Research article

Revisiting the m-weak core inverse

  • Received: 05 March 2024 Revised: 05 June 2024 Accepted: 20 June 2024 Published: 08 July 2024
  • MSC : 15A09

  • The m-weak core inverse of a complex matrix was introduced by D. E. Ferreyra and Saroj B. Malik in 2024. We have revisited this inverse by using the inverse along two matrices, that is, we have proved that the m-weak core inverse of a complex matrix coincides with the inverse along two complex matrices. Moreover, the necessary and sufficient conditions of the m-weak core inverse of a complex matrix have been obtained. The one-sided m-weak core inverse has been introduced by using the core-EP (EP means Equal Prohection) inverse of A.

    Citation: Jinyong Wu, Wenjie Shi, Sanzhang Xu. Revisiting the m-weak core inverse[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(8): 21672-21685. doi: 10.3934/math.20241054

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  • The m-weak core inverse of a complex matrix was introduced by D. E. Ferreyra and Saroj B. Malik in 2024. We have revisited this inverse by using the inverse along two matrices, that is, we have proved that the m-weak core inverse of a complex matrix coincides with the inverse along two complex matrices. Moreover, the necessary and sufficient conditions of the m-weak core inverse of a complex matrix have been obtained. The one-sided m-weak core inverse has been introduced by using the core-EP (EP means Equal Prohection) inverse of A.

    The symbol Cm×n denotes the set of all m×n matrices over the complex field C. Let ACm×n. The symbol A denotes the conjugate transpose of A. Let CCMn={ACn×nrank(A2)=rank A}. The column subspace of A is R(A)={yCm:y=Ax,xCn}, and the null subspace of A is N(A)={xCn:Ax=0}. If there exists a smallest positive integer kZ such that rank(Ak)=rank(Ak+1) holds, this integer is called the index of ACn×n with the symbol ind(A). A complex matrix A is called normal if AA=AA, where ACn×n.

    Let A,XCm×n. If AXA=A and XAX=X, where AX and XA are Hermitian, we call the matrix X is the Moore-Penrose inverse of A [12,16] and using the symbol A denotes the Moore-Penrose inverse of A. Let A,XCn×n with ind(A)=k. The algebraic definition of the Drazin inverse is as follows: If


    then X is called a Drazin inverse of A. It is unique and denoted by AD [6]. Note that for a square complex matrix, the algebraic definition of the Drazin inverse is equivalent to the functional definition of the Drazin inverse. If ind(A)=1, the Drazin inverse is called the group inverse of A and denoted by A#. Let ACn×n. The DMP (Drazin Moore-Penrose) inverse of A was introduced by using the Drazin and the Moore-Penrose inverses of A in [15], and the formula of the DMP inverse of A is AD,=ADAA [15, Theorem 2.2]. Manjunatha Prasad and Mohana [13] introduced the core-EP inverse of a matrix [13, Definition 3.1]. Let ACn×n. If there exists XCn×n such that XAX=X,R(X)=R(X)=R(Ak), then X is called the core-EP inverse of A. If such inverse exists, then it is unique and denoted by . Let ACn×n with ind(A)=k. The m-weak group inverse was introduced by Zhou, Chen, and Zhou in [22]. A matrix XCn×n is called the m-weak group inverse of A if XAk+1=Ak, AX2=X, (A)kAm+1X=(A)kAm for mZ. In [18, Theorem 2.1], Wang introduced a new matrix decomposition, namely, the core-EP decomposition of ACn×n with ind(A)=k. Given a matrix ACn×n, A can be written as the sum of matrices A1Cn×n and A2Cn×n, that is, A=A1+A2, where A1CCMn, Ak2=0, and A1A2=A2A1=0. In [18, Theorem 2.3 and Theorem 2.4], Wang proved this matrix decomposition is unique, and there exists a unitary matrix UCn×n such that

    A1=U[TS00]UandA2=U[000N]U, (1.1)

    where TCr×r is nonsingular, and NC(nr)×(nr) is nilpotent with rank(Ak)=r. In [18, Theorem 2.3], Wang proved that A1 can be described by using the Moore-Penrose inverse of Ak. The explicit expressions of A1 can be found in the following lemma.

