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Tubular surface generated by a curve lying on a regular surface and its characterizations

  • In this research, we have constructed and studied special tubular surfaces in Euclidean 3-space R3. We examined the singularities and geometrical properties of these surfaces. We achieved some significant results for these surfaces via Darboux frame. Also, we have proposed a few geometric invariants that illustrate the geometric characteristics of these surfaces, such as tubular Weingarten surfaces, using the traditional methods of differential geometry. Additionally, taking advantage of the singularity theory, we have given the classification of generic singularities of these surfaces. At last, we have presented some computational examples as an instance of use to validate our theoretical findings.

    Citation: A. A. Abdel-Salam, M. I. Elashiry, M. Khalifa Saad. Tubular surface generated by a curve lying on a regular surface and its characterizations[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(5): 12170-12187. doi: 10.3934/math.2024594

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  • In this research, we have constructed and studied special tubular surfaces in Euclidean 3-space R3. We examined the singularities and geometrical properties of these surfaces. We achieved some significant results for these surfaces via Darboux frame. Also, we have proposed a few geometric invariants that illustrate the geometric characteristics of these surfaces, such as tubular Weingarten surfaces, using the traditional methods of differential geometry. Additionally, taking advantage of the singularity theory, we have given the classification of generic singularities of these surfaces. At last, we have presented some computational examples as an instance of use to validate our theoretical findings.

    The envelope of a moving sphere with variable radius is characterized as a canal surface, which is frequently used in computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided geometric design (CAGD) for solid and surface modeling. A canal surface is an envelope of a one-parameter set of spheres centered at the center curve c(s) with radius r(s). The spheres that are specified by the radius function r(s) and the center curve c(s) are combined to form a canal surface, which is obtained by the spine curve c(s). These surfaces have a wide range of uses, including form reconstruction, robot movement planning, the creation of blending surfaces, and the easy sight of long and thin objects like pipes, ropes, poles, and live intestines. The term "tubular surface" refers to these canal surfaces if the radius function r(s) is constant (for more details, see [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]).

    Tubular surfaces are one of the enormous vital subjects of surface theory. In R3, a tubular surface is a fundamental and well-known device that is used for geometric construction. Due to this place of tubular surfaces, numerous geometers and designers have explored and acquired numerous properties of tubular surfaces, see for instance [9,10,11,12].

    In this article, we investigate the geometric conditions for the tubular surfaces to have generic singularities as a front (i.e., cuspidal lips, cuspidal beaks, and Swallowtails). Moreover, we study the tubular Weingarten surfaces which fulfill nontrivial connection between components of the set {K,KII,H,HII}, where (K,H) and (KII,HII) are Gaussian curvatures.

    The paper can be organized as follows: We provide a brief review of the geometry of surfaces, particularly Frenet and Darboux frames related to our study of tubular surfaces in Section 2. In Section 3, we investigate the singularities of tubular surfaces with a Darboux frame and provide some findings from these surfaces. Section 4 provides tubular Weingarten and linear Weingarten surfaces (W-and LW-surfaces) in accordance with a nontrivial functional relation between their curvatures. To enhance our findings and provide a practical demonstration, we include some computational examples in Section 5. These examples not only serve to illustrate our primary results but also feature graphical representations for clarity.

    In this part, we show a few ideas, equations, and summaries of curves and surfaces in R3 which can be tracked down in the course readings on differential geometry, see [1,2,3]. A curve is regular if it admits a tangent line at each point of the curve. In the following, all curves are assumed to be regular. Let α(s):IRR3 be a unit speed curve in R3; by κ(s) and τ(s) we denote the natural curvature and torsion of α, respectively. The Frenet equations are:

    (T(s)N(s)B(s))=(0κ(s)0κ(s)0τ(s)0τ(s)0)(T(s)N(s)B(s)). (2.1)

