Let Un be the unit polydisc in the complex vector space Cn. We defined the α-Bloch-Orlicz space on Un by using Young's function and showed that its norm is equivalent with a special μ-Bloch space. We also characterized the boundedness and compactness of the weighted composition operator on α-Bloch-Orlicz space. Our results generalized the corresponding results on the unit disk.
Citation: Fuya Hu, Chengshi Huang, Zhijie Jiang. Weighted composition operators on α-Bloch-Orlicz spaces over the unit polydisc[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2025, 10(2): 3672-3690. doi: 10.3934/math.2025170
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Let Un be the unit polydisc in the complex vector space Cn. We defined the α-Bloch-Orlicz space on Un by using Young's function and showed that its norm is equivalent with a special μ-Bloch space. We also characterized the boundedness and compactness of the weighted composition operator on α-Bloch-Orlicz space. Our results generalized the corresponding results on the unit disk.
Let U be the unit disk in the complex plane C, Un={z=(z1,z2,⋯,zn):|zi|<1,i=1,2,⋯,n} the unit polydisc in the complex vector space Cn, and ∂Un={z=(z1,z2,⋯,zn):|zi|=1, i=1,2,⋯,n} the distinguished boundary of Un. Let H(Un) be the space of all holomorphic functions on Un and H∞(Un) the space of all bounded holomorphic functions on Un (see, for example, [12,14,20]).
Let ψ∈H(Un) and φ=(φ1,φ2,⋯,φn) be a holomorphic self-mapping of Un. The weighted composition operator Wψ,φ on some subspaces of H(Un) is defined by
Wψ,φf(z)=ψ(z)f(φ(z)),z∈Un. |
If ψ(z)≡1 on Un, the operator Wψ,φ is reduced to the composition operator Cφ, while if φ(z)=z, it is reduced to the multiplication operator Mψ. The theory of the (weighted) composition operators on various spaces has quite a long and rich history (we will give some concrete studies. For example, see [1,2,3] or[5] for the studies of composition operators; see [7,11,17] from one space to Bloch type spaces; see [8,9,24] from one space to weighted spaces or Bloch spaces; see [28,29,30] for one on Hardy spaces, Zygmund-Orlicz spaces, or logarithmic Bloch-Orlicz spaces).
Recall that for α>0, the α-Bloch space on Un denoted by Bα(Un) consists of all f∈H(Un) such that
‖f‖α=supz∈Unn∑k=1(1−|zk|2)α|∂f∂zk(z)|<+∞. |
It is well-known that Bα(Un) is a Banach space with the norm ‖f‖Bα(Un)=|f(0)|+‖f‖α. For this and related spaces and operators on them, see, for example, [4,19,21] and the references therein.
A positive continuous function on U is called weight. Let μ be a weight. The μ-Bloch space on Un denoted by Bμ(Un) consists of all f∈H(Un) such that
‖f‖μ=supz∈Unn∑k=1μ(zk)|∂f∂zk(z)|<+∞. |
It is a Banach space endowed with the norm ‖f‖Bμ(Un)=|f(0)|+‖f‖μ. Clearly, the μ-Bloch space is a natural generalization of the α-Bloch space (see [22,23,25,27] for other Bloch type spaces, and see [10,13] for α-Bloch space). For some information on this space, also see [18].
As an important closed subspace of Bμ(Un), the little μ-Bloch space Bμ,0(Un) consists of all f∈Bμ(Un) such that
limz→∂Unn∑k=1μ(zk)|∂f∂zk(z)|=0. |
In order to introduce the α-Bloch-Orlicz space on Un, we explain here the Bloch-Orlicz space on U, which was introduced by Ramos Fernández in [18]. More precisely, let ϕ be a Young's function, that is, ϕ is a strictly increasing convex function on the interval [0,+∞) such that
ϕ(0)=0andlimt→+∞ϕ(t)=+∞. |
Since ϕ(0)=0, from the convexity of ϕ, it clearly follows that ϕ(st)≤sϕ(t) for 0<s<1 and t>0.
The Bloch-Orlicz space denoted by Bϕ(U) consists of all f∈H(U) such that
supz∈U(1−|z|2)ϕ(λ|f′(z)|)<+∞ |
for some positive λ depending on f. The Minkowski's functional
‖f‖ϕ=inf{k>0:Sϕ(f′k)≤1} |
defines a semi-norm for Bϕ(U), where
Sϕ(f)=supz∈U(1−|z|2)ϕ(|f(z)|). |
Bϕ(U) becomes a Banach space with the norm
‖f‖Bϕ(U)=|f(0)|+‖f‖ϕ. |
Motivated by the Bloch-Orlicz space, the α-Bloch-Orlicz space on U denoted by Bϕ,α(U) was introduced by Liang in [15]. Since Un is an important bounded symmetric domain of Cn, it is natural to define a similar space on the domain and study some concrete operators on it.