    Lemma 1.1. Let ACn×n with ind(A)=k. If A=A1+A2 is the core-EP decomposition of A, then A1=Ak(Ak)A.

    Definition 1.1. Let A,B,CCn×n. A matrix YCn×n is the inverse along B and C of A if we have


    If such Y exists, then it is unique (see [1, Definition 4.1] and [17, Definition 1.2]). In [8, Definition 1.2] and [11, Definition 2.1], the authors introduced the one-sided (b,c)-inverse in rings. In [1, Definition 2.7], the authors introduced the one-sided (B,C)-inverse for complex matrices. Let A,B,CCn×n. We say that XCn×n is a left (B,C)-inverse of A if we have N(C)N(X) and XAB=B. We say that YCn×n is a right (B,C)-inverse of A if we have R(Y)R(B) and CAY=C.

    The m-weak core inverse was introduced by Ferreyra and Malik in [10], and this inverse can be introduced by using the m-weak group inverse.

    The relationships of the core inverse, DMP (Drazin Moore-Penrose) inverse, core-EP inverse, WG (weak group) inverse, WC (weak core)inverse, m-weak group inverse, and m-weak core inverse can be explained as in the following picture, Figure 1.

    Figure 1.  Relationships of several generalized inverses.

    The m-weak core inverse coincides with the WC inverse if m=1, and the m-weak core inverse coincides with the core-EP inverse if mk by [10, Remark 4.2]. Thus, we assume that 2m<k.

    Lemma 2.1. Let ACn×n, k,mZ, and k is the index of A. If 2m<k, and Am is normal, then N((Ak)A2m(Am))=N((Ak)Am).

    Proof. If 2m<k and Am is normal, then

    N((Ak)A2m(Am))=N((AmAkm)A2m(Am))=N((Akm)(Am)A2m(Am))=N((Akm)(Am)AmAm(Am))=N((Akm)((Am)Am)(Am(Am)))=N((Akm)(Am(Am)(Am)Am))=N((Akm)(Am(Am)Am(Am)))=N((Akm)(Am(Am)))=N((Akm)((Am)Am))=N(((Am)AmAkm))=N(((Am)Ak))=N((Ak)Am). (2.1)

    The following counterexample shows that if Am is not a normal matrix, then N((Ak)A2m(Am))=N((Ak)Am) does not hold in general. Note that the precondition is 2m<k, so we start the following example by using a 4×4 matrix with ind(A)=3 and m=2.

    Example 2.1. Let A=[1111211111111222]C4×4. It is easy to check that ind(A)=3. Then, we have (A3)A4(A2)=[54527554527554527554527516258151625815545275545275] and (A3)A2=[432711274327112712981338143271127]. So, (A3)A4(A2)((A3)A2)(A3)A2=[54527554527554527554527516258151625815545275545275], which says that (A3)A4(A2)((A3)A2)(A3)A2(A3)A4(A2), that is, N((A3)A4(A2))N((A3)A2) does not hold in general. Note that the condition N((A3)A4(A2))N((A3)A2) if and only if (A3)A4 (A2)((A3)A2)(A3)A2=(A3)A4(A2).

    Lemma 2.2. Let k,mZ. Then, the conditions 2m<k and 2m>k+1 are equivalent to m<k<2m1.

    Proof. "" If m<k<2m1, then m<2m1, that is, m>1, which implies m2 by mZ. The opposite is trivial.

    The following lemma will be used several times in the sequel.