    The Darboux frame is an alternative approach to defining a new moving frame constructed on a surface. One can exist on a surface in Euclidean or non-Euclidean spaces [13]. The Darboux frame of α=α(s) is expressed as follows:

    (T(s)g(s)n(s))=(0κg(s)κn(s)κg(s)  0τg(s)κn(s)τg(s)  0)(T(s)g(s)n(s)), (2.2)

    and the relation matrix between Serret-Frenet and Darboux frames is given by

    (T(s)g(s)n(s))=(1   000  cosϑsinϑ0sinϑcosϑ)(T(s)N(s)B(s)), (2.3)

    where κg is the geodesic curvature, κn is the normal curvature, and τg is the geodesic torsion of α(s).

    They are defined as:

    κg=κcosϑ,κn=κsinϑ,τg=τ+dϑds. (2.4)

    In addition, κg and τg can be calculated as follows:

    κg=dαds,d2αds2×n, τg=dαds,n×dnds.

    Let n(u,v) be the standard unit normal vector field on a surface Υ=Υ(u,v) defined by n=Υu× XvΥu×Υv, where Υi=Υui and i=1,2. Therefore, the metric (I) of Υ is


    where g11=Υu,Υu, g12=Υu,Υv, and g22=Υv,Υv. Also, the 2nd fundamental form (II) of Υ is


    where h11=Υuu,n, h12=Υuv,n, and h22=Υvv,n. The Gaussian curvature K, and mean curvature H are respectively, expressed as:

    K=h11h22h212g11g22g212,         H=h11g222g12h12+g11h222(g11g22g212). (2.5)

    From Brioschi's formula [14,15], the second Gaussian curvature KII is expressed as

    KII=1h2(|h11,222+h12,12h22,112h11,12h12,1h11,22h12,2h22,12h11h12h22,22h12h22||0h11,22h22,12h11,22h11h12h22,12h12h22|), (2.6)

    where h=det(hij),hij,α=hijuα, and hij,αβ=2hijuαuβ. Furthermore the second mean curvature HII is

    HII=H12Δ(ln|K|), (2.7)


    Δ=1|h|ui[|h|hijuj];  (hij)=(hij)1. (2.8)

    In this subsection, we will utilize a similar strategy on the peculiarity hypothesis for groups of double smooth capabilities. Nitty gritty depictions are viewed as in the books [16,17]. Let UR2 be an open set and f:(U,p)(R3,0) a map germ. Two map germs fi: (R2, 0)(R3,0) (i = 1, 2), are A-equivalent if there exist diffeomorphism germs g1:(R2, 0)(R2,0), and g2:(R3, 0)(R3,0) such that f2g1=g2f1 holds. A map germ f:UR2R3 is called a (wave) front if there exists a unit vector field ν of  R3 along f such that L=f, ν is a Legendrian immersion. Since L=f,ν is Legendrian,

    df,ν=0, and ν,ν=1, (2.9)

    hold. For a front f, we define a function λ:UR2R by λ(u,v)=det(fu,fv,ν). The function λ is called a discriminant function of f.

    We call pU a singular point of f if rank(dfp)1. The set of singular points S(f) of f is the zero set of λ. A singular point pU of f is said to be non-degenerate if dλ(p)0. Let p be a non-degenerate singular point of a front f. Then S(f) is parameterized by a regular curve γ(t):(ε,ε)U near p. Moreover, there exists a non-vanishing vector field η along γ such that df(η(t))=0. This vector field η is called a null vector. For further details, see [11,12]. Under these notations, we present the criterion for the cuspidal edges, Swallowtails, and cuspidal butterfly as follows:

    Proposition 2.1. Let f:UR2R3 be a front and p a non-degenerate singular point of f. Then we have:

    (1) f is A-equivalent to cuspidal edge CE at p if and only if ηλ(p)0, where ηλ means the directional derivative Dηλ;

    (2) f is A-equivalent to Swallowtail SW at p if and only if ηλ(p)=0, and η2λ(p)0,

    (3) f is A-equivalent to cuspidal butterfly CBF at p if and only if ηλ(p)=η2λ(p)=0, and η3λ(p)0.