The abovementioned facts motivate us to define the α-Bloch-Orlicz space on Un. The space consists of all f∈H(Un) such that
supz∈Unn∑k=1(1−|zk|2)αϕ(λ|∂f∂zk(z)|)<+∞ |
for some λ>0 depending on f, and it is denoted by Bϕ,α(Un). Since ϕ is convex, it is easy to see that the Minkowski's functional
‖f‖ϕ,α=inf{t>0:Sϕ,α(ft)≤1} |
defines a semi-norm on Bϕ,α(Un), which is known as Luxemburg's semi-norm, where
Sϕ,α(f)=supz∈Unn∑k=1(1−|zk|2)αϕ(|∂f∂zk(z)|). |
It can be easily proved that Bϕ,α(Un) is a Banach space with the norm
‖f‖Bϕ,α(Un)=|f(0)|+‖f‖ϕ,α. |
Observe that when ϕ(t)=t with t≥0, we get back the α-Bloch space Bα(Un). Furthermore, from [18] we can suppose that ϕ−1 is continuously differentiable on [0,+∞).
In this paper, we mainly study the boundedness and compactness of the operator Wψ,φ on Bϕ,α(Un). It can be regarded as a continuation of the investigation of concrete operators on these spaces.
Throughout the paper, we will write Wψ,φf instead of Wψ,φ(f). The letter C will denote a positive constant, and the exact value may vary in each case. The notation a≲b means that there is a constant C>0, such that a≤Cb. When a≲b and b≲a, we write a≍b.
First, we obtain the following result, which is similar to the corresponding result in [18].
Lemma 2.1. For each f∈Bϕ,α(Un)∖{0}, it follows that
Sϕ,α(f‖f‖ϕ,α)≤1. | (2.1) |
Moreover, for each f∈Bϕ,α(Un) and z∈Un, the following holds:
|∂f∂zk(z)|≤ϕ−1(1(1−|zk|2)α)‖f‖ϕ,α. | (2.2) |
Proof. For f∈Bϕ,α(Un)∖{0}, by the definition of Bϕ,α(Un), there exists a decreasing sequence {λi}⊂R+ with Sϕ,α(fλi)≤1, such that λi→‖f‖ϕ,α as i→∞. Since the function ϕ is increasing, we get
Si:=Sϕ,α(fλi)≤Sϕ,α(f‖f‖ϕ,α):=S. | (2.3) |
From the monotonicity of ϕ and (2.3), we obtain that {Si} is bounded and increasing. Hence, there is a real number S0 such that
S0=limi→∞Si=supi∈NSi. |
By (2.3) and Si≤1 for each i∈N, we have S0≤S and S0≤1. So, for all z∈Un and i∈N, we have
Si=n∑k=1(1−|zk|2)αϕ(|∂f∂zk(z)|λi)≤S0. | (2.4) |
Letting i→∞ in (2.4), we obtain
S=n∑k=1(1−|zk|2)αϕ(|∂f∂zk(z)|‖f‖ϕ,α)≤S0, | (2.5) |
for all z∈Un. Consequently, we obtain that S=S0, and then S≤1. From this, for all f∈Bϕ,α(Un) and z∈Un, it follows that
n∑k=1(1−|zk|2)αϕ(|∂f∂zk(z)|‖f‖ϕ,α)≤1. |
Then, for each k∈{1,2,⋯,n} and all z∈Un, we have
ϕ(|∂f∂zk(z)|‖f‖ϕ,α)≤1(1−|zk|2)α. | (2.6) |
Since ϕ is the strictly increasing convex function, it follows that
|∂f∂zk(z)|≤ϕ−1(1(1−|zk|2)α)‖f‖ϕ,α. | (2.7) |
This completes the proof of the lemma.
For the convenience, we write
μϕ,α(z)=1ϕ−1(1(1−|z|2)α),z∈U. |
Noting that
f(z)−f(0)=∫10ddtf(tz)dt=n∑k=1∫10zk∂f∂wk(tz)dt, |
from Lemma 2.1 we obtain the following result.
Corollary 2.1. Let α>0. If f∈Bϕ,α(Un), then for all z∈Un, it follows that
|f(z)|≤(1+n∑k=1∫|zk|01μϕ,α(t)dt)‖f‖ϕ,α. | (2.8) |
We also have the following result, which is similar to that in [18].