    Lemma 2.3. Let ACn×n, k,mZ, and k is the index of A. Then, N((Ak)A2m(Am))=


    N((Ak)A2m(Am))=N(Ak(Ak)A2m(Am)) (2.2)

    The equality (2.2) is equivalent to the following equality by


    As is an outer inverse of A, we have


    The proof is completed by equality (2.3) and equality (2.4).

    From the proof of the above lemma we have the following lemma.

    Lemma 2.4. Let ACn×n, k,mZ, and k is the index of A. Then, N((Ak)A2m(Am))=N(A1A2m1(Am)), where A1 is the core part of the core-EP decomposition.

    Proof. By the proof of Lemma 2.3, we have

    Note that N(AA2m(Am))=N(A1A2m1(Am)) by A1=AA. Thus, N((Ak)A2m(Am))=N(AA2m(Am))=N(A1A2m1(Am)) by Lemma 1.1.

    Lemma 2.5. Let ACn×n, k,mZ, and k is the index of A. If m<k<2m1, then N((Ak)A2m(Am))=N(A2m1(Am)).

    Proof. By the proof of Lemma 2.3, we have


    Note that N(A2m(Am))=N(Ak+1A2mk1(Am)) by m<k<2m1. So, by Ak+1=Ak, we have


    Thus, the proof is completed by (2.5) and (2.6).

    Lemma 2.6. Let ACn×n, k,mZ, and k is the index of A. If m<k<2m1, then N((Ak)A2m(Am))=N(Ak(Am)).

    Proof. By Lemma 2.5, now, we just need to show the following equation:

    N(Ak(Am))=N(A2m1(Am)) (2.7)

    For any uN(Ak(Am)), we have


    which says that

    N(Ak(Am))N(A2m1(Am)). (2.8)

    For any vN(A2m1(Am)), we have


    which says that

    N(A2m1(Am))N(Ak(Am)). (2.9)

    Thus, N(Ak(Am))=N(A2m1(Am)) holds by (2.8) and (2.9).

    The following counterexample shows that if m<k<2m1 does not hold, then N((Ak)A2m(Am))=N(Ak(Am)) does not hold in general. Note that the precondition is 2m<k and 2m>k+1, so we start the following example by assuming that k>2m1 and 2m<k. For example, let m=2, and then 2m1=3. Thus, we can choose k=4 and let the related matrix be a 5×5 matrix.

    Example 2.2. Let A=[2221112200122212221200012]C5×5. It is easy to check that ind(A)=4 and m=2. Then, the following equality is obvious: (A4)A4(A2)=[70277027702721067210677027702770272106721067702770277027210672106735173517351710537105372016720167201676318763187]. Also we check that A4(A2)=[21621621610864810810810854324545454271621621621628148616216216281486]. So,


    which says that (A4)A4(A2)((A4)A2)A4(A2)(A4)A4(A2), that is, the implication N((A4)A4(A2))N(A4(A2)) does not hold in general.

    Lemma 2.7. [18, Corollary 3.3] Let ACn×n with ind(A)=k. Then, A=Ak(Ak).

    In the following theorem, we will show that the m-weak core inverse can be expressed by using the core-EP inverse. This theorem is one of the main results in this paper.

    Theorem 2.8. Let ACn×n with ind(A)=k and mZ. Then, X is the m-weak core inverse of A if and only if both AX=()mA2m(Am) and X=AX hold.

    Proof. "" Let X be the m-weak core inverse of A. Then, we have AX=()mA2m(Am) and R(X)R(Ak). So, X=AkU for some UCn×n by R(X)R(Ak). Hence,

    by Lemma 2.7.

    "" X=AX=Ak(Ak)X implies R(X)R(Ak), so, X is the m-weak core inverse of A by [10, Theorem 4.1].

    Lemma 2.9. [18, Theorem 3.2] Let ACn×n with ind(A)=k. If A=A1+A2 is the core-EP decomposition of A with A1,A2 as in (1.1), then, =U[T1000]U, where U and T same as (1.1).