    CE={(x1,x2,x3)x1=u, x2=v2 , x3=v3},SW={(x1,x2,x3)x1=u, x2=3v2+uv2, x3=4v3+2uv},CBF={(x1,x2,x3)x1=4u5+u2v, x2=5u4+2uv, x3=v}. (2.10)

    These surfaces are shown in the following figures (see Figures 1, 2a and 2b, respectively).

    Figure 1.  The cuspidal edge (CE) surface.
    Figure 2.  (a) The Swallowtail (SW) surface; (b) the cuspidal butterfly (CBF) surface.

    Now, we turn to degenerate singularities. Let p be a degenerate singular point of the front f. If rank(dfp)=1, then there exists η near p; if qS(f), then dfq(η(t))=0. Criteria for degenerate singularities are as follows:

    Proposition 2.2. Let f:UR2R3 be a front and p a degenerate singular point of f. Then we have the following:

    (1) f is A-equivalent to cuspidal lips CLP if and only if rank(dfp)=1, and the det(Hλ(p))>0, where det(Hλ(p)) denotes the determinant of the Hessian matrix of λ at p (see Figure 3b);

    Figure 3.  (a) The cuspidal beaks CBK surface; (b) the cuspidal lips CLP surface.

    (2) f is A-equivalent to cuspidal beaks CBK if and only if rank(dfp)=1, det(Hλ(p))<0, and η2λ(p)0 (see Figure 3a).

    Here, for a function λ:(U,u,v)R, Hλ is the matrix defined by

    Hλ(u,v)=(λuuλuvλuvλvv), (2.11)


    CLP={(x1,x2,x3)x1=3u4+2u2v2, x2=u3+uv2, x3=v,},CBK={(x1,x2,x3)x1=3u42u2v2, x2=u3uv2, x3=v}.

    Here, we study the singularity of a tubular surface, and give the conditions for this surface to be CE, SW, CBF, CLP, and CBK singularities in terms of κg(s),κn(s), and τg(s). By utilizing the Darboux frame, the tubular surfaces of radius r>0 about the β(s)=T(s)ds is the surface with parametrization

    Υ:Q(s,φ)=β(s)+r(cosφg+sinφn). (3.1)

    Singularties are essential for understanding the properties of tubular surfaces. So, after simple calculations, we have

    {Qs(s,φ)=(1r κgcosφr κnsinφ)Tr τgsinφ g+r τgcosφ n,Qφ(s,φ)=r(sinφ gcosφ n). (3.2)

    From Eq (3.2), we can show that Υ has a singularity at Q(s,φ) if and only if


    This is equivalent to


    Therefore, the Hessian matrix of λ(s,φ) at a singular point is given by

    Hλ(s,φ)=(r κgcosφr κnsinφr κgsinφr κncosφr κgsinφr κncosφr κgcosφ+r κnsinφ),



    Now it is easy to prove the following lemma.

    Lemma 3.1. The tubular surface Υ parameterized by Eq (3.1) is a front.

    Lemma 3.2. Let Υ be the tubular surface parameterized by Eq (3.1). Then rank(dQp)1 at p if and only if

    κgcosφ+κnsinφ=1r, (3.3)

    is satisfied.

    Proof. We suppose that a tubular surface Υ parameterized by Eq (3.1) has singularity at p. Then it satisfies the Eq (3.3). Conversely, if Eq (3.3) holds, in view of Eq (3.2), then

    Qs(s,φ)=τgQφ(s,φ), (3.4)

    which means that rank(dQp)1. This completes the proof.

