Research article

An implicit fully discrete compact finite difference scheme for time fractional diffusion-wave equation

  • Received: 24 October 2023 Revised: 05 December 2023 Accepted: 12 December 2023 Published: 26 December 2023
  • In this paper, an implicit compact finite difference (CFD) scheme was constructed to get the numerical solution for time fractional diffusion-wave equation (TFDWE), in which the time fractional derivative was denoted by Caputo-Fabrizio (C-F) sense. We proved that the full discrete scheme is unconditionally stable. We also proved that the rate of convergence in time is near to $ O(\tau^{2}) $ and the rate of convergence in space is near to $ O(h^{4}) $. Test problem was considered for regular domain with uniform points to validate the efficiency and accuracy of the method. The numerical results can support the theoretical claims.

    Citation: Wenjing An, Xingdong Zhang. An implicit fully discrete compact finite difference scheme for time fractional diffusion-wave equation[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2024, 32(1): 354-369. doi: 10.3934/era.2024017

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  • In this paper, an implicit compact finite difference (CFD) scheme was constructed to get the numerical solution for time fractional diffusion-wave equation (TFDWE), in which the time fractional derivative was denoted by Caputo-Fabrizio (C-F) sense. We proved that the full discrete scheme is unconditionally stable. We also proved that the rate of convergence in time is near to $ O(\tau^{2}) $ and the rate of convergence in space is near to $ O(h^{4}) $. Test problem was considered for regular domain with uniform points to validate the efficiency and accuracy of the method. The numerical results can support the theoretical claims.


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