Research article Special Issues

Stabilization of a viscoelastic wave equation with boundary damping and variable exponents: Theoretical and numerical study

  • Received: 31 March 2022 Revised: 31 May 2022 Accepted: 06 June 2022 Published: 20 June 2022
  • MSC : 35B40, 35L70, 35B35, 93D20

  • In this work, we consider a viscoelastic wave equation with boundary damping and variable exponents source term. The damping terms and variable exponents are localized on a portion of the boundary. We first, prove the existence of global solutions and then we establish optimal and general decay estimates depending on the relaxation function and the nature of the variable exponent nonlinearity. Finally, we run two numerical tests to demonstrate our theoretical decay results. This study generalizes and enhances existing literature results, and the acquired results are thus of significant importance when compared to previous literature results with constant or variable exponents in the domain.

    Citation: Adel M. Al-Mahdi, Mohammad M. Al-Gharabli, Maher Nour, Mostafa Zahri. Stabilization of a viscoelastic wave equation with boundary damping and variable exponents: Theoretical and numerical study[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(8): 15370-15401. doi: 10.3934/math.2022842

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  • In this work, we consider a viscoelastic wave equation with boundary damping and variable exponents source term. The damping terms and variable exponents are localized on a portion of the boundary. We first, prove the existence of global solutions and then we establish optimal and general decay estimates depending on the relaxation function and the nature of the variable exponent nonlinearity. Finally, we run two numerical tests to demonstrate our theoretical decay results. This study generalizes and enhances existing literature results, and the acquired results are thus of significant importance when compared to previous literature results with constant or variable exponents in the domain.


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