Citation: Blessing O. Emerenini, Stefanie Sonner, Hermann J. Eberl. Mathematical analysis of a quorum sensing induced biofilm dispersal model and numerical simulation of hollowing effects[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2017, 14(3): 625-653. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2017036
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Biofilms are dense accumulations of microbial cells on biotic or abiotic surfaces (called substrata) in aqueous environments. Once the microbial cells become sessile, they produce extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that protect them against antibiotic attacks and mechanical washout [29]. Due to the sorption properties and enhanced mechanical stability of biofilms, they are beneficially used in wastewater treatment, soil remediation and groundwater protection [43]. On the other hand, biofilm formation and detachment can have very disadvantageous effects and lead to serious infections in the human body, biocorrosion of drinking water pipes or industrial facilities [11], contamination in food processing plants [27,30], etc. Biofilm formation is characterized by the balance of attachment, growth and detachment or dispersal processes [23,41]. Among these phenomena, there is a growing interest in the study of the latter, i.e. the release of microbial cells from the biofilm into the aqueous environment. Commonly, by detachment one refers to cell losses into the aqueous environment that are caused by external forces. Usually these external forces are shear forces due to bulk flow hydrodynamics [32]. These detachment losses can manifest themselves as sloughing or erosion of cells from the outer layers of the biofilm. By dispersal we refer to cell losses that can be internally triggered, e.g. by enzyme-mediated breakdown of the biofilm matrix [6], production of surfactants which loosen cells from the biofilm [8]; or externally triggered, e.g. by changes in nutrient availability [23], production of free radicals [4], or controlled by quorum sensing systems [34,37,45]. Dispersed cells can originate from inner layers of the biofilm and can contribute to downstream colonization, and thus eventually result in pipe obstruction, bacterial infection (biomedical implants), or increased microbial contamination in food processing plants [40].
Numerous mathematical models of biofilms have been proposed in the literature, focusing on different time and length scales and processes, and utilizing different mathematical concepts, from agent based to continuum mechanistic and from stochastic to deterministic. All dynamic models of biofilm formation include growth processes, including their dependence on nutrients. On the other hand, detachment and dispersal processes are often neglected, or treated in a rather qualitative manner, e.g. by coupling the detachment rate to biofilm thickness [12,43,44] or geometrical properties of the biofilm structure [46], without accounting for the processes that induce cell loss. No biofilm model is known that includes several or all known detachment and dispersal mechanisms. Rather each modeling study focuses on one particular trigger. A number of biofilm growth models have been proposed that include a physics based description of sloughing or erosion due to external forces, cf [1] for a simple one-dimensional model set in the Wanner-Gujer framework, and [31] for a 2D cellular automaton model. Only few papers have been published that use models of internally triggered biofilm dispersal: A cellular automaton model for nutrient limited dispersal was presented in [22,23], a cellular automaton model for detachment caused by enzymatic breakdown of the EPS matrix was presented in [47]. A partial differential equation based model for cell dispersal triggered by quorum sensing was presented in [18] and investigated there in first computer simulations. The question of well-posedness of the solutions of this model remained open. To give an answer to this question will be the focus of our current paper.
The model in [18] is an extension of a prototype biofilm growth model, which was originally introduced in [13] and did not include any detachment or dispersal processes. The biofilm is characterized in terms of the volume fraction that cells and EPS locally occupy. This is described by a highly non-linear diffusion-reaction equation for biomass, with two non-Fickian effects: (a) the diffusion operator degenerates like the porous medium equation for vanishing biomass densities and (b) it blows up if the local cell density approaches its maximum value. These effects ensure that the biofilm/water interface spreads at a finite speed and that the maximum biomass density is never exceeded. The biofilm expands spatially if the local cell density fills up the available volume while it does not spread notably if there is space locally available to accommodate new cells. In the prototype biofilm growth model, this biomass model is coupled with an additional non-degenerate diffusion-reaction equation for the nutrient that limits biomass growth. In [18] this model was extended to account also for the concentration of the quorum sensing molecules that trigger dispersal, and for an equation that describes the dispersed cells.