    Proposition 3.1. Let Υ be a tubular surface parameterized by Eq (3.1). If p is a non-degenerate singular point for Υ, then dλ(p)0 if and only if

    κgκntanφ, (3.5)


    κgκncotφ, (3.6)

    is satisfied.

    Proof. Suppose that Υ be the tubular surface parameterized by Eq (3.1). Then, it has singularity at p if and only if Eq (3.3) holds. Conversely, if Eq (3.3) holds, it is clear that:

    dλ(p)=r((κgcosφκnsinφ)ds+(κgsinφκncosφ)dφ), (3.7)

    which means that p is a non-degenerate singular point dλ(p)0 if and only if κgcosφκnsinφ0 or κgsinφ+κncosφ0. Hence, the proof is completed.

    So, we find the following result.

    Corollary 3.1. Let p be a degenerate singular point for Υ. Then we have dλ(p)=0 if and only if κg/κn=tanφ, and κg/κn=cotφ.

    Now we are ready to state our main theorems:

    Theorem 3.1. Let p be a non-degenerate singular point for Υ. Then

    (1) Υ is A-equivalent to the CE at p if and only if ηλ(p)0, that is,

    (κgτgκn)sinφ+(κnτg+κg)cosφ0. (3.8)

    (2) Υ is A-equivalent to the SW at p if and only if ηλ(p)=0, and η2λ(p)0, that is,



    (2κgτg+κgτgκn+κnτ2g)sinφ+(2κnτg+κnτg+κgκgτ2g)cosφ0. (3.9)

    (3) Υ is A-equivalent to the CBF at p if and only if ηλ(p)=η2λ(p)=0, and η3λ(p)0, that is,



    (3κgτg+3κgτg+κgτgκn+3κnτ2g+3κnτgτgκgτ3g)sinφ+(3κnτg+3κnτg+κnτg+κg3κgτ2g3κgτgτgκnτ3g)cosφ0. (3.10)

    Proof. (1) Since p is a singular point of Υ, we have


    Because p is a non-degenerate singular point, the null vector filed η is defined as




    So, we get: ηλ(p)0 if and only if


    (2) Similarly, we have:


    By using Case (1), we have: ηλ(p)=0, and η2λ(p)0 if and only if




    (3) By a similar procedure as in Case (1) and Case (2), we have ηλ(p)=η2λ(p)=0, and η3λ(p)0, if and only if




    Therefore, using Proposition 1, the proof is complete.

    Theorem 3.2. Let Υ be a tubular surface parameterized by Eq (3.1), and p is a degenerate singular point. Then, one has the followings:

    (1) Υ is A-equivalent to CLP if and only if rank(dfp)=1, and

    cos2φ(κgκg+κ2n)cosφsinφ(κnκg2κgκn+κgκn)+sin2φ(κnκn+κ2g)<0. (3.11)

    (2) Υ is A-equivalent to CBK if and only if rank(dfp)=1,

    cos2φ(κgκg+κ2n)cosφsinφ(κnκg2κgκn+κgκn)+sin2φ(κnκn+κ2g)>0, (3.12)


    (3κgτg+3κgτg+κgτgκn+3κnτ2g+3κnτgτgκgτ3g)sinφ+(3κnτg+3κnτg+κnτg+κg3κgτ2g3κgτgτgκnτ3g)cosφ0. (3.13)

    Proof. Let p be a degenerate singular point of Υ, then Eqs (3.7) and (3.8) are hold. Therefore, using Proposition 2, the proof is complete.

    Presently, we concentrate on tubular surfaces fulfilling a few conditions concerning their curvatures as follows:

    According to Eqs (3.2), we find

    g11=(1r κgcosφr κnsinφ)2+r2τ2g, g12=r2τg, and g22=r2. (3.14)

    The normal vector of Q is

    N(s,φ)=Qs×QφQs×Qφ=cosφg+sinφn. (3.15)

    By a straightforward calculation, we get

    Qss= r((κgτgκn)sinφ(κnτg+κg)cosφ)T+(κgr(κgκn+τg)sinφr(κ2g+τ2g)cosφ)g,+(κnr(κ2n+τ2g)sinφr(κgκnτg)cosφ)n,Qsφ= r(κgsinφκncosφ) Tr τgcosφ gr τgsinφ n,Qφφ=rcosφ grsinφ n.

