Research article

Asymmetric integral barrier function-based tracking control of constrained robots

  • Received: 02 September 2023 Revised: 22 November 2023 Accepted: 23 November 2023 Published: 29 November 2023
  • MSC : 90C26, 90C30

  • In this paper, a new-type time-varying asymmetric integral barrier function is designed to handle the state constraint of nonlinear systems. The barrier Lyapunov function is developed by building an integral upper limit function with respect to transformation errors over an open set to cope with the position constraint of the robotic system. We know that the symmetric time-invariant constraint is only a particular situation of the asymmetric time-variant constraint, and thus compared to existing methods, it is capable of handling more general and broad practical engineering issues. We show that under the integral barrier Lyapunov function combining a disturbance observer-based tracking controller, the position vector tracks a desired trajectory successfully, while the constraint boundary is never violated. It can certify the exponential asymptotic stability of the robotic tracking system by using the given inequality relationship on barrier function and Lyapunov analysis. Finally, the feasibility of the presented algorithm is indicated by completing the simulations.

    Citation: Tan Zhang, Pianpian Yan. Asymmetric integral barrier function-based tracking control of constrained robots[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(1): 319-339. doi: 10.3934/math.2024019

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  • In this paper, a new-type time-varying asymmetric integral barrier function is designed to handle the state constraint of nonlinear systems. The barrier Lyapunov function is developed by building an integral upper limit function with respect to transformation errors over an open set to cope with the position constraint of the robotic system. We know that the symmetric time-invariant constraint is only a particular situation of the asymmetric time-variant constraint, and thus compared to existing methods, it is capable of handling more general and broad practical engineering issues. We show that under the integral barrier Lyapunov function combining a disturbance observer-based tracking controller, the position vector tracks a desired trajectory successfully, while the constraint boundary is never violated. It can certify the exponential asymptotic stability of the robotic tracking system by using the given inequality relationship on barrier function and Lyapunov analysis. Finally, the feasibility of the presented algorithm is indicated by completing the simulations.


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