Previous extensions of this prototype biofilm growth model that included quorum sensing effects focused on the role of bulk hydrodynamics to facilitate non-local up-regulation due to advective transport [21], and on quorum sensing controlled EPS production [20] as a mechanism to switch from a colonization mode, in which resources are primarily invested in proliferation, to a protected mode of growth, in which EPS is produced, e.g. to mechanically stabilize the biofilm. In these models, down-and up-regulated cells are treated as two different cell fractions. For the model in [21] existence and uniqueness were derived in [38], whereby special features of the model assumptions could be used that do not hold in other, seemingly similar applications of the same biofilm modeling framework. In the current model, up-regulation is implicit. Rather than distinguishing between down-and up-regulated cells, we distinguish between cells that are sessile in the biofilm and motile ones, which after up-regulation disperse from the colony. The structure of the quorum sensing induced dispersal model is different from the previous multi-component biofilm models [10,24,38,40], in which one biomass type is described by a degenerate diffusion-reaction equation, and the other one by a semi-linear one.
To prove existence and uniqueness of solutions and continuous dependence of solutions on initial data we will use here ideas applied in [17] for the mono-species model and in [3] for a scalar degenerate reaction-diffusion equation of porous-medium type.
We analyze the mathematical model of quorum sensing induced detachment in biofilms which was proposed in [18]. In this model we consider particulate biomass, i.e. biofilm bacteria, and suspended biomass, i.e. dispersed cells. As is common in many biofilm modeling studies, cf [44], we do not explicitly track EPS but subsume them in the biomass. The growth of both biomass fractions depends on a growth limiting nutrient. The bacterial cells have the ability to produce quorum sensing signal molecules which can trigger a switch from the sessile to the suspended mode of growth. The model is formulated for the dependent variables local density of particulate biomass (biofilm),
∂˜t˜M=∇˜x⋅(˜DM(M)∇˜x˜M)+˜μ˜C˜k1+˜C˜M−˜k2˜M−˜η1(˜Am˜τm+˜Am)˜M,∂˜t˜N=˜d1Δ˜x˜N+˜μ˜C˜k1+˜C˜N−˜k2˜N+˜η1(˜Am˜τm+˜Am)˜M,∂˜t˜C=˜d2Δ˜x˜C−˜σ˜C˜k1+˜C(˜M+˜N),∂˜t˜A=˜d3Δ˜x˜A−˜λ˜A+[˜α+˜β˜Am˜τm+˜Am](˜M+˜N). | (1) |
In model (1) we have intentionally omitted the re-attachment terms which were originally included in the model [18], because the simulations in [18] show that only a negligible amount of dispersed cells gets re-attached. Hence the inclusion or exclusion of the re-attachment terms will not make a significant difference from an application point of view, but it simplifies the mathematical analysis.
In the first equation of model (1), the diffusion term describes spatial expansion of the biofilm. This is a volume filling problem: as long as locally space is available to accommodate new cells the biofilm expands very slowly or not at all. When the maximum biomass density