Lemma 2.2. Let α>0. Then, Bϕ,α(Un)=Bμϕ,α(Un), where Bμϕ,α(Un) is the special μϕ,α-Bloch space with the weight μϕ,α. Moreover, for each f∈Bϕ,α(Un), it follows that
‖f‖Bϕ,α(Un)≍‖f‖Bμϕ,α(Un). |
Proof. By Lemma 2.1, for all f∈Bϕ,α(Un) and z=(z1,z2,⋯,zn)∈Un, we have
n∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂f∂zk(z)|≤n‖f‖ϕ,α, |
which implies that Bϕ,α(Un)⊆Bμϕ,α(Un) and
‖f‖Bμϕ,α(Un)≤n‖f‖Bϕ,α(Un). | (2.9) |
Conversely, if f∈Bμϕ,α(Un), then we have
n∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂f∂zk(z)|≤‖f‖μϕ,α, |
for all z∈Un, that is,
n∑k=11ϕ−1(1(1−|zk|2)α)|∂f∂zk(z)|≤‖f‖μϕ,α, |
which implies that
|∂f∂zk(z)|‖f‖μϕ,α≤ϕ−1(1(1−|zk|2)α). |
From this, we get
(1−|zk|2)αϕ(|∂f∂zk(z)|‖f‖μϕ,α)≤1. |
From this, and since ϕ(sn)≤1nϕ(s) for s≥0 and n∈N, it easily follows that
Sϕ,α(fn‖f‖μϕ,α)≤1. |
This shows that ‖f‖ϕ,α≤n‖f‖μϕ,α, and then
‖f‖Bϕ,α(Un)≤n‖f‖Bμϕ,α(Un) | (2.10) |
and Bμϕ,α(Un)⊆Bϕ,α(Un).
From the above proof, (2.9), and (2.10), we obtain that Bϕ,α(Un)=Bμϕ,α(Un) and ‖f‖Bϕ,α(Un)≍‖f‖Bμϕ,α(Un). This completes the proof of the lemma.
The following result is a version of [6, Lemma 3.1]. For the completeness, we give its proof.
Lemma 2.3. For a fixed a∈U, there exists a function fa,α∈H(U) such that
ϕ(|fa,α(z)|)=(1−|a|2|1−¯az|2)α. | (2.11) |
Proof. We set
u(z)=ϕ−1((1−|a|2|1−¯az|2)α),z∈U. |
Therefore, u is a real and continuously differentiable function in the sense that its partial derivatives exist and are continuous on U. Furthermore, for all z∈U, the function u satisfies
u(z)≥ϕ−1((14)α(1−|a|2)α)>0. |
Now, we let fa,α(z)=u(z)eiv(z), where v is a real function defined on U. In the order that fa,α is a holomorphic function on U, then its real part and its imaginary part must satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations, that is,
{uxcos(v)−usin(v)vx=uysin(v)+ucos(v)vy,uycos(v)−usin(v)vy=−uxsin(v)−ucos(v)vx. | (2.12) |
It is easy to see that if
uvx=−uyanduvy=ux, | (2.13) |
then (2.12) holds. To find a function v that satisfies (2.13), we define
v(x,y)=−∫x01u(s,y)∂u(s,y)∂yds+h(y), |
where h is a real function that satisfies
h′(y)=1u(x,y)∂u(x,y)∂x+∂∂y{∫x01u(s,y)∂u(s,y)∂yds}. |
Then, by a computation, we see that v satisfies (2.13). This completes the proof.
Using the function fa,α, we can construct some special functions in the space Bϕ,α(Un).
Lemma 2.4. For the fixed a∈U, the function
ga,α(z)=∫zl0fa,α(t)dt | (2.14) |
belongs to Bϕ,α(Un) for l∈{1,2,⋯,n}. Moreover, ‖ga,α‖ϕ,α=1.
Proof. It is clear that ga,α is holomorphic on Un. The result holds due to the following equality:
Sϕ,α(ga,α)=supz∈Un(1−|zl|2)α(1−|a|2|1−¯azl|2)α=supz∈Un(1−|σa(zl)|2)α=1, | (2.15) |
σa(w)=a−w1−¯aw | (2.16) |
is the automorphism of U. From (2.15), we obtain that ‖ga,α‖ϕ,α=1. This completes the proof.
The following result characterizes the compactness of the operator Wψ,φ. The proof is standard, so it is omitted (see Proposition 3.11 in [5] or Theorem 3.1 in [16]).
Lemma 2.5. Let α>0. Then, the operator Wψ,φ is compact on Bϕ,α(Un) if, and only if, for each bounded sequence {fi}⊂Bϕ,α(Un) such that {fi}→0 uniformly on every compact subset of Un as i→∞, it follows that limi→∞‖Wψ,φfi‖ϕ,α=0.
In this section, we assume that the function μϕ,α satisfies the following condition:
c0=∫101μϕ,α(t)dt<+∞. | (3.1) |
In this case, we will give some examples that satisfy the condition (3.1). Moreover, we will characterize the boundedness and compactness of the operator Wψ,φ on Bϕ,α(Un). As the applications, the characterizations of the boundedness and compactness of Cφ and Mψ on Bϕ,α(Un) are obtained.