    This prompts the components of (II); h11, h12, and h22 as follows:

    h11= κgcosφ+κnsinφ2rκgκnsinφcosφrκ2gcos2φrκ2nsin2φrτ2g,h12=r τgh22=r. (3.16)

    Therefore, we get

    {K=κgcosφκnsinφ+2rκgκnsinφcosφr(κ2gcos2φ+κ2nsin2φ)rμ,H=κgcosφ+κnsinφrκgκnsinφcosφrκ2gcos2φrκ2nsin2φμr2μ, (3.17)

    where μ=(1r κgcosφr κnsinφ)2. And from Eq (3.16), we get

    {h11,2=κgsinφ+κncosφ2rκgκncos2φ+2rκgκnsin2φ+2r(κ2gκ2n)sinφcosφ,h11,22=κgcosφκnsinφ+8rκgκnsinφcosφ+2r(κ2gκ2n)(cos2φsin2φ),h11,1=κgcosφ+κnsinφ2r(κgκn+κgκn)sinφcosφ          2r(κgκgcos2φ+κnκnsin2φ+τgτg),h12,1=rτg, h12,2=h22,1=h22,2=h22,11=h12,12=0. (3.18)

    From Eqs (2.6), (3.16), and (3.18), we find

    KII=14h2(2hh11,22rh211,2), (3.19)



    Also, we have:

    HII=κgcosφ+κnsinφrκgκnsinφcosφrκ2gcos2φrκ2nsin2φμr2μ12Δ(ln|κgcosφκnsinφ+2rκgκnsinφcosφr(κ2gcos2φ+κ2nsin2φ)rμ|). (3.20)

    From Eqs (3.17), (3.19), and (3.20), we obtain the result:

    Corollary 3.2. The Gaussian curvatures of Υ are




    Now, for a tubular LW-surfaces Υ, an extension of Eq (3.1) for a nontrivial functional relation between a pair {A,B},AB, of the curvatures K, KII, H, and HII are studied. Thus, by using Eqs (3.17), (3.19) and (3.20), one can get the differentiation of K, KII, H, and HII concerning s and φ. In any case, the upsides of these estimations are long to such an extent that we can overlook them. In this manner, we have the accompanying cases:

    (i)f(K,H)=(K)s(H)φ(K)φ(H)s =0,

    (ii)f(K,KII)=(K)s(KII)φ(K)φ (KII)s=0,

    (iii)f(H,KII)=(H)s(KII)φ(H)φ (KII)s=0,

    (iv)f(HHII)=(H)s(HII)φ(H)φ (HII)s=0,


    From the primary case, one can see that it has evaporated indistinguishably. Hence we have

    Corollary 4.1. The tubular surface Υ is a W-surface.

    From the second and third cases, one can get the two Jacobian equations, and we conclude that κg=κn=0, which leads to κg=κn=constant. Consequently, we obtain the following result.

    Theorem 4.1. The tubular surface Υ is a W-surface generated by a circle.

    Similarly, from the fourth and fifth cases, the two Jacobian equations are split to sixteen conditions and satisfied when κg=τg=constant. Subsequently, we find the following theorem.

    Theorem 4.2. The tubular surface M is a W-surface generated by a circular helix  α with non-zero constant curvatures (see Figure 4).

    Figure 4.  (a) The cylindrical helix α(s); (b) the tubular surface Υ1 along α(s).