˜DM(M)=˜dMa(1−M)b,wherea>1,b>1,˜d>0. | (2) |
In model (1), diffusion of
The reaction terms in (1) describe the following processes that are the same as in the model of [18]:
• Growth of sessile and dispersed cells
• Natural cell death occurs at the same rate
• Dispersal, i.e. the transition of bacteria from the sessile state
• Consumption of nutrients is proportional to biomass growth, i.e. described by the same Monod kinetics. The maximum consumption rate is defined as
• The signal molecules
To non-dimensionalize the model we express the biofilm biomass density
N:=˜N˜M∞,C:=˜C˜C∞,,A:=˜A˜τ, |
t:=˜μ˜t,x:=˜x˜L, |
∂tM=∇⋅(DM(M)∇M)+Ck1+CM−k2M−η1 (Am1+Am)M,∂tN=d1ΔN+Ck1+CN−k2N+η1 (Am1+Am)M,∂tC=d2ΔC−σ Ck1+C(M+N),∂tA=d3ΔA−λA+[α+βAm1+Am](M+N). | (3) |
Here the spatial derivative operators
Parameter | Description | Value | Source |
half saturation concentration (growth) | | [44] | |
| lysis rate | | assumed |
nutrient consumption rate | | [19] | |
| maximum dispersal rate | varied | [18] |
| quorum sensing abiotic decay rate | | [39] |
constitutive autoinducer production rate | varied | - | |
| induced autoinducer production rate | | [19] |
| degree of polymerization | | [19] |
| constant diffusion coefficients for | | assumed |
| constant diffusion coefficients for | | [15] |
| constant diffusion coefficients for | | [15] |
| biomass motility coefficient | | [13] |
| biofilm diffusion exponent | | [13] |
| biofilm diffusion exponent | | [13] |
| system length | | [15] |
| system height | | assumed |
In this model, the actual biofilm is the region where sessile biomass is present,
It remains to specify initial and boundary values for the biomass fraction
For technical reasons we study the model in the auxiliary form
∂tM=∇⋅(DM(M)∇M)+Ck1+CM−k2M−η1 (|A|m1+|A|m)M⏟=g(M,N,C,A),∂tN=d1ΔN+Ck1+CN−k2N+η1 (|A|m1+|A|m)M⏟=f1(M,N,C,A),∂tC=d2ΔC−σ Ck1+C(M+N)⏟=f2(M,N,C,A),∂tA=d3ΔA−λ|A|+[α+β|A|m1+|A|m](M+N)⏟=f3(M,N,C,A), | (4) |
with the initial and boundary conditions
M|∂Ω=0,N|∂Ω=0,C|∂Ω=C∞,A|∂Ω=0,M|t=0=M0,N|t=0=N0,C|t=0=C0,A|t=0=A0, | (5) |
‖M0‖L∞(Ω)<1−ρ, | (6) |
for some
We point out that non-negative solutions of (3) solve (4) and vice versa, i.e. after the non-negativity is shown, the absolute value
Here and in the sequel, we use the following notations,
Φ(M):=∫M0DM(s)ds=∫M0dsa(1−s)bdsfor 0≤M<1. | (7) |
Definition 3.1. We call
M,N,C,A∈C([0,T];L1(Ω))∩L∞(QT) |
and satisfy (4) in distributional sense.
More precisely, if
∫Ω(Mφ)|s=t−∫ΩM0φ|s=0−∫Qt(M∂sφ+Φ(M)Δφ)=∫Qtg(M,N,C,A)φ, | (8) |
for all
∫Ω(Cφ)|s=t−∫ΩC0φ|s=0−∫Qt(C∂sφ+CΔφ)+∫t0∫∂ΩC∞∂νφ=∫Qtf2(M,N,C,A)φ, | (9) |
for all
We consider smooth non-degenerate approximations for system (4) and show that their solutions converge to the solution of the degenerate problem (4). The ideas are based on the proof developed for scalar degenerate reaction-diffusion equations of porous medium type in [2], the solution theory in [17] for the single species biofilm model and the ideas applied in [10,24,38] and [39] for multi-species biofilm models.
For small
Dε(M):={dεaif M<0,d(M+ε)a(1−M)bif 0≤M≤1−ε,d1εbifM≥1−ε,Φε(M):=∫M0Dε(s)ds, | (10) |
