the imperfection of the observation data, we use the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). EnKF is a recursive algorithm that produces estimates of the optimal state of the nonlinear system by using a series of observed data with noise [7,8].
A differential evolution (DE) algorithm is employed to derive the piecewise constant drug schedule, where the current state is sampled at several measurement times. DE, introduced by Price and Storn, is a population-based direct-search global optimization algorithm. In the evolutionary computation, a population of candidate solutions, called agents, iteratively progresses towards the optimum with regard to a given measure of quality. These agents are moved around in the search-space by perturbations using three main steps of mutation, crossover and selection [21,Section 2.1,page 37-47].
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces and analyzes a mathematical model describing the dynamics of HBV and immune response during antiviral therapy. The section derives the reproduction number and investigates the stability of the steady state. Section 3 formulates a feedback control problem based on EnKF and DE to derive optimal drug treatment strategies for HBV infection. The section addresses EnKF to estimate full information of the state at sampling time from partial observation data and the DE to derive an optimal piecewise constant control. Section 4 presents the results of numerical simulations with various weights in the objective functional. Section 5 concludes.
The system of ordinary differential equations describing the compartmental HBV infection dynamics is given by
dTdt=S−dTT−(1−η⋅μ1(t))bVT+αfIEdIdt=(1−η⋅μ1(t))bVT+mI−dII−αIEdVdt=(1−ϵ⋅μ2(t))pI−cVdEdt=SE+BEIE(I+KE)−DEE | (1) |
where the four state variables
Target cells are assumed to be produced at the constant rate
Infected cells are produced at the rate of
Free virions are assumed to be produced from infected cells at the rate of
The control variables
Description | value | units | |
| production rate of target cells | | |
death rate of target cells | 0.003 | | |
treatment efficacy of inhibiting de novo infection | | | |
de novo infection rate of target cells | | ||
calibration coefficient of | 0.1 | | |
mitotic production rate of infected cells | 0.003 | | |
death rate of infected cells | 0.043 | | |
immune effector-induced clearance rate of infected cells | | ||
treatment efficacy of inhibiting viral production | | | |
viral production rate by infected cells | 6.24 | ||
clearance rate of free virions | 0.7 | ||
production rate of immune effectors | 9.33 | | |
maximum birth rate for immune effectors | 0.5 | | |
Michaelis-Menten type coefficient for immune effectors | | | |
death rate of immune effectors | 0.52 | |
For any biological model to be feasible, it is essential that all states of the model must remain non-negative. A mathematical analysis of the model should include verification of this property. We begin by defining a domain
Ω={(T,I,V,E)∈R4+|0≤T+I≤SD,0≤V≤(1−ϵ)pScD,0≤E≤SEDE−BE}, |
A1: The mitotic production rate of infected cells is smaller than the death rate of infected cells, i.e.
A2: The maximum birth rate for immune effectors is smaller than the death rate of immune effectors, i.e.
Theorem 2.1. Assume that A1 and A2 hold, then
Proof. Note that the states
Adding the first two equations in the model (1), we obtain
ddt(T+I)=S−dTT+mI−dII−αIE(1−f)≤S−dTT−(dI−m)I≤S−D(T+I), |
Now we analyze the stability of the steady states by calculating the reproduction number. In epidemiology, the basic reproduction number,
Clearly, the HBV model (1) has a unique virus-free equilibrium given by
EQ0=(SdT,0,0,SEDE). |
Using the next generation approach [6,page 230], we calculate
dxdt=F−V and dydt=[S−dTT−(1−η)bVT+αfIESE+BEIE(I+KE)−DEE], |
F=[(1−η)bVT0]andV=[(dI−m+αE)I−(1−ϵ)pI+cV]. |
The linearized equations for the disease compartment,
x′=(F−V)x, |
F=∂F∂x=[0(1−η)bSdT00]andV=∂V∂x=[dI−m+αSEDE0−(1−ϵ)pc]. |
Rc=ρ(FV−1)=(1−η)bS(1−ϵ)pcdT(dI−m+αSEDE), | (2) |
Theorem 2.2. Assume that A1 and A2 hold. The virus-free equilibrium,
Proof. At the virus-free equilibrium, the Jacobian matrix of the system (1) is