Theorem 3.1. Let α>0, ψ∈H(Un), and φ be a holomorphic self-mapping of Un. Then, the operator Wψ,φ is bounded on Bϕ,α(Un) if, and only if,
L=supz∈Unn∑k,l=1μϕ,α(zk)μϕ,α(φl(z))|ψ(z)∂φl∂zk(z)|<+∞, | (3.2) |
M=supz∈Unn∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ(z)∂zk|<+∞. | (3.3) |
Proof. For each fixed k∈{1,2,⋯,n}, we write
Lk=supz∈Unμϕ,α(zk)|ψ(z)|n∑l=1|1μϕ,α(φl(z))∂φl∂zk(z)| |
Mk=supz∈Unμϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ(z)∂zk|. |
Suppose that L, M<+∞. Then, we clearly have Lk≤L and Mk≤M. For every f∈Bϕ,α(Un)∖{0}, from the convexity of ϕ, Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2, it follows that
Sϕ,α(Wψ,φfn(Lk+Mk(1+n∑l=1∫|φl(z)|0dtμϕ,α(t)))‖f‖ϕ,α)=supz∈Unn∑k=1(1−|zk|2)αϕ(|∂Wψ,φf∂zk(z)|n(Lk+Mk(1+n∑l=1∫|φl(z)|0dtμϕ,α(t)))‖f‖ϕ,α)=supz∈Unn∑k=1(1−|zk|2)αϕ(|∂ψ(z)∂zkf(φ(z))+ψ(z)n∑l=1∂f∂wl(φ(z))∂φl∂zk(z)|n(Lk+Mk(1+n∑l=1∫|φl(z)|0dtμϕ,α(t)))‖f‖ϕ,α)≤supz∈Unn∑k=1(1−|zk|2)αϕ(|∂ψ(z)∂zk||f(φ(z))|+|ψ(z)|n∑l=1|∂f∂wl(φ(z))||∂φl∂zk(z)|n(Lk+Mk(1+n∑l=1∫|φl(z)|0dtμϕ,α(t)))‖f‖ϕ,α)≤supz∈Unn∑k=1(1−|zk|2)αϕ(|∂ψ(z)∂zk|(1+n∑l=1∫|φl(z)|0dtμϕ,α(t))‖f‖ϕ,α+|ψ(z)|n∑l=11μϕ,α(φl(z))|∂φl∂zk(z)|‖f‖ϕ,αn(Lk+Mk(1+n∑l=1∫|φl(z)|0dtμϕ,α(t)))‖f‖ϕ,α)=supz∈Unn∑k=1(1−|zk|2)αϕ(|∂ψ(z)∂zk|(1+n∑l=1∫|φl(z)|0dtμϕ,α(t))‖f‖ϕ,α+|ψ(z)|n∑l=1|1μϕ,α(φl(z))∂φl∂zk(z)|‖f‖ϕ,αn(Lk+Mk(1+n∑l=1∫|φl(z)|0dtμϕ,α(t)))‖f‖ϕ,α)≤supz∈Unn∑k=1(1−|zk|2)αϕ(1nμϕ,α(zk))≤supz∈Unn∑k=1(1−|zk|2)α1nϕ(1μϕ,α(zk))=supz∈Unn∑k=1(1−|zk|2)α1n1(1−|zk|2)α=1. | (3.4) |
Hence, from (3.4), we obtain
‖Wψ,φf‖ϕ,α≤n[Lk+Mk(1+n∑l=1∫|φl(z)|0dtμϕ,α(t))]‖f‖ϕ,α≤n[L+M(1+nc0)]‖f‖ϕ,α. | (3.5) |
On the other hand, it follows from Corollary 2.1 that
|Wψ,φf(0)|=|ψ(0)||f(φ(0))|≤C‖f‖ϕ,α. | (3.6) |
From (3.5) and (3.6), we obtain that
‖Wψ,φ‖Bϕ,α(Un)≤C‖f‖Bϕ,α(Un), |
which shows that the operator Wψ,φ is bounded on Bϕ,α(Un).