and denote the solutions of the regular auxiliary systems
∂tMε=∇⋅(Dε(Mε)∇Mε)+g(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε),∂tNε=d1ΔNε+f1(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε),∂tCε=d2ΔCε+f2(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε),∂tAε=d3ΔAε+f3(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε). | (11) |
Lemma 3.2. Let the boundary and initial data be non-negative and smooth,
Proof. By the classical theory for quasilinear parabolic equations there exist unique solutions
All components of the solution take non-negative values at the boundary, and the initial data are non-negative. Moreover, we observe that
g(0,N,C,A)=0=f2(M,N,0,A), |
and, hence, zero is a subsolution for
f1(M,0,C,A)≥0for M≥0, |
we conclude the non-negativity of
f3(M,N,C,0)≥0for M≥0,N≥0, |
which implies that zero is a subsolution for
To show the uniform boundedness of
Δθ=−1in Ω,θ|∂Ω=0. | (12) |
The maximum principle for elliptic equations [33] implies that
1≤Mθ(x)≤1+R1, x∈Ω |
for some constant
M0=Mε|t=0≤Mθ|t=0,0=Mε|∂Ω≤Mθ|∂Ω |
and since
∂tMθ−∇⋅(Dε(Mθ)∇Mθ)−Cεk1+CεMθ+k2Mθ+η1(|Aε|n1+|Aε|n)Mθ=0+dεb−Cεk1+CεMθ+k2Mθ+η1(|Aε|n1+|Aε|n)Mθ≥dεb−Mθ+k2Mθ≥dεb−(1+R1)≥0=∂tMε−∇⋅(Dε(Mε)∇Mε)−g(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε) , | (13) |
for all sufficiently small
Next, we show the uniform boundedness of the nutrient concentration
∂tCmax−d2ΔCmax+σCmaxk1+Cmax(Mε+Nε)=σCmaxk1+Cmax(Mε+Nε)≥0, | (14) |
where we used the non-negativity of the sessile biomass
∂tˆN=d1ΔˆN+ˆN−k2ˆN+η1(1+R1),ˆN|∂Ω=0,ˆN|t=0=N0, | (15) |
∂tˆN−d1ΔˆN−Cεk1+CεˆN+k2ˆN−η1|Aε|m1+|Aε|mMε≥ ∂tˆN−d1ΔˆN−ˆN+k2ˆN−η1(1+R1)=0= ∂tNε−d1ΔNε−Cεk1+CεNε+k2Nε−η1|Aε|m1+|Aε|mMε. | (16) |
Finally, we prove the uniform boundedness of the quorum sensing signal molecule concentration by showing that there exists a constant
∂tAmax−d3ΔAmax+λAmax−[α+β|Amax|m1+|Amax|m](Mε+Nε)=λAmax−[α+β|Amax|m1+|Amax|m](Mε+Nε)≥λAmax−(α+β)(|Mε|+|Nε|)≥λAmax−(α+β)(1+R1+ˆN)≥0, | (17) |
where we use the boundedness of
In the following Lemma, we improve the upper bound on the sessile biomass density, in particular, we show that the singularity for
Lemma 3.3. Under the hypothesis of Lemma 3.2, there exist
Proof. In order to improve the upper estimate on
Δθ=−c1in Ω,θ|∂Ω=c2. | (18) |
The constants
c1:=‖g(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε)‖L∞(QT),c2:=‖Φε(M0)‖L∞(Ω), | (19) |
Φε(M0)=∫M00(s+ε)a(1−s)bdsfor 0≤M0<1−ε. | (20) |
We remark that for sufficiently small
∂tZε−Δ(Φε(Zε))=c1=‖g(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε)‖L∞(QT)≥∂tMε−Δ(Φε(Mε)) |
Zε|∂Ω=Φ−1ε(θ)|∂Ω=Φ−1ε(c2)≥Mε|∂Ω=0, |
and the initial data satisfies
Zε|t=0=Φ−1ε(θ)|t=0≥Φ−1ε(c2)≥Φ−1ε(Φε(M0))=M0, | (21) |
where we used the monotonicity of the function
Lemma 3.4. Under the hypotheses of Lemma 3.2, the solutions
∫QTDε(Mε)(∂tMε)2+supt∈[0,T]∫Ω|∇Φε(Mε)|2≤c, ∫QT(|∂tNε|2+|∂tCε|2+|∂tAε|2)+supt∈[0,T]∫Ω(|∇Nε|2+|∇Cε|2+|∇Aε|2)≤c, | (22) |
for some constant
Proof. We first multiply the second equation in (11) by
∫tτ∫Ω|∂sNε|2=−d12∫tτ∫Ω∂s|∇Nε|2+∫tτ∫Ω∂sNεf1(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε), | (23) |