    Finally, one can see that the following linear relations hold:

    Theorem 4.3. For a tubular surface, the following hold:

    (i)aK+bH=c, where a+cλ20 and κg=κn=0,

    (ii)aK+bKII=c, where b=c=0 and κg=κn=0,

    (iii)aH+bKII=c, where b=0, and κ=0,

    (iv)aH+bHII=c, where a+b+cλ0,τg0, and κg=κn=0,

    (v)aHII+bKII=c, where a+b+cλ0,τg0, and κg=κn=0.

    Here, a,b, and c are non-zero arbitrary constants.

    As a result, we give the following corollary:

    Corollary 4.2. The tubular surface M is an open part of a circular cylinder.

    Now, we will introduce two computational examples for constructing tubular surfaces to support our main results.

    Example 5.1. Consider the regular surface parameterized by


    Darboux frame vectors of the curve α(s)=(s,cos(s),sin(s)), which lies on the regular surface S1, are


    Also, we have

    κg=22+s2,κn=s2+s2,τg= s22+s2.

    Thus, according to Eq (3.1), the constructed tubular surface Υ1(s,v) associated with the Darboux frame of radius r>0 along α(s) is parametrized by (see Figure 4b):


    For Υ1, we obtain

    g12=s22(2+s2), g22=1,

    Moreover, we obtain

    KΥ1(s,1)=1η2(51(2+s2)21002(2+s2)3/2+52(4+s4)2422+s2+362s22+s2(412s2+s4)200s2+s2100s32+s21042s(2+s2)72s2+s2+12s32+s2+42s(2+s2));η2=(227(2+s2)2+3042(2+s2)3/2 100(4+s4) +3222+s2 +4 ]+s(482s2+s2 +s(12+s2) +4(76(2+s2)3/2 +502(2+s2) +242+s2 4s22+s2 2(2+s2) ))),
    HΥ1(s,1)=1η3(262(2+s2)2+70(2+s2)3/2 102(4+s4) +42+s2 +s(6s2+s2 +352(2+s2)3/2 +40(2+s2) +622+s2 2s22+s2 ));η3=22+s2(18+9s2(2+s2) +8s2+s2 +42 (22+s2+s ))3/2.

    Example 5.2. Let us consider the regular surface parameterized by


    Darboux frame vectors of the curve β(s)=(1+cos(s),sin(s),2sin(s2)), which lies on the regular surface S2 are:


    Also, we have


    Thus, according to Eq (3.1), the tubular surface Υ2(s,v) associated with the Darboux frame of radius r>0 along β(s) is the surface with the parametrization (see Figure 5b):

    Υ2 = {1+cos(s)+(3+6cos(s)cos(2s))2(73cos(s))3+cos(s)+2(2cos(s)sin(s2)cos(s2)sin(s))(73cos(s)),sin(s)(3+cos(s))sin(s)(73cos(s))3+cos(s)+2(cos(s2)cos(s)+2sin(s2)sin(s))(73cos(s)),2sin(s2)+4sin(s2)(73cos(s))3+cos(s)2v2(73cos(s))}.
    Figure 5.  (a) The regular space curve β(s); (b) the tubular surface Υ2 along β(s).

    Remark. It should be noted that the calculations of the tubular surface Υ2 can be calculated using Mathematica.

    Example 5.3. Let γ=γ(u) be a space curve which lies on a regular surface and has a cusp at u0=0 (see Figure 6a),

    γ(u)={cosu+usinu,0,ucosusinu}. (5.1)
    Figure 6.  (a) γ(s) has a cusp at (0,0); (b) Υ3 has singularities at (0,nπ).

