Research article Special Issues

Theoretical analysis of induced MHD Sutterby fluid flow with variable thermal conductivity and thermal slip over a stretching cylinder

  • Received: 10 September 2022 Revised: 01 January 2023 Accepted: 18 January 2023 Published: 24 February 2023
  • MSC : 76A05, 76W99, 80M25, 93A30

  • In the current analysis, steady incompressible Sutterby fluid flows over a stretching cylinder are studied. The influence of variable thermal conductivity is considered in the presence of thermal slip, Darcy resistance, and sponginess. The impact of the induced magnetic field is considered to analyze the results at the cylindrical surface. The governing equations are established as partial differential equations using the boundary layer approximation. Appropriate transformations are used to convert partial differential equations into ordinary differential equations. The numerical technique, namely (bvp4c), is applied to ordinary differential equations to develop the results. The numerical results, such as heat transfer rate and skin friction, are revealed by tabular form to demonstrate the physical impact of governing factors. The physical impact of governing factors on induced magnetic hydrodynamic, velocity, and temperature profiles is presented through various graphs. The velocity function deteriorated due to the augmentation of the Sutterby fluid parameter.

    Citation: Nadeem Abbas, Wasfi Shatanawi, Taqi A. M. Shatnawi, Fady Hasan. Theoretical analysis of induced MHD Sutterby fluid flow with variable thermal conductivity and thermal slip over a stretching cylinder[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(5): 10146-10159. doi: 10.3934/math.2023513

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  • In the current analysis, steady incompressible Sutterby fluid flows over a stretching cylinder are studied. The influence of variable thermal conductivity is considered in the presence of thermal slip, Darcy resistance, and sponginess. The impact of the induced magnetic field is considered to analyze the results at the cylindrical surface. The governing equations are established as partial differential equations using the boundary layer approximation. Appropriate transformations are used to convert partial differential equations into ordinary differential equations. The numerical technique, namely (bvp4c), is applied to ordinary differential equations to develop the results. The numerical results, such as heat transfer rate and skin friction, are revealed by tabular form to demonstrate the physical impact of governing factors. The physical impact of governing factors on induced magnetic hydrodynamic, velocity, and temperature profiles is presented through various graphs. The velocity function deteriorated due to the augmentation of the Sutterby fluid parameter.


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