∫tτ∫Ω|∂sNε|2+d12∫Ω|∇Nε|2|s=t=d12∫Ω|∇Nε|2|s=τ+∫tτ∫Ω∂sNεf1(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε)≤d12∫Ω|∇Nε|2|s=τ+ξ∫tτ∫Ω|∂sNε|2+Cξ∫tτ∫Ω|f1(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε)|2, | (24) |
for small
(1−ξ)∫Qt|∂sNε|2+d12∫Ω|∇Nε|2|s=t≤d12∫Ω|∇N0|2+Cξ∫Qt|f1(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε)|2, | (25) |
for small
∫QT|∂tNε|2≤C′,supt∈[0,T]∫Ω|∇Nε|2≤C′, | (26) |
for some constant
To derive the estimates for the biomass fraction
G(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε):=∫Mε0Dε(ζ)g(ζ,Nε,Cε,Aε)dζ. | (27) |
Multiplying the first equation of (11) by
∫tτ∫ΩDε(Mε)(∂sMε)2=∫tτ∫Ω∂s(Φε(Mε))∂sMε=∫tτ∫Ω∇⋅(Dε(Mε)∇Mε)∂s(Φε(Mε))+∫tτ∫Ω∂s(Φε(Mε))g(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε)=−∫tτ∫ΩDε(Mε)∇Mε⋅∂s∇(Φε(Mε))+∫tτ∫Ω∂s(Φε(Mε))g(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε)=−12∫tτ∫Ω∂s|Dε(Mε)∇Mε|2+∫tτ∫Ω∂s(Φε(Mε))g(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε), | (28) |
where we used integration by parts in the second step. Consequently, using the identity
∫ΩG(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε)|s=t−∫ΩG(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε)|s=τ=∫tτ∫Ω∂s(G(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε))=∫tτ∫Ω∫Mε0Dε(ζ)∂s(g(ζ,Nε,Cε,Aε))+∫tτ∫Ω∂sMεDε(Mε)g(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε)=∫tτ∫Ω∫Mε0Dε(ζ)(∂sN∂Ng(ζ,Nε,Cε,Aε)+∂sC∂Cg(ζ,Nε,Cε,Aε)+∂sA∂Ag(ζ,Nε,Cε,Aε))+∫tτ∫Ω∂s(Φε(Mε))g(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε), | (29) |
it follows that
∫tτ∫ΩDε(Mε)(∂tMε)2+12∫Ω|Dε(Mε)∇Mε|2|s=t=12∫Ω|Dε(Mε)∇Mε|2|s=τ+∫ΩG(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε)|s=t−∫ΩG(Mε,Nε,Cε,Aε)|s=τ+∫tτ∫Ω∫Mε0Dε(ζ)(∂sN∂Ng(ζ,Nε,Cε,Aε)+∂sC∂Cg(ζ,Nε,Cε,Aε)+∂sA∂Ag(ζ,Nε,Cε,Aε)), | (30) |
dεa≤Dε(Mε(t,x))=d(Mε(t,x)+ε)a(1−Mε(t,x))b≤d(1−δ+ε)a(1−(1−δ))b≤dδb,(t,x)∈ QT, |
for all
∫tτ∫Ω∫Mε0Dε(ζ)(∂sN∂2g(ζ,Nε,Cε,Aε)+∂sC∂3g(ζ,Nε,Cε,Aε)+∂sA∂4g(ζ,Nε,Cε,Aε))≤dδb∫tτ∫Ω((|∂sN|2+|∂sC|2+|∂sA|2)+∫Mε04∑i=2|∂ig(ζ,Nε,Cε,Aε)|2). | (31) |
By the above estimates (26), Lemma 3.2, Lemma 3.3 and setting
∫QTDε(Mε)(∂tMε)2≤C′,supt∈[0,T]∫Ω|Dε(Mε)∇Mε|2≤C′, |
for some constant
Lemma 3.5. Under the hypotheses of Lemma 3.2 the approximate solutions of (11) converge to a solution of the degenerate system (4) as
Proof. By Lemma 3.3 the solutions
dεa≤Dε(Mε(t,x))≤dδb,(t,x)∈ QT, |
for all
DM(Mε)≤Dε(Mε)≤dδb, |
and consequently,
Φ(Mε(t,x))≤Φε(Mε(t,x))≤(1−δ)dδb,(t,x)∈ QT. |
Lemma 3.3 and Lemma 3.4 further imply that
∫QT(∂t(Φ(Mε)))2=∫QT(DM(Mε)∂tMε)2≤∫QT(Dε(Mε)∂tMε)2≤‖Dε(Mε)‖L∞(QT)∫QTDε(Mε)(∂tMε)2≤cdδb,supt∈[0,T]∫Ω|∇Φ(Mε)|2=supt∈[0,T]∫Ω|DM(Mε)∇Mε|2≤supt∈[0,T]∫Ω|Dε(Mε)∇Mε|2≤c, | (32) |
for some constant
Moreover, by Lemma 3.4 the approximate solutions
Nεn→N, Cεn→C, Aεn→AinC([0,T];L2(Ω)). |
We can now pass to the limit
Lemma 3.6. Let the hypotheses of Lemma 3.2 be satisfied. If
‖M(T)−˜M(T)‖L1(Ω)−‖M0−~M0‖L1(Ω)≤∫T0∫Ω|g0(t,x)|dxdt,‖N(T)−˜N(T)‖L1(Ω)−‖N0−~N0‖L1(Ω)≤∫T0∫Ω|h1(t,x)|dxdt,‖C(T)−˜C(T)‖L1(Ω)−‖C0−~C0‖L1(Ω)≤∫T0∫Ω|h2(t,x)|dxdt,‖A(T)−˜A(T)‖L1(Ω)−‖A0−~A0‖L1(Ω)≤∫T0∫Ω|h3(t,x)|dxdt, | (33) |
where the functions
g0:=g(M,N,C,A)−g(˜M,˜N,˜C,˜A),hi:=fi(M,N,C,A)−fi(˜M,˜N,˜C,˜A), | (34) |
Proof. The estimates immediately follow from Lemma 3.3 in [17].