J(EQ0)=[−dTαfSEDE−(1−η)bSdT00(m−dI−αSEDE)(1−η)bSdT00(1−ϵ)p−c00BESEKEDE0−DE]. |
And the characteristic polynomial of the Jacobian matrix is given by
p(λ)=(−dT−λ)(−DE−λ)((m−dI−αSEDE−λ)(−c−λ)−(1−ϵ)p(1−η)bSdT). |
(m−dI−αSEDE−λ)(−c−λ)−(1−ϵ)p(1−η)bSdT=λ2−(m−dI−αSEDE−c)λ+(m−dI−αSEDE)(−c)−(1−ϵ)p(1−η)bSdT. |
So we have
λ3+λ4=m−dI−αSEDE−c,λ3λ4=(m−dI−αSEDE)(−c)−(1−ϵ)p(1−η)bSdT=(dI−m+αSEDE)c(1−Rc). |
By assumption A1, we have
We note that the global stability of the virus-free equilibrium can be established by verifying the conditions of the global stability theorem in [5,page 176]. Consider the abstract form of a mathematical model to introduce the theorem:
x′=−Ax−ˆf(x,y)y′=g(x,y) | (3) |
Definition 2.3. A is called M-matrix if and only if there exists a matrix
Remark 1. [9]
We now assume that
Theorem 2.4. [5,page 176] If A is a nonsingular M-matrix and
Theorem 2.5. Assume that A1 and A2 hold. If
Proof. Our model can be written as
x′=−Ax−ˆf(x,y)y′=g(x,y)=[S−dTT−(1−η)bVT+αfIESE+BEIE(I+KE)−DEE], | (4) |
A=[−(m−dI−αSEDE)−(1−η)bSdT−(1−ϵ)pc], |
ˆf(x,y)=[(1−η)bV(SdT−T)+αI(E−SEDE)0]. |
It is clear that
Now consider the inverse of
A−1=1(dI−m+αSEDE)c(1−Rc)[c(1−η)bSdT(1−ϵ)pdI−m+αSEDE]. |
Thus A is M-matrix when
In addition,
Theorem 2.6. Suppose that assumptions A1 and A2 hold. There exists a unique positive chronic equilibrium if
Proof. To determine a chronic equilibrium,
S−dTT∗−(1−η)bV∗T∗+αfI∗E∗=0(1−η)bV∗T∗+mI∗−dII∗−αI∗E∗=0 | (5) |
(1−ϵ)pI∗−cV∗=0 | (6) |
SE+BEI∗E∗I∗+KE−DEE∗=0 | (7) |
By the third and fourth equations, we have
V∗=I∗(1−ϵ)pc , E∗=−SE(I∗+KE)I∗(BE−DE)−KEDE. |
T∗=S+αfI∗E∗dT+(1−η)bV∗=S+αfI∗−SE(I∗+KE)I∗(BE−DE)−KEDEdT+(1−η)bI∗(1−ϵ)pc. | (8) |
By the second equation and the above expression, we finally obtain a quadratic polynomial,
P(I∗)=(1−η)b(1−ϵ)p(S(I∗(BE−DE)−KEDE)−I∗αfSE(I∗+KE))+(m−DI)(cdT+I∗(1−η)b(1−ϵ)p)(I∗(BE−DE)−KEDE)+αSE(I∗+KE)(cdT+I∗(1−η)b(1−ϵ)p)=AI∗2+BI∗+C=0 |
A=(m−dI)(1−η)b(1−ϵ)p(BE−DE)+αSE(1−f)(1−η)b(1−ϵ)pB=(1−η)b(1−ϵ)p(S(BE−DE)−αfSEKE)+(m−dI)cdT(BE−DE)−(m−dI)(1−η)b(1−ϵ)pKEDE+αSEKE(1−η)b(1−ϵ)p+αSEdTC=−(1−η)b(1−ϵ)pSKEDE+αSEKEcdT−(m−dI)cdTKEDE=KE((−m+dI)DE+αSE)cdT(1−Rc) |
By our assumptions,
A general qualitative analysis of our model is very challenging due to the high nonlinearities in our model. However, we are still interested in the stability of the steady state, so we conducted a stability analysis of the steady state numerically. Given the parameter values in Table 1, we plot the bifurcation diagram of the model system (1) with varying
One of the study goals is to design optimal drug treatment strategies using mathematical models and control techniques. One way to achieve this goal is to consider an optimal control problem minimizing the number of virions with consideration for the treatment costs. Thus, we define the objective functional as
J(μ1,μ2)=∫w1⋅V(t)+w2⋅μ21(t)+w3⋅μ22(t)dt | (9) |
The weight constants
minimize J(μ1,μ2) subject to (1). |
In our optimal control formulation, the MPC method is used in order to reflect the status of patients at both initial time and follow-up visits. Therapy strategies are determined based on the current state of the system at each sampling time, which is the initial state for the open-loop control problem in each subinterval. In order to formulate the MPC, we assume that the current state is measured at
1. Solve the open-loop optimal control problem minimizing the objective functional (9) in the interval
2. Determine the state
3. Determine
4. Repeat this process over the next time interval
There are several technical issues to be addressed to implement our approach. Synthesis of the nonlinear feedback control requires full knowledge of all the state variables. However, in a clinical setting, only partial information of the state is given due to lack of technical skill to quantify all the state variables. The ideas of the Kalman filter (KF) are employed to design a state estimator. Then we are interested in restricted class of piecewise constant controllers that are usual treatment protocols in practice. DE, an algorithm that optimizes a problem by iteratively improving a candidate solution, has a great potential as a tool for deriving piecewise constant strategies.
