Research article Special Issues

Unsupervised domain adaptation with deep network based on discriminative class-wise MMD

  • Received: 18 August 2023 Revised: 24 October 2023 Accepted: 05 November 2023 Published: 06 February 2024
  • MSC : 15A06, 15A15, 68T07

  • General learning algorithms trained on a specific dataset often have difficulty generalizing effectively across different domains. In traditional pattern recognition, a classifier is typically trained on one dataset and then tested on another, assuming both datasets follow the same distribution. This assumption poses difficulty for the solution to be applied in real-world scenarios. The challenge of making a robust generalization from data originated from diverse sources is called the domain adaptation problem. Many studies have suggested solutions for mapping samples from two domains into a shared feature space and aligning their distributions. To achieve distribution alignment, minimizing the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) between the feature distributions of the two domains has been proven effective. However, this alignment of features between two domains ignores the essential class-wise alignment, which is crucial for adaptation. To address the issue, this study introduced a discriminative, class-wise deep kernel-based MMD technique for unsupervised domain adaptation. Experimental findings demonstrated that the proposed approach not only aligns the data distribution of each class in both source and target domains, but it also enhances the adaptation outcomes.

    Citation: Hsiau-Wen Lin, Yihjia Tsai, Hwei Jen Lin, Chen-Hsiang Yu, Meng-Hsing Liu. Unsupervised domain adaptation with deep network based on discriminative class-wise MMD[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(3): 6628-6647. doi: 10.3934/math.2024323

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  • General learning algorithms trained on a specific dataset often have difficulty generalizing effectively across different domains. In traditional pattern recognition, a classifier is typically trained on one dataset and then tested on another, assuming both datasets follow the same distribution. This assumption poses difficulty for the solution to be applied in real-world scenarios. The challenge of making a robust generalization from data originated from diverse sources is called the domain adaptation problem. Many studies have suggested solutions for mapping samples from two domains into a shared feature space and aligning their distributions. To achieve distribution alignment, minimizing the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) between the feature distributions of the two domains has been proven effective. However, this alignment of features between two domains ignores the essential class-wise alignment, which is crucial for adaptation. To address the issue, this study introduced a discriminative, class-wise deep kernel-based MMD technique for unsupervised domain adaptation. Experimental findings demonstrated that the proposed approach not only aligns the data distribution of each class in both source and target domains, but it also enhances the adaptation outcomes.


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