Research article

Systems of quaternionic linear matrix equations: solution, computation, algorithm, and applications

  • Received: 08 July 2024 Revised: 02 August 2024 Accepted: 21 August 2024 Published: 11 September 2024
  • MSC : 62H25, 62H30

  • In applied and computational mathematics, quaternions are fundamental in representing three-dimensional rotations. However, specific types of quaternionic linear matrix equations remain few explored. This study introduces new quaternionic linear matrix equations and their necessary and sufficient conditions for solvability. We employ a methodology involving lemmas and ranks of coefficient matrices to develop a novel algorithm. This algorithm is validated through numerical examples, showing its applications in advanced fields. In control theory, these equations are used for analyzing control systems, particularly for spacecraft attitude control in aerospace engineering and for control of arms in robotics. In quantum computing, quaternionic equations model quantum gates and transformations, which are important for algorithms and error correction, contributing to the development of fault-tolerant quantum computers. In signal processing, these equations enhance multidimensional signal filtering and noise reduction, with applications in color image processing and radar signal analysis. We extend our study to include cases of $ \eta $-Hermitian and i-Hermitian solutions. Our work represents an advancement in applied mathematics, providing computational methods for solving quaternionic matrix equations and expanding their practical applications.

    Citation: Abdur Rehman, Muhammad Zia Ur Rahman, Asim Ghaffar, Carlos Martin-Barreiro, Cecilia Castro, Víctor Leiva, Xavier Cabezas. Systems of quaternionic linear matrix equations: solution, computation, algorithm, and applications[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(10): 26371-26402. doi: 10.3934/math.20241284

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  • In applied and computational mathematics, quaternions are fundamental in representing three-dimensional rotations. However, specific types of quaternionic linear matrix equations remain few explored. This study introduces new quaternionic linear matrix equations and their necessary and sufficient conditions for solvability. We employ a methodology involving lemmas and ranks of coefficient matrices to develop a novel algorithm. This algorithm is validated through numerical examples, showing its applications in advanced fields. In control theory, these equations are used for analyzing control systems, particularly for spacecraft attitude control in aerospace engineering and for control of arms in robotics. In quantum computing, quaternionic equations model quantum gates and transformations, which are important for algorithms and error correction, contributing to the development of fault-tolerant quantum computers. In signal processing, these equations enhance multidimensional signal filtering and noise reduction, with applications in color image processing and radar signal analysis. We extend our study to include cases of $ \eta $-Hermitian and i-Hermitian solutions. Our work represents an advancement in applied mathematics, providing computational methods for solving quaternionic matrix equations and expanding their practical applications.


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