Research article

Initial value problems for fractional p-Laplacian equations with singularity

  • Received: 19 February 2024 Revised: 23 March 2024 Accepted: 01 April 2024 Published: 03 April 2024
  • MSC : 26A33, 34A08, 34A12

  • We have studied initial value problems for Caputo fractional differential equations with singular nonlinearities involving the p-Laplacian operator. We have given a precise mathematical analysis of the equivalence of the fractional differential equations and Volterra integral equations studied in this paper. A theorem for the global existence of the solution was proven. In addition, an example was given at the end of the article as an application of the results found in this paper.

    Citation: Mahir Hasanov. Initial value problems for fractional p-Laplacian equations with singularity[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(5): 12800-12813. doi: 10.3934/math.2024625

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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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