Conversely, assume that the operator Wψ,φ is bounded on Bϕ,α(Un). By setting ˆf(z)≡1 (clearly, 1∈Bϕ,α(Un)), we obtain ψ=Wψ,φˆf∈Bϕ,α(Un). Then,
1≥Sϕ,α(Wψ,φˆfC‖f‖ϕ,α)=Sϕ,α(ψC‖ˆf‖ϕ,α)=supz∈Unn∑k=1(1−|zk|2)αϕ(|∂ψ∂zk(z)|C‖ˆf‖ϕ,α). | (3.7) |
From (3.7), for each k∈{1,2,⋯,n} and all z∈Un, it follows that
μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ∂zk(z)|≤C‖ˆf‖ϕ,α, |
which shows
M=supz∈Unn∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ∂zk(z)|≤C. | (3.8) |
By Lemma 2.4, we see that the following function belongs to Bϕ,α(Un),
gφl(w),α(z)=∫zl0fφl(w),α(t)dt. |
Moreover, ‖gφl(w),α‖ϕ,α=1. Then, we have
1≥Sϕ,α(Wψ,φgφl(w),αC‖gφl(w),α‖ϕ,α)=supz∈Unn∑k=1(1−|zk|2)αϕ(|∂ψ∂zk(z)gφl(w),α(φ(z))+ψ(z)n∑j=1∂gφl(w),α∂wj(φ(z))∂φj∂zk(z)|C)≥(1−|zk|2)αϕ(|∂ψ∂zk(z)gφl(w),α(φ(z))+ψ(z)n∑j=1∂gφl(w),α∂wj(φ(z))∂φj∂zk(z)|C). | (3.9) |
From (3.9), we obtain
μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ∂zk(z)gφl(w),α(φ(z))+ψ(z)n∑j=1∂gφl(w),α∂wj(φ(z))∂φj∂zk(z)|≤C, |
which leads to
μϕ,α(zk)|ψ(z)n∑j=1∂gφl(w),α∂wj(φ(z))∂φj∂zk(z)|≤C+μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ∂zk(z)||gφl(w),α(φ(z))|. | (3.10) |
By summing in (3.10) from 1 to n, we obtain
n∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|ψ(z)n∑j=1∂gφl(w),α∂wj(φ(z))∂φj∂zk(z)|≤nC+n∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ∂zk(z)||gφl(w),α(φ(z))|. | (3.11) |
Then, by Corollary 2.1 and the fact ‖gφl(w),α‖ϕ,α=1, (3.11) becomes
n∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|ψ(z)n∑j=1∂gφl(w),α∂wj(φ(z))∂φj∂zk(z)|≤nC+n∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ∂zk(z)|(1+n∑l=1∫|φl(z)|01μϕ,α(t)dt). | (3.12) |
∂gφl(w),α∂zl(z)=fφl(w),α(zl),∂gφl(w),α∂zj(z)=0,j≠l, |
by Lemma 2.3 we get
n∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|ψ(z)||ϕ−1((1−|φl(w)|2|1−¯φl(w)φl(z)|2)α)∂φl∂zk(z)|≤nC+n∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ∂zk(z)|(1+n∑l=1∫|φl(z)|01μϕ,α(t)dt). | (3.13) |
Now, letting z=w in (3.13), by (3.8) and c0=∫101μϕ,α(t)dt<+∞, we have
n∑k=1μϕ,α(wk)μϕ,α(φl(w))|ψ(w)∂φl∂wk(w)|≤n2C+nn∑k=1μϕ,α(wk)|∂ψ∂wk(w)|(1+n∑l=1∫|φl(w)|01μϕ,α(t)dt)≤nC+(1+nc0)M, |
which shows
L=supz∈Unn∑k,l=1μϕ,α(zk)μϕ,α(φl(z))|ψ(z)∂φl∂zk(z)|<+∞. |
The proof is finished.
By directly applying Theorem 3.1, we derive the following two results.
Corollary 3.1. Let α>0 and ψ∈H(Un). Then, the operator Mψ is bounded on Bϕ,α(Un) if, and only if, ψ∈H∞(Un)∩Bμϕ,α(Un).
Corollary 3.2. Let α>0 and φ be a holomorphic self-mapping of Un. Then, the operator Cφ is bounded on Bϕ,α(Un) if, and only if,
supz∈Unn∑k,l=1μϕ,α(zk)μϕ,α(φl(z))|∂φl∂wk(z)|<+∞. |
The compactness of the operator Wψ,φ has been characterized from p-Bloch space Bp(Un) to q-Bloch space Bq(Un) in [26], which motivates us to consider the same problem on Bϕ,α(Un).