    Lemma 2.10. [10, Theorem 4.9] Let ACn×n with ind(A)=k and mZ. Then, =

    The following theorem is also one of the main results in this paper.

    Theorem 2.11. Let ACn×n with ind(A)=k and mZ. Then, the m-weak core inverse of A is the inverse along Ak and (Ak)A2m(Am).

    Proof. Let X be the m-weak core inverse of A. Then, XAAk=XAk+1=Ak by [10, Theorem 4.7 (d)]. Let A=A1+A2 be the core-EP decomposition of A, where A1CCMn, Ak2=0, and A1A2=A2A1=0. By [18, Theorem 2.3 and Theorem 2.4], there exists a unitary matrix UCn×n such that

    A1=U[TS00]UandA2=U[000N]U, (2.10)

    where TCr×r is nonsingular, and NC(nr)×(nr) is nilpotent. Then,

    Am=U[TmΦm0Nm]U, (2.11)

    where Φm=mj=1Tj1SNmj. By (3.5) in [19], we have

    Ak=U[TkΦk00]U, (2.12)

    where Φk=kj=1Tj1SNkj. By (2.12), we have

    (Ak)=U[(Tk)0(Φk)0]U. (2.13)

    By [10, Remark 3.2 (3.5)], we have

    Am(Am)=U[Er00Nm(Nm)]U. (2.14)

    By (2.11), (2.13), and (2.14), we have

    (Ak)A2m(Am)=(Ak)AmAm(Am)=U[(Tk)0(Φk)0][TmΦm0Nm][Er00Nm(Nm)]U=U[(Tk)Tm(Tk)ΦmNm(Nm)(Φk)Tm(Φk)ΦmNm(Nm)]U. (2.15)

    By Lemma 2.9, Lemma 2.10, and (2.15), we have


    By (2.15) and (2.16), we have

    (Ak)A2m(Am)AX=(Ak)A2m(Am). (2.17)

    By [10, Theorem 4.7], we have N((Ak)A2m(Am))N(X) and R(X)R(Ak). Thus, the m-weak core inverse of A is the inverse along Ak and (Ak)A2m(Am) by XAk+1=Ak, (2.17), and Definition 1.1.

    Definition 2.1. [20, Definition 3.1] Let ACn×n, AD is the Drazin inverse of A, and i,mN. A matrix XCn×n is called an i,m-core inverse of A if it satisfies

    X=ADAXandAmX=Ai(Ai). (2.18)

    If such an X exists, then it is unique and denoted by Ai,m.

    In the following lemma, the expression of the i,m-core inverse of A can be found by using the core-EP decomposition of A.

    Lemma 2.12. [21, Theorem 2.7] Let ACn×n with ind(A)=k. If A=A1+A2 is the core-EP decomposition of A with A1,A2 as in (1.1), then, the expression of the i,m-core inverse of A is Ai,m=U[Tm000]U for all ik.

    In the following theorem, we will show that the m-weak core inverse can be described by using the i,m-core inverse of A.

    Theorem 2.13. Let A,XCn×n with ind(A)=k and mZ. Then, the following are equivalent:

    (1) X is the m-weak core inverse of A;

    (2) AX=Ai,mA2m(Am) and X=AX;

    (3) AX=Ai,mA2m(Am) and R(X)R(Ak);

    (4) XAX=X, AX=Ai,mA2m(Am) and XA=Ai,m+1A2m(Am).

    Proof. (1)(2). By Theorem 2.8 and Lemma 2.12.

    (1)(3). By [10, Theorem 4.11] and Lemma 2.12.

    (1)(4). By [10, Theorem 4.9] and Lemma 2.12.

    Theorem 2.14. Let ACn×n with ind(A)=k and mZ. If 2m<k and Am is normal, then the m-weak core inverse of A is the inverse along Ak and (Ak)Am.