In this section, we give a brief summary of two main techniques, KF and DE, used in the MPC. We begin with the basic ideas and background of KF and move to modified algorithms to take care of nonlinearity and the system with continuous dynamics and discrete measurements. In the second part, the DE method is introduced and each step is explained with illustrations. Figure 2 shows how these techniques are incorporated to solve a control problem to yield an efficient treatment strategy.
Kalman filter (KF) uses a series of measurements observed over time containing noise and produces estimates of state variables by a combination of the probability distribution from the model prediction and the measurement. It is a recursive algorithm that only utilizes the first two moments of the state, mean and covariance, to characterize the entire optimal estimate for linear systems with additive Gaussian noise in both the process model and the observation. Consider a linear, discrete system of dynamics and measurement:
xk=Fk−1xk−1+wk−1zk=Hkxk+vk | (10) |
The KF algorithm consists of a prior step to predict by the process model and a posterior step to update based on the measurement, which can be summarized as
• Prior estimation (prediction):
ˆx−k=Fk−1ˆxk−1P−k=Fk−1Pk−1FTk−1+Qk−1 |
• Posterior estimation (update):
K=P−kHTk(HkP−kHTk+Rk)−1ˆxk=ˆx−k+K(zk−Hkˆx−k)Pk=(I−KHk)P−k |
The probability distribution of state variables in a linear model is completely characterized by its mean and covariance for all times if the initial condition follows a normal distribution. For a nonlinear model, however, the first two moments of the state will not characterize the full probability density, but do determine the mean path and the dispersion about that path. A number of extensions have been proposed to deal with nonlinear dynamics. We also note that physical systems are often represented as continuous-time dynamics in conjunction with discrete-time measurements.
˙x(t)=f(x,t)+w(t)zk=Hkxk+vk | (11) |
The extended Kalman filter approximates the nonlinear dynamics model by a linearization about the current state. This linear model is then propagated forward under the basic KF algorithm and is used to approximate the optimal mean and covariance for the state of the system. It has been observed that the extended Kalman filter may fail to achieve meaningful results, in the case of large nonlinearity or poor initial guess. Another set of approaches based on sampling techniques have been developed, as opposed to deterministic ones, to characterize the distributions. One such approach, EnKF, generates numerous points sampled from the assumed distribution and propagates them forward to calculate the mean and variance of these samples [8,page 38-46]. Adjustments have to be made to account for nonlinearity and discrepancy in time. In this particular problem, we only shows the numerical results obtained by applying EnKF because the results of both EKF and EnKF algorithms are consistent. The hybrid version EnKF algorithm is given as follows:
• Initialize: Generate particles
ˆx(0)=E[x0,j]P(0)=E[(x0,j−E[x0,j])(x0,j−E[x0,j])T] |
• Prior estimation (prediction):
X−={x−k,j|˙x−k,j=f(x−k,j,t)+w(t) with initial values xk−1,j∈X}ˆx−=E[X−]P−=Cov[X−,X−] |
• Posterior estimation (update):
Z−={z−k,j=Hkx−k,j}Z={zk,j=zk+vk,j}K=Cov[X−,Z−]⋅(Cov[Z−,Z−]+Cov[Z,Z])−1X={xk,j=x−k,j+K(zk,j−z−k,j)}ˆxk=E[X]Pk=Cov[X,X] |
In order to apply the KF technique, we introduce the notation
x=(TIVE),r=(ηϵ) |
With the above notation, the HBV model (1) can be expressed in the form
˙x=f(x(t),r(t),t). |
For feedback control, we need current knowledge on the state of the system. We assume that partial state observation of viral load
z=(0010)x=Hx |
DE is a direct-search global optimization algorithm that was originally developed by Price and Storn in 1997. Let
Step 1. Initialization The initial population of possible candidate vectors
Step2. Mutation Mutant vectors
vi=xbest+P(xm−xn)i=1,2,...,Np | (12) |
Step3. Crossover A set of vectors
ui,j={vi,j,if randj(0,1)≤CRxi,j,otherwise | (13) |
Step4. Selection The next generation vectors are selected as
xi={ui,if J(ui)<J(xi)xi,otherwise | (14) |
Repeat steps 2-4 until the termination criteria are met.