Theorem 3.2. Let α>0, ψ∈H(Un), and φ be a holomorphic self-mapping of Un. Then, the operator Wψ,φ is compact on Bϕ,α(Un) if, and only if, Wψ,φ is bounded on Bϕ,α(Un),
limφ(z)→∂Unn∑k,l=1μϕ,α(zk)μϕ,α(φl(z))|ψ(z)∂φl(z)∂zk|=0, | (3.14) |
limφ(z)→∂Unn∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ(z)∂zk|=0. | (3.15) |
Proof. Assume that the operator Wψ,φ is bounded on Bϕ,α(Un) and (3.14), (3.15) holds, respectively. To show that the operator Wψ,φ is compact on Bϕ,α(Un), using Lemma 2.5, we just need to prove that for each bounded sequence {fj} in Bϕ,α(Un) such that fj→0 uniformly on any compact subset of Un as j→∞, we have that limj→∞‖Wψ,φfj‖ϕ,α=0. Let {fj} be a such sequence in Bϕ,α(Un). Set C0=supj∈N‖fj‖ϕ,α. For ε>0, by (3.14) and (3.15), there exists a δ∈(0,1) such that
n∑k,l=1μϕ,α(zk)μϕ,α(φl(z))|ψ(z)∂φl(z)∂zk|<ε, |
n∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ(z)∂zk|<ε, |
for all z∈E={z∈Un:dist(φ(z),∂Un)<δ}. From this, for all z∈E we have
n∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂Wψ,φfj∂zk(z)|=n∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ(z)∂zkfj(φ(z))+ψ(z)n∑l=1∂fj∂wl(φ(z))∂φl∂zk(z)|≤n∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ(z)∂zk||fj(φ(z))|+n∑k,l=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂fj∂wl(φ(z))||ψ(z)∂φl∂zk(z)|≤n∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ(z)∂zk|(1+n∑l=1∫|φl(z)|01μϕ,α(t)dt)‖fj‖ϕ,α+n∑k,l=1μϕ,α(zk)μϕ,α(φl(z))|ψ(z)∂φl(z)∂zk|‖fj‖ϕ,α≤(1+nc0)C0ε+C0ε=(2+nc0)C0ε, |
which shows
supz∈En∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂Wψ,φfj∂zk(z)|≤(2+nc0)C0ε. |
On the other hand, Un∖E={z∈Un:dist(φ(z),∂Un)≥δ} is a compact subset of Un. Hence, fj→0 uniformly on Un∖E as j→∞. From Cauchy's estimate, it follows that ∂fj∂zl→0 uniformly on Un∖E as j→∞ for each l∈{1,2,⋯,n}. Since Wψ,φ is bounded on Bϕ,α(Un), from Theorem 3.1 we have that M<+∞.
Set fl(z)=zl,z∈Un. Then, fl∈Bϕ,α(Un). Since Wψ,φ is bounded on Bϕ,α(Un), Wψ,φfl=ψφl∈Bϕ,α(Un). From the definition of Bϕ,α(Un), we have
1≥Sϕ,α(ψφlC‖fl‖ϕ,α)=supz∈Unn∑k=1(1−|zk|2)αϕ(|∂ψ(z)∂zkφl(z)+ψ(z)∂φl∂zk(z)|C‖fl‖ϕ,α)≥(1−|zk|2)αϕ(|∂ψ(z)∂zkφl(z)+ψ(z)∂φl∂zk(z)|C‖fl‖ϕ,α). | (3.16) |
Since μϕ,α(zk)=1ϕ−1(1(1−|zk|2)α), from (3.16) we obtain
μϕ,α(zk)|ψ(z)∂φl∂zk(z)|−μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ(z)∂zkφl(z)|≤μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ(z)∂zkφl(z)+ψ(z)∂φl∂zk(z)|≤C‖fl‖ϕ,α. |
μϕ,α(zk)|ψ(z)∂φl∂zk(z)|≤C‖fl‖ϕ,α+μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ(z)∂zkφl(z)|. |
Since |φl(z)|<1, l∈{1,2,⋯,n}, we get
supz∈Un∖En∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|ψ(z)∂φl∂zk(z)|≤C‖fl‖ϕ,α+supz∈Un∖En∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ(z)∂zkφl(z)|≤C‖fl‖ϕ,α+supz∈Un∖En∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ(z)∂zk|≤C‖fl‖ϕ,α+‖ψ‖μϕ,α<+∞. |
For the convenience, we write
Cl=supz∈Un∖En∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|ψ(z)∂φl∂zk(z)|. |
Then, Cl<+∞ for each l∈{1,2,⋯,n}. Hence, for each l∈{1,2,⋯,n}, we have
‖Wψ,φf‖ϕ,α≍supz∈Unn∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂Wψ,φfj∂zk(z)|≤supz∈En∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂Wψ,φfj∂zk(z)|+supz∈Un∖En∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂Wψ,φfj∂zk(z)|≤(2+c0ε)C0ε+supz∈Un∖En∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ(z)∂zkfj(φ(z))+ψ(z)n∑l=1∂fj∂wl(φ(z))∂φl∂zk(z)|≤(2+c0ε)C0ε+supz∈Un∖En∑k=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂ψ(z)∂zk||fj(φ(z))|+supz∈Un∖En∑k,l=1μϕ,α(zk)|∂fj∂wl(φ(z))||ψ(z)∂φl∂zk(z)|≤(2+c0ε)C0ε+Msupz∈Un∖E|fj(φ(z))|+n∑l=1Cl|∂fj∂wl(φ(z))|→0, | (3.17) |
as j→∞. Moreover, it follows by (3.17) that the operator Wψ,φ is compact on Bϕ,α(Un).