    Darboux frame vectors of γ are calculated as follows:

    T={ucosuu2,0,usinuu2},g={uu2sinuu2+u4,u2u2+u4,uu2cosuu2+u4},n={usinuu2+u4,u2cos2uu2sin2uu2+u4,ucosuu2+u4}. (5.2)

    Therefore, the tubular surface associated with these Darboux vectors along γ(u) is given by

    Υ3={cosu+usinu+uu2cosvsinuu2+u4usinusinvu2+u4,u2cosvu2+u4+(u2vcos2uu2vsin2u)sinvu2+u4v,ucosu+uu2cosucosvu2+u4sinuucosusinvu2+u4}, (5.3)


    \begin{align} \mathbf{\Upsilon }_{3u} = &\left \{ \begin{array}{c} \frac{u\left( 1+u^{2}\right) \cos u\left( u^{2}\cos v+\sqrt{u^{2}}\left( \sqrt{u^{2}+u^{4}}-\sin v\right) \right) +\sin u\left( u^{2}\cos v+\left( u^{2}\right) ^{3/2}\sin v\right) }{\sqrt{u^{2}}\left( 1+u^{2}\right) \sqrt{ u^{2}+u^{4}}}, \\ \frac{\sqrt{u^{2}+u^{4}}\left( \sqrt{u^{2}}\cos v-\sin v\right) }{u\left( 1+u^{2}\right) ^{2}}, \\ \frac{-u\sin u\left( \left( u^{2}+u^{4}\right) \cos v+\sqrt{u^{2}}\left( 1+u^{2}\right) \left( \sqrt{u^{2}+u^{4}}-\sin v\right) \right) +\cos u\left( u^{2}\cos v+\left( u^{2}\right) ^{3/2}\sin v\right) }{\sqrt{u^{2}}\left( 1+u^{2}\right) \sqrt{u^{2}+u^{4}}} \end{array} \right \},\\ \mathbf{\Upsilon }_{3v} = &\left \{ \begin{array}{c} -\frac{u\sin u\left( \cos v+\sqrt{u^{2}}\sin v\right) }{\sqrt{u^{2}+u^{4}}}, \\ \frac{-u^{2}\cos v+\sqrt{u^{2}}\sin v}{\sqrt{u^{2}+u^{4}}}, \\ -\frac{u\cos u\left( \cos v+\sqrt{u^{2}}\sin v\right) }{\sqrt{u^{2}+u^{4}}} \end{array} \right \}. \end{align} (5.4)

    From Eq (5.4), we get

    \begin{align*} \lVert\mathbf{\Upsilon }_{3u}\times\mathbf{\Upsilon }_{3v}\rVert = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\sqrt{\frac{1+3u^{2}+2u^{4}+\left( -1+u^{2}\right) \cos 2v+4\sqrt{u^{2}}\cos v\left( \sqrt{u^{2}+u^{4}}-\sin v\right) -4\sqrt{ u^{2}+u^{4}}\sin v}{1+u^{2}}}, \end{align*}

    which means \mathbf{\Upsilon }_{3} has a singularity if and only if

    \begin{align*} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\sqrt{\frac{1+3u^{2}+2u^{4}+\left( -1+u^{2}\right) \cos 2v+4\sqrt{u^{2}}\cos v\left( \sqrt{u^{2}+u^{4}}-\sin v\right) -4\sqrt{ u^{2}+u^{4}}\sin v}{1+u^{2}}} = 0. \end{align*}

    Consequently, \mathbf{\Upsilon }_{3} represents a front surface, and among its singular points are those denoted as (0, n\pi), \ \ i.e., \ \ n = 0, 1, 2, .... (see Figure 6b).

    In this work, we studied the geometric properties and singularities of tubular surfaces with a Darboux frame in \mathbb{R}^{3} . Also, the local singularities of tubular Weingarten surfaces and relations among their curvature functions were studied. This study was intended to clear away to conduct the geometric analysis of tubular surfaces through the geometric conditions for these surfaces to have generic singularities as a front (i.e., cuspidal lips, cuspidal beaks, and Swallowtails).

    The authors declare they have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.

    The authors gratefully acknowledge the approval and support of this research study by the grant No. SCAR-2023-12-2124 from the Deanship of Scientific Research at Northern Border University, Arar, {KSA}.

    The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.

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