Lemma 3.7. Let
|g(M,N,C,A)−g(˜M,˜N,˜C,˜A)|+3∑i=1|fi(M,N,C,A)−fi(˜M,˜N,˜C,˜A)≤ c(|M−˜M|+|N−˜N|+|C−˜C|+|A−˜A|), | (35) |
for some constant
Proof. Let
|f2(M,N,C,A)−f2(˜M,˜N,˜C,˜A)|=−σ|[(Ck1+C)(M+N)−(˜Ck1+˜C)(˜M+˜N)]|≤ r1(|M−˜M|+|N−˜N|), | (36) |
for some constant
Am1X1−Am2X2=Am1(X1−X2)+X2(Am1−Am2)= Am1(X1−X2)+νX2(A1−A2)∫10(sA1+(1−s)A2)m−1ds, | (37) |
which implies that
Applying this to
|f1(M,N,C,A)−f1(˜M,˜N,˜C,˜A)|= |[(Ck1+C−k2)N+η1(Am1+Am)M] −[(˜Ck1+˜C−k2)˜N+η1(˜Am1+˜Am)˜M]|≤ |1−k2||N−˜N|+|η1|[|M−˜M|+|M(A−˜A)|]≤ r2(|N−˜N|+|M−˜M|+|A−˜A|) | (38) |
for some constant
|f3(M,N,C,A)−f3(˜M,˜N,˜C,˜A)|= |[−λA+[α+βAm1+Am](M+N)] −[−λ˜A+[α+β˜Am1+˜Am](˜M+˜N)]|≤ λ|A−˜A|+α[|M−˜M|+|N−˜N|] +β[|M−˜M|+|˜M||A−˜A|]+β[|N−˜N|+|˜N||A−˜A|]≤ r3(|A−˜A|+|M−˜M|+|N−˜N|) | (39) |
for some constant
|g(M,N,C,A)−g(˜M,˜N,˜C,˜A)|= |[(Ck1+C−k2)M−η1(Am1+Am)M] −[(˜Ck1+˜C−k2)˜M−η1(˜Am1+˜Am)˜M]|≤ |1−k2||M−˜M|+η1[|M−˜M|+|˜M||A−˜A|]≤ r4|M−˜M|+r2|A−˜A| | (40) |
for some constant
|g(M,N,C,A)−g(˜M,˜N,˜C,˜A)|+3∑i=1|fi(M,N,C,A)−fi(˜M,˜N,˜C,˜A)|≤ r′(|M−˜M|+|N−˜N|+|C−˜C|+|A−˜A|) | (41) |
for some constant
Theorem 3.8. For every
M0≥0,‖M0‖L∞(Ω)<1−ρ,N0≥0,C0≥0,A0≥0,C0|∂Ω=1, M0|∂Ω=N0|∂Ω=A0|∂Ω=0, |
for some
Proof. We first assume the initial data are smooth and satisfy the hypotheses of Lemma 3.2.