Now, suppose that the operator Wψ,φ is compact on Bϕ,α(Un). It is clear that Wψ,φ is bounded on Bϕ,α(Un). First, we prove that condition (3.14) holds. If the condition (3.14) is not right, then there is a constant ε0>0 and a sequence {zm} in Un with wm=φ(zm)→∂Un as m→∞, such that
n∑k,l=1μϕ,α(zmk)μϕ,α(φl(zm))|ψ(zm)∂φl(zm)∂zmk|≥ε0, | (3.18) |
for all m∈N. Since Wψ,φ is bounded on Bϕ,α(Un), by the condition (3.2) in Theorem 3.1, we see that for all l∈{1,2,⋯,n}, the sequence
{n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)μϕ,α(φl(zm))|ψ(zm)∂φl(zm)∂zmk|} |
is bounded. Hence, there is a subsequence of {zm} (for simplicity, here we assume that it is the sequence {zm}) such that the following limit exists:
limm→∞n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)μϕ,α(φl(zm))|ψ(zm)∂φl(zm)∂zmk|, |
for every l∈{1,2,⋯,n}. Also, we may assume that for every l∈{1,2,⋯,n}, the following limit exists:
limm→∞|wml|=limm→∞|φl(zm)|. |
From (3.18), there must be an l0∈{1,2,⋯,n} (here, we can assume that l0=1) such that
limm→∞n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)μϕ,α(φ1(zm))|ψ(zm)∂φ1(zm)∂zmk|=ε1≠0. |
In order to obtain a contradiction, we divide into the following two cases for consideration.
Case 1. Assume that |wm1|→1 as m→∞. Set
hm(z)=∫z10|fwm1,α(t)|dt−∫wm10|fwm1,α(t)|dt,z∈Un. |
Then, hm∈Bϕ,α(Un) and hm→0 uniformly on compact subsets of Un as m→∞. Moreover, by an easy computation,
∂hm∂zk(z)=0, k≠1, | (3.19) |
hm(wm)=0 and ∂hm(wm)∂z1=|fwm1,α(wm1)|. | (3.20) |
Then, from (3.19) and (3.20), we get
‖Wψ,φhm‖μϕ,α≥n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)|ψ(zm)∂hm∂w1(φ(zm))∂φ1(zm)∂zmk|=n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)μϕ,α(φ1(zm))|ψ(zm)∂φ1(zm)∂zmk|→ε1≠0, |
as m→∞, which is a contradiction, since ‖Wψ,φhm‖μϕ,α→0 as m→∞.
Case 2. Assume that |wm1|→ρ<1 as m→∞. Since wm→∂Un, there is an l∈{2,⋯,n} such that |wml|→1 as m→∞. If there is a ε2>0 such that
n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)μϕ,α(φl(zm))|ψ(zm)∂φl(zm)∂zmk|≥ε2, |
we can also assume that
limm→∞n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)μϕ,α(φl(zm))|ψ(zm)∂φl(zm)∂zmk|=ε3≠0. |
Similar to Case 1, we obtain a contradiction by using the functions
ˆhm(z)=∫zl0|fwml,α(t)|dt−∫wml0|fwml,α(t)|dt, m∈N. |
Now, for the l chosen above, assume that
limm→∞n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)μϕ,α(φl(zm))|ψ(zm)∂φl(zm)∂zmk|=0. |
Set ˜hm=hm+ˆhm. Then, {˜hm}⊂Bϕ,α(Un) and ˜hm→0 uniformly on compact subsets of Un as m→∞. We have
‖Wψ,φ˜hm‖μϕ,α≥n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)μϕ,α(φ1(zm))|ψ(zm)∂φ1(zm)∂zmk|−n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)μϕ,α(φl(zm))|ψ(zm)∂φl(zm)∂zmk|→ε1≠0, | (3.21) |
as m→∞, which also is a contradiction, since ‖Wψ,φ˜hm‖μϕ,α→0 as m→∞.
