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Evaluation of entrepreneurship failure education in higher education from the perspective of the CIPP model and AHP-FCE methods

  • Received: 27 February 2024 Revised: 06 June 2024 Accepted: 13 June 2024 Published: 25 June 2024
  • Entrepreneurial failure education aims to equip entrepreneurs with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate entrepreneurial setbacks and enhance their ability to manage failure effectively. The evaluation system of EFE is a crucial tool to estimate the development of entrepreneurial failure education (EFE) in universities and colleges, which ensures the high-quality development of EFE in universities and colleges. Based on the concept of EFE in universities and colleges, we built an evaluation index system of entrepreneurship education in universities and colleges in the context of the CIPP model. In addition, an evaluation model of EFE in colleges and universities was constructed by employing the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation (FCE) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) technique. Moreover, the sample data from five universities in Hebei, Shanxi, and Jiangsu were chosen for evaluation research. The findings indicated that the EFE in higher education institutes was typically in an "average" state; the status of context, input, process, and product were relatively "strong", "very weak", "average", and "relatively weak". Thus, universities and colleges must strengthen the management ability of entrepreneurial failure, support the development of teachers, enhance the cultivation of entrepreneurial practice ability, construct the curriculum system of EFE in universities and colleges, and execute the implementation of entrepreneurial policies. This study provides an effective evaluation tool for EFE in colleges and universities and an essential reference for the quality of EFE in colleges and universities.

    Citation: Chaoyong Tang, Ruili Sun, Wanming Chen. Evaluation of entrepreneurship failure education in higher education from the perspective of the CIPP model and AHP-FCE methods[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(8): 20641-20661. doi: 10.3934/math.20241003

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  • Entrepreneurial failure education aims to equip entrepreneurs with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate entrepreneurial setbacks and enhance their ability to manage failure effectively. The evaluation system of EFE is a crucial tool to estimate the development of entrepreneurial failure education (EFE) in universities and colleges, which ensures the high-quality development of EFE in universities and colleges. Based on the concept of EFE in universities and colleges, we built an evaluation index system of entrepreneurship education in universities and colleges in the context of the CIPP model. In addition, an evaluation model of EFE in colleges and universities was constructed by employing the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation (FCE) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) technique. Moreover, the sample data from five universities in Hebei, Shanxi, and Jiangsu were chosen for evaluation research. The findings indicated that the EFE in higher education institutes was typically in an "average" state; the status of context, input, process, and product were relatively "strong", "very weak", "average", and "relatively weak". Thus, universities and colleges must strengthen the management ability of entrepreneurial failure, support the development of teachers, enhance the cultivation of entrepreneurial practice ability, construct the curriculum system of EFE in universities and colleges, and execute the implementation of entrepreneurial policies. This study provides an effective evaluation tool for EFE in colleges and universities and an essential reference for the quality of EFE in colleges and universities.


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