    Proof. Let X be the m-weak core inverse of A. By Lemma 2.1, we have

    N((Ak)A2m(Am))=N((Ak)Am). (2.19)

    By Theorem 2.11, we have

    N((Ak)A2m(Am))N(X). (2.20)

    The equalities (2.19) and (2.20) give

    N((Ak)Am)N(X). (2.21)

    By the proof of Theorem 2.11, we have

    (Ak)A2m(Am)AX=(Ak)A2m(Am). (2.22)

    The equality (2.22) implies that

    AXEnN((Ak)A2m(Am)). (2.23)

    The equalities (2.19) and (2.23) give

    AXEnN((Ak)A2m(Am))=N((Ak)Am), (2.24)

    which says that

    (Ak)AmAX=(Ak)Am. (2.25)

    Thus, the m-weak core inverse of A is the inverse along Ak and (Ak)Am by (2.20), (2.25), the proof of Theorem 2.11, and Definition 1.1.

    Remark 2.1. By the proof of Theorem 2.11, we have

    (Ak)Am=U[(Tk)Tm(Tk)Φm(Φk)Tm(Φk)Φm]U (2.26)


    AX=U[ErTmΦmNm(Nm)00]U. (2.27)

    By (2.26) and (2.27), we have

    (Ak)AmAX=U[(Tk)Tm(Tk)Φm(Φk)Tm(Φk)Φm][ErTmΦmNm(Nm)00]U=U[(Tk)Tm(Tk)ΦmNm(Nm)(Φk)Tm(Φk)ΦmNm(Nm)]U (2.28)

    The equalities (2.19) and (2.28) give

    {(Tk)Φm=(Tk)ΦmNm(Nm)(Φk)Φm=(Φk)ΦmNm(Nm) (2.29)

    Thus, by (2.29) and T being invertible, we have


    Theorem 2.15. Let A,XCn×n with ind(A)=k and mZ. Then, the following are equivalent:

    (1) X is the m-weak core inverse of A;

    (2) X is the inverse along Ak and A2m(Am);

    (3) X is the inverse along Ak and A1A2m1(Am), where A1 is the core part of the core-EP decomposition.

    Proof. (1)(2) and (1)(3). It is obvious by Lemma 2.3, Lemma 2.4, and Theorem 2.11.

    (2)(1). By Theorem 2.11 and Definition 1.1, it is enough to show that


    By Lemma 2.3, we have N((Ak)A2m(Am))=N(A2m(Am)). Hence, the condition N(A2m(Am))N(X) holds by Theorem 2.11. By the proof of Theorem 2.11, we have

    (Ak)A2m(Am)AX=(Ak)A2m(Am). (2.31)

    The equality (2.31) implies that

    AXEnN((Ak)A2m(Am)). (2.32)

    The property (2.32) and Lemma 2.3 give

    which says that

    (3)(1). By Theorem 2.11 and Definition 1.1, it is enough to show that


    One can see that the proof of (3)(1) is similar to the proof of (2)(1).

    The DMP inverse is the inverse along Ak and AkA, and in the following theorem, we will show that the m-weak core inverse of A is the inverse along Ak and Ak(Am) under the condition m<k<2m1.

    Theorem 2.16. Let ACn×n with ind(A)=k and mZ. If m<k<2m1, then the m-weak core inverse of A is the inverse along Ak and Ak(Am).

    Proof. Let X be the m-weak core inverse of A. By Lemma 2.6, we have

    N((Ak)A2m(Am))=N(Ak(Am)). (2.33)

    By the proof of Theorem 2.14, we have

    AXEnN((Ak)A2m(Am)). (2.34)

    The equalities (2.33) and (2.34) give

    AXEnN((Ak)A2m(Am))=N(Ak(Am)), (2.35)

    which says that

    Ak(Am)AX=Ak(Am). (2.36)

    Thus, the m-weak core inverse of A is the inverse along Ak and Ak(Am) by (2.36), the proof of Theorem 2.11, and Definition 1.1.