F(T)−F(0)≤c∫T0F(s)ds, |
F(t):=‖M(t)−˜M(t)‖L1(Ω)+‖N(t)−˜N(t)‖L1(Ω)+‖C(t)−˜C(t)‖L1(Ω)+‖A(t)−˜A(t)‖L1(Ω). | (42) |
By Gronwall's Lemma we conclude that
F(T)≤F(0)ecT, | (43) |
for some constant
‖Mn0−M0‖L1(Ω)+‖Nn0−N0‖L1(Ω)+‖Cn0−C0‖L1(Ω)+‖An0−A0‖L1(Ω)→0 |
supt∈[0,T]{‖Mn(t)−Mk(t)‖L1(Ω)+‖Nn(t)−Nk(t)‖L1(Ω)+‖Cn(t)−Ck(t)‖L1(Ω)+‖An(t)−Ak(t)‖L1(Ω)}≤ CT(‖Mn0−Mk0‖L1(Ω)+‖Nn0−Nk0‖L1(Ω)+‖Cn0−Ck0‖L1(Ω)+‖An0−Ak0‖L1(Ω)). | (44) |
for some constant
In the previous section we established the well-posedness of the quorum sensing induced biofilm detachment model, however, we are currently unable to describe the solutions of the model qualitatively based on rigorous analytical arguments. Hence, we illustrate the model behaviour in computer simulations.
For the numerical solution of the model we use a straightforward extension to the problem at hand of the numerical method for the prototype biofilm model that is described in detail in [14,36]. For space discretisation this uses a Finite Volume method on a uniform grid, which uses Finite Difference approximations for the diffusive fluxes across grid cell edges. We extended this method to account for the new dependent variables
In the numerical experiments, we investigate the model behaviour under different boundary conditions reflecting biofilms or microbial flocs with particular emphasis on the internal structure of the colonies. We define the following output parameters:
• Relative variation: This is the standard deviation of the sessile biomass density from its mean in the biofilm,
R(t):=[∫Ω2(M(t,x)−∫Ω2M(t,y)dy)2dx]12 | (45) |
• Relative biofilm (floc) size: This is the size of the biofilm relative to the domain size,
ω(t):=1|Ω|∫Ω2(t)dx | (46) |
• Sessile biomass in the biofilm:
Mtot(t):=∫ΩM(t,x)dx | (47) |
• Dispersed cells:
Ntot(t):=∫ΩN(t,x)dx | (48) |
• Average signal molecule concentration in the biofilm:
Aave(t):=∫Ω2(t)A(t,x)dx∫Ω2(t)dx. | (49) |
In these definitions,
In the first simulation experiments, we consider a biofilm without substratum i.e. a microbial floc. We restrict ourselves to a two-dimensional setting with rectangular computational domain
Initially, no signal molecule
For the visualization presented in Figure 2, we used an autoinducer production rate
The 2-D structural representation of the biofilm shown in Figure 2 reveals that the bacterial cells leave from the inner core of the microfloc, but it does not illustrate the extent of the dispersal effect on the biofilm structure. Hence, we present a 1-D spatial representation of a typical biofilm dispersal event in Figure 3 whereby the biofilm is cut vertically to reveal the dispersal taking place in the inner core of the biofilm. The sessile biomass density and the concentration of the quorum sensing molecule are shown at selected times
Figures 2 and 3 illustrate that cell dispersal occurs from the inner core of the microfloc thereby creating hollowing structures, as reported in experimental studies, e.g. [9,22]. Furthermore, we will investigate the general extent of the hollow effect over a longer period of time through the lumped quantities
The temporal plots are shown in Figure 4 where the autoinducer production rate is varied as
The relative variation of the biomass density defined in equation (45) is the standard deviation of the sessile biomass density from its mean in the microfloc. This is evaluated and plotted in Figure 4d. So far, we established that cell dispersal occurs in the inner core of the biofilm, it creates voids (hollows) whose depth increases over time when viewed from the top and the floc size does not shrink as a result of dispersal. The importance of the variable
So far, we presented simulation experiments for a microfloc. We will compare this situation with a biofilm. Besides, we will investigate the effect of quorum sensing induced dispersal on merged colonies which has not been done in the previous study [18]. More specifically, we will analyze the behaviour of merging colonies in terms of biomass growth, cell dispersal and hollow structures.
