Research article Special Issues

Nonlinear fractional differential equations and their existence via fixed point theory concerning to Hilfer generalized proportional fractional derivative

  • Received: 22 July 2022 Revised: 04 September 2022 Accepted: 16 September 2022 Published: 30 September 2022
  • MSC : 46S40, 47H10, 54H25

  • This article adopts a class of nonlinear fractional differential equation associating Hilfer generalized proportional fractional ($ GPF $) derivative with having boundary conditions, which amalgamates the Riemann-Liouville $ (RL) $ and Caputo-$ GPF $ derivative. Taking into consideration the weighted space continuous mappings, we first derive a corresponding integral for the specified boundary value problem. Also, we investigate the existence consequences for a certain problem with a new unified formulation considering the minimal suppositions on nonlinear mapping. Detailed developments hold in the analysis and are dependent on diverse tools involving Schauder's, Schaefer's and Kransnoselskii's fixed point theorems. Finally, we deliver two examples to check the efficiency of the proposed scheme.

    Citation: Saima Rashid, Abdulaziz Garba Ahmad, Fahd Jarad, Ateq Alsaadi. Nonlinear fractional differential equations and their existence via fixed point theory concerning to Hilfer generalized proportional fractional derivative[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(1): 382-403. doi: 10.3934/math.2023018

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  • This article adopts a class of nonlinear fractional differential equation associating Hilfer generalized proportional fractional ($ GPF $) derivative with having boundary conditions, which amalgamates the Riemann-Liouville $ (RL) $ and Caputo-$ GPF $ derivative. Taking into consideration the weighted space continuous mappings, we first derive a corresponding integral for the specified boundary value problem. Also, we investigate the existence consequences for a certain problem with a new unified formulation considering the minimal suppositions on nonlinear mapping. Detailed developments hold in the analysis and are dependent on diverse tools involving Schauder's, Schaefer's and Kransnoselskii's fixed point theorems. Finally, we deliver two examples to check the efficiency of the proposed scheme.


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