    Motivated by the ideal of the one-sided (B,C)-inverse of A, the one-sided m-weak core inverse was introduced by using the core-EP inverse of A.

    Definition 3.1. Let ACn×n with ind(A)=k and mZ. We say that XCn×n is a left m-weak core inverse of A if we have


    We say that YCn×n is a right m-weak core inverse of A if we have


    Lemma 3.1. Let ACn×n with ind(A)=k and mZ. Then, YCn×n is a right m-weak core inverse of A if and only if Y=AY and (Ak)A2m(Am)AY=(Ak)A2m(Am) hold.

    Proof. By Lemma 3.1 and the definition of the right m-weak core inverse, the condition AYEN(A2m(Am)) is equivalent to

    (Ak)A2m(Am)AY=(Ak)A2m(Am). (3.3)


    The following theorem gives the main results for the one sided m-weak core inverse.

    Theorem 3.2. Let ACn×n with ind(A)=k and mZ. If A is both left and right m-weak core invertible, then the left m-weak core inverse of A and the right m-weak core inverse of A are unique. Moreover, the left m-weak core inverse of A coincides with the right m-weak core inverse of A.

    Proof. Let X be a left m-weak core inverse of A and Y be a right m-weak core inverse of A. Then, by Definition 3.1, we have




    hold. By Lemma 3.1, the equality (3.5) is equivalent to


    By Lemma 2.3, the equality (3.5) is equivalent to

    XAk+1=AkandN(Ak)A2m(Am))N(X). (3.7)

    Thus X=U(Ak)A2m(Am) and Y=AY=Ak(Ak)Y for some U,VCn×n by (3.6) and and (3.7). Therefore,

    X=U(Ak)A2m(Am)=U(Ak)A2m(Am)AY=XAY;Y=Ak(Ak)Y=XAk+1(Ak)Y=XAAk(Ak)Y=XAY. (3.8)

    Hence, X=Y by (3.8).

    If Z is a another right m-weak core inverse of A, one can prove X=Z in a similar way. Then Y=Z by X=Y and X=Z, which says the right MPCEP-inverse of A is unique. One also can prove the left m-weak core inverse of A is unique by a similar proof of the uniqueness of the right m-weak core inverse of A. By the above proof, we can get that the left m-weak core inverse of A coincides with the right m-weak core inverse of A.

    The following table (Table 1) shows several generalized inverses that have the same column subspace.

    Table 1.  New-typed generalized inverses with same column subspace.
    New-typed generalized inverses matrix B matrix C
    Drazin inverse B=Ak C=Ak
    core-EP inverse B=Ak C=(Ak)
    DMP inverse B=Ak C=AkA
    WG inverse B=Ak C=(Ak)A
    m-weak core inverse B=Ak C=Ak(Am)

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    Note that if Ak is an EP matrix, then the Drazin inverse coincides with the core-EP inverse.

    The m-weak core inverse of a complex matrix have been revisited this inverse by using the inverse along two matrices. Moreover, the necessary and sufficient conditions of the m-weak core inverse of a complex matrix have been obtained. The one-sided m-weak core inverse has been introduced by using the core-EP inverse of A. We believe that investigation related to the generalized inverses along the core parts of related matrix decompositions will attract attention, and we describe perspectives for further research:

    (1). Considering weak generalized inverses based on the core-EP decompositions.

    (2). Extending the m-weak core inverse of a complex matrix to an element in rings.

    (3). The column space and the null space of a complex matrix are useful tools in the generalized inverses theory of a complex.

    Jinyong Wu: Writing-original draft preparation; Wenjie Shi and Sanzhang Xu: writing-review and editing; Sanzhang Xu: methodology; Jinyong Wu and Wenjie Shi: supervision.

    The authors declare they have not used artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.

    The research article is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11701429 and No.12001223), the Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province, the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China (No.BK20220702), the "Five-Three-Three" talents of Huai an city and College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program (No. 202311049024Z).

    There is no conflict of interest for all authors.

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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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