The simulated biofilm community consists of bacterial cells accumulating on a surface (substratum) surrounded by an aquatic region. The substratum is inoculated by two colonies of small pockets of sessile cells with biomass density
The substratum forms the bottom boundary of the domain
Initially, no dispersed cells and no autoinducers are in the system, and the concentration of nutrients is at bulk level, i.e.
To investigate the effect of quorum sensing triggered dispersal on the spatial structure of the biofilm colony, we visualize the development, growth and cell dispersal of the biofilm in Figure 5. We used the autoinducer production rate
After the simulation starts, the biomass
At the next shown time instance
At the next snapshot
Furthermore, we investigate the behaviour of the biofilm if cell dispersal occurs before merging of the colonies. The simulation setup here is the same as in Figure 5 except that the autoinducer production rate is set to
The extent of the hollow effect in the quorum sensing induced biofilm dispersal is investigated through the lumped quantities
In the simulations discussed above, we prescribed homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions for the autoinducer
In order to describe dispersal of cells from a biofilm colony into the aqueous environment, simple prototype biofilm growth models must be extended to include both the dispersing cells as well as the trigger that causes such detachment. In the case of quorum sensing induced dispersal these are autoinducer molecules that are produced in the biofilm colony. In total, this introduces two new dependent variables. The existence and uniqueness proofs for the underlying prototype model must be adapted and extended to account for this new complexity. Our particular model is based on a biofilm growth model that consists of a density-dependent diffusion-reaction equation for sessile biomass that is coupled with a semi-linear diffusion-reaction equation for nutrient, which are consumed in the biofilm. The extension of the model introduces additional semi-linear diffusion-reaction equations that describe quantities that are produced in the biofilm. Since the associated reaction terms have opposite signs than the nutrient terms, the approach to obtain estimates for the nutrient concentration does not carry over to the two new dependent variables and alternative arguments were developed. We formulated the analysis for the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions, but the results can be generalized to other situations with the same ideas that were used for the underlying prototype biofilm growth model. In numerical simulations we focus on the effect of quorum sensing controlled dispersal on the colony. The simulations suggest: (ⅰ) Depending on parameters, microflocs and biofilms do not shrink as a result of dispersal but hollow out, with lower biomass densities in the inner layers of the colonies. (ⅱ) After a rapid dispersal event the number of cells remaining in the colony drops which also leads to a drop in the amount of autoinducer molecules produced; if sufficient nutrients are available cells grow inside the colonies after the dispersal event, leading to increasing biomass there, i.e. a shrinkage of the inner hollow regions, until the next dispersal event. Thus, (ⅲ) quorum sensing induced hollowing of biofilm colonies is a dynamic feature, changing in size and depth over time.
We thank the referees for their careful reading of the manuscript and their helpful comments and remarks that greatly improved the writing of the paper. BOE acknowledges financial support received from the Ontario Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs through the HQP Scholarship program; HJE acknowledges financial support received from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada through the Discovery Grant program.
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Parameter | Description | Value | Source |
half saturation concentration (growth) | | [44] | |
| lysis rate | | assumed |
nutrient consumption rate | | [19] | |
| maximum dispersal rate | varied | [18] |
| quorum sensing abiotic decay rate | | [39] |
constitutive autoinducer production rate | varied | - | |
| induced autoinducer production rate | | [19] |
| degree of polymerization | | [19] |
| constant diffusion coefficients for | | assumed |
| constant diffusion coefficients for | | [15] |
| constant diffusion coefficients for | | [15] |
| biomass motility coefficient | | [13] |
| biofilm diffusion exponent | | [13] |
| biofilm diffusion exponent | | [13] |
| system length | | [15] |
| system height | | assumed |
Parameter | Description | Value | Source |
half saturation concentration (growth) | | [44] | |
| lysis rate | | assumed |
nutrient consumption rate | | [19] | |
| maximum dispersal rate | varied | [18] |
| quorum sensing abiotic decay rate | | [39] |
constitutive autoinducer production rate | varied | - | |
| induced autoinducer production rate | | [19] |
| degree of polymerization | | [19] |
| constant diffusion coefficients for | | assumed |
| constant diffusion coefficients for | | [15] |
| constant diffusion coefficients for | | [15] |
| biomass motility coefficient | | [13] |
| biofilm diffusion exponent | | [13] |
| biofilm diffusion exponent | | [13] |
| system length | | [15] |
| system height | | assumed |