Now, we begin to prove that condition (3.15) holds. Assume that condition (3.15) is not right. Then, there exist a positive constant ε4 and a sequence {zm} in Un with wm=φ(zm)→∂Un as m→∞, such that
n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)|∂ψ(zm)∂zmk|≥ε4, |
for all m∈N. Since Wψ,φ is bounded on Bμϕ,α(Un), from (3.3) in Theorem 3.1, we know that the sequence
{n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)|∂ψ(zm)∂zmk|} |
is bounded. Hence, there is a subsequence of {zm} such that
0≠a0=limm→∞n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)|∂ψ(zm)∂zmk|<∞. |
Also, we may assume that for every l∈{1,2,⋯,n}, there is a finite limit
limm→∞|wml|=limm→∞|φl(zm)|. |
Case 3. Assume that |wm1|→1 as m→∞. Set
Sm(z)=1ln(1−|wm1|2)((ln(1−¯wm1z1))22ln(1−|wm1|2)−ln(1−¯wm1z1)), m∈N. |
Then, {Sm}⊂Bϕ,α(Un) and Sm→0 uniformly on compact subsets of Un as m→∞. Moreover, we also have
∂Sm(z)∂z1=1ln(1−|wm1|2)(ln(1−¯wm1z1)−¯wm11−¯wm1z1ln(1−|wm1|2)+¯wm11−¯wm1z1), |
∂Sm∂zk(z)=0, k≠1, |
Sm(wm)=−12 and ∂Sm(wm)∂z1=0. |
So, we get
‖Wψ,φSm‖μϕ,α=supz∈Unn∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)|∂Wψ,φSm∂zmk|≥n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)|∂ψ(zm)∂zmkSm(φ(zm))+ψ(zm)n∑l=1∂Sm∂wl(φ(zm))∂φl(zm)∂zmk|=12n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)|∂ψ(zm)∂zmk|→a02≠0, |
as m→∞, which is a contradiction.
Case 4. Assume that |wm1|→ρ<1 as m→∞. Since wm→∂Un, there is an l∈{2,⋯,n} such that |wml|→1 as m→∞.
ˆSm(z)=1ln(1−|wml|2)((ln(1−¯wmlzl))22ln(1−|wml|2)−ln(1−¯wmlzl)), m∈N. |
Similar to Case 3, we obtain
limm→∞n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)|∂ψ(zm)∂zmk|=a0≠0, |
which also is a contradiction. Now, for the l chosen above, assume that
limm→∞n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)|∂ψ(zm)∂zmk|=0. |
˜Sm(z)=Sm(z)+ˆSm(z). |
Then, {˜Sm}⊂Bϕ,α(Un) and ˜Sm→0 uniformly on compact subsets of Un as m→∞. For such sequence, we have
‖Wψ,φ˜Sm‖μϕ,α≥n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)|∂ψ(zm)∂zmkSm(φ(zm))|−n∑k=1μϕ,α(zmk)|∂ψ(zm)∂zmkˆSm(φ(zm))|→a02, |
as m→∞, from which we obtain a contradiction. Hence, the proof is finished.
According to Theorem 3.2, we get the following two results.
Corollary 3.3. Let α>0 and ψ∈H(Un). Then, the operator Mψ is compact on Bϕ,α(Un) if, and only if, ψ∈H∞0(Un)∩Bμϕ,α,0(Un).
Corollary 3.4. Let α>0 and φ be a holomorphic self-mapping of Un. Then, the operator Cφ is compact on Bϕ,α(Un) if, and only if, Cφ is bounded on Bϕ,α(Un) and
limφ(z)→∂Unn∑k,l=1μϕ,α(zk)μϕ,α(φl(z))|∂φl∂zk(z)|=0. |
In the final of the paper, we give the following example in order to show that there exists ϕ such that μϕ,α(t) satisfies the condition (3.1).
Example 3.1. Let ϕ(t)=tp and p>max{1,α}. Then, μϕ,α(t) satisfies the condition (3.1).
Proof. From the condition p>1, it follows that ϕ is a strictly increasing convex function in [0,+∞). Now, we prove that
∫101μϕ,α(t)dt<+∞. |
It is not hard to see that ϕ−1(t)=t1p, and then μϕ,α(t)=(1−t2)αp. Since the function μϕ,α(t) is unbounded in the point t=1, we just need to show that the following integral is convergent,
∫101μϕ,α(t)dt=∫101(1−t2)αpdt. | (3.22) |
In fact, we have
limt→1−(1−t)αp1(1−t2)αp=limt→1−(1−t)αp1(1−t)αp(1+t)αp=limt→1−1(1+t)αp=(12)αp. |
Since 0<α/p<1 and 0<(12)αp<+∞, by the comparison rule, the integral (3.22) is convergent.
In this paper, we define the α-Bloch-Orlicz space on Un by using Young's function and show that its norm is equivalent with a special μ-Bloch space. We completely characterize the boundedness and compactness of the weighted composition operator Wψ,φ on the α-Bloch-Orlicz space in terms of the behaviors of the symbols ψ and φ. In addition, we give an example that satisfies the condition (3.1), which shows the rationality of this condition. As some applications, the corresponding results of the operators Mψ and Cφ are obtained. This paper can be viewed as a continuation and extension of our previous studies.
Fuya Hu: Writing and editing, formal analysis and methodology; Chengshi Huang: Commenting and reviewing; Zhijie Jiang: Writing-original draft and investigation. All authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript for publication.
We declare we have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.
The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to the anonymous referees for valuable comments that are very helpful to improve this paper. This work was supported by Sichuan Science and Technology Program (No. 2024NSFSC0416).
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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