DE creates mutant agents using the scaled difference of two randomly selected candidate vectors in the mutation step (Figure 3). In the algorithm, the scale factor
In summary, mutation expands the search space, crossover incorporates candidate vectors from the previous generation and new candidate vectors for recombination, and selection admits the one with the best fitness to the next generation. Therefore, mutation and crossover tend to increase the diversity of a population, whereas selection reduces it. To avoid premature convergence due to the selection pressure, it is crucial to choose
We illustrate the nonlinear feedback control incorporating EnKF and DE algorithms using synthetic data. We consider a drug treatment strategy over 200 days with monthly measurement. A set of synthetic data is constructed by adding 5% random noise to the model prediction of viral load
T0=1.4×108,I0=3.75×105,V0=5×108,E0=100 |
At each sampling time, an initial guess for the covariance to start the EnKF is chosen to be a diagonal matrix in which diagonal entries are
To suggest general policies for efficient treatment, we run the simulations under various settings. The weight constants
Figure 5 displays the time dependent feedback controls and the corresponding states with the choice of
The impact of different weights on feedback control is explored by varying the weights for
In Figure 8,
The relation between the relative dosage and the weights of two drugs are investigated further in Figure 9 and Figure 10. In the baseline case, we set efficacy of both drugs
In Figure 10, simulations are performed using various combinations of treatment efficacy assuming the total efficacy of 99%. In the first row, threshold is portrayed when the efficacy of viral production inhibitor is higher than the efficacy of de novo infection inhibitor. The region where the dosage of
We performed numerical simulations with monthly, biweekly, and weekly measurement to investigate the influence of measurement time in Figure 11-13. Optimal treatment strategies are illustrated as weights
This paper formulates and analyzes a mathematical model of the HBV infection for a better understanding of the interaction between the HBV infection and the immune response during antiviral therapy. The qualitative analysis shows that the proposed model possesses one virus-free equilibrium and one chronic equilibrium with some assumptions. A detailed local/global stability analysis of the virus-free steady state is conducted using the Jacobian matrix method combined with the reproductive number. Bifurcation analysis is also performed to support our theoretical results for the stability analysis numerically.
In addition, the paper considers a feedback control problem to reflect the status at each sampling instance. The ideas of EnKF are used to address the issue of incomplete observation data. Then we apply the DE algorithm to derive piecewise constant control, which is the usual protocol in practice. The results of numerical simulations indicate that as the treatment costs increase, the drug dosage tapers off, resulting in decreased drug use. It is observed that
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Description | value | units | |
| production rate of target cells | | |
death rate of target cells | 0.003 | | |
treatment efficacy of inhibiting de novo infection | | | |
de novo infection rate of target cells | | ||
calibration coefficient of | 0.1 | | |
mitotic production rate of infected cells | 0.003 | | |
death rate of infected cells | 0.043 | | |
immune effector-induced clearance rate of infected cells | | ||
treatment efficacy of inhibiting viral production | | | |
viral production rate by infected cells | 6.24 | ||
clearance rate of free virions | 0.7 | ||
production rate of immune effectors | 9.33 | | |
maximum birth rate for immune effectors | 0.5 | | |
Michaelis-Menten type coefficient for immune effectors | | | |
death rate of immune effectors | 0.52 | |
Description | value | units | |
| production rate of target cells | | |
death rate of target cells | 0.003 | | |
treatment efficacy of inhibiting de novo infection | | | |
de novo infection rate of target cells | | ||
calibration coefficient of | 0.1 | | |
mitotic production rate of infected cells | 0.003 | | |
death rate of infected cells | 0.043 | | |
immune effector-induced clearance rate of infected cells | | ||
treatment efficacy of inhibiting viral production | | | |
viral production rate by infected cells | 6.24 | ||
clearance rate of free virions | 0.7 | ||
production rate of immune effectors | 9.33 | | |
maximum birth rate for immune effectors | 0.5 | | |
Michaelis-Menten type coefficient for immune effectors | | | |
death rate of immune effectors | 0.52 | |