Research article

Component factors and binding number conditions in graphs

  • Let G be a graph. For a set H of connected graphs, an H-factor of a graph G is a spanning subgraph H of G such that every component of H is isomorphic to a member of H. A graph G is called an (H,m)-factor deleted graph if for every EE(G) with |E|=m, GE admits an H-factor. A graph G is called an (H,n)-factor critical graph if for every NV(G) with |N|=n, GN admits an H-factor. Let m, n and k be three nonnegative integers with k2, and write F={P2,C3,P5,T(3)} and H={K1,1,K1,2,,K1,k,T(2k+1)}, where T(3) and T(2k+1) are two special families of trees. In this article, we verify that (i) a (2m+1)-connected graph G is an (F,m)-factor deleted graph if its binding number bind(G)4m+22m+3; (ii) an (n+2)-connected graph G is an (F,n)-factor critical graph if its binding number bind(G)2+n3; (iii) a (2m+1)-connected graph G is an (H,m)-factor deleted graph if its binding number bind(G)22k1; (iv) an (n+2)-connected graph G is an (H,n)-factor critical graph if its binding number bind(G)2+n2k+1.

    Citation: Sizhong Zhou, Jiang Xu, Lan Xu. Component factors and binding number conditions in graphs[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(11): 12460-12470. doi: 10.3934/math.2021719

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  • Let G be a graph. For a set H of connected graphs, an H-factor of a graph G is a spanning subgraph H of G such that every component of H is isomorphic to a member of H. A graph G is called an (H,m)-factor deleted graph if for every EE(G) with |E|=m, GE admits an H-factor. A graph G is called an (H,n)-factor critical graph if for every NV(G) with |N|=n, GN admits an H-factor. Let m, n and k be three nonnegative integers with k2, and write F={P2,C3,P5,T(3)} and H={K1,1,K1,2,,K1,k,T(2k+1)}, where T(3) and T(2k+1) are two special families of trees. In this article, we verify that (i) a (2m+1)-connected graph G is an (F,m)-factor deleted graph if its binding number bind(G)4m+22m+3; (ii) an (n+2)-connected graph G is an (F,n)-factor critical graph if its binding number bind(G)2+n3; (iii) a (2m+1)-connected graph G is an (H,m)-factor deleted graph if its binding number bind(G)22k1; (iv) an (n+2)-connected graph G is an (H,n)-factor critical graph if its binding number bind(G)2+n2k+1.

    We discuss only finite simple graphs in this paper. Let G=(V(G),E(G)) be a graph, where V(G) denotes the vertex set of G and E(G) denotes the edge set of G. The number of vertices of a graph G is called the order of G. For a graph G and xV(G), we denote by dG(x) the degree of x in G, and by NG(x) the set of vertices adjacent to x in G. Note that dG(x)=|NG(x)|. Let X be a vertex subset of G. We use G[X] to denote the subgraph of G induced by X, and write GX=G[V(G)X] and NG(X)=xXNG(x). For EE(G), we use GE to denote the subgraph derived from G by deleting the edges in E. We use I(G) to denote the set of isolated vertices of G, and write i(G)=|I(G)|. The number of connected components of G is denoted by ω(G). We denote by κ(G) and λ(G) the vertex connectivity and the edge connectivity of G, respectively. The vertex connectivity of G is simply called the connectivity of G. For two graphs G1 and G2, we denote by G1G2 the union of G1 and G2, and by G1G2 the join of G1 and G2. We use Kn, Pn and Cn to denote the complete graph, the path and the cycle of order n, respectively. Kn,m is the complete bipartite graph with the bipartition (X,Y), where |X|=m, |Y|=n. We denote by T a tree, and by Leaf(T) the set of leaves in T. An edge of T incident with a leaf is called a pendant edge. Especially, the number of leaves in T is equal to that of pendant edges in T under the case that the order of T is at least 3.

    For a set X, we use |X| to denote the cardinality of X. Woodall [15] introduced a parameter, binding number of a graph G, denoted by bind(G), which is defined by

    bind(G)=min{|NG(X)||X|:XV(G) and NG(X)V(G)}.

    For a set H of connected graphs, an H-factor of a graph G is a spanning subgraph H of G such that every component of H is isomorphic to a member of H. An H-factor is also referred as a component factor. A graph G is called an (H,m)-factor deleted graph if for every EE(G) with |E|=m, GE admits an H-factor. Obviously, an (H,0)-factor deleted graph is equivalent to a graph having an H-factor. An (H,1)-factor deleted graph is simply called an H-factor deleted graph. A graph G is called an (H,n)-factor critical graph if for every NV(G) with |N|=n, GN admits an H-factor. Clearly, an (H,0)-factor critical graph is equivalent to a graph having an H-factor.

    Tutte [12] obtained a necessary and sufficient condition for a graph to have a {K2,Cn:n3}-factor. Egawa, Kano and Yan [2] gave a shorter proof. Kano, Lee and Suzuki [5] showed two results for graphs to admit path and cycle factors. Klopp and Steffen [10] posed some properties for the existence of {K1,1,K1,2,Cm:m3}-factors in graphs. Amahashi and Kano [1] got a criterion for a graph with a {K1,j:1jk}-factor. Kano, Lu and Yu [6] derived a result for a graph having a {K1,2,K1,3,K5}-factor. Kano and Saito [8] posed a sufficient condition for a graph to admit a {K1,j:kj2k}-factor. Zhou, Bian and Pan [23], Zhou [21,22], Zhou, Sun and Liu [27], Zhou, Yang and Xu [30], Kelmans [9], Johnson, Paulusma and Wood [4], Gao, Wang and Chen [3] studied the existence of path-factors in graphs and derived some results for graphs to have path factors. Zhou, Bian and Sun [24] presented two results on the existence of component factors in graphs. Wang and Zhang [14], Zhou [20], Zhou, Liu and Xu [26] established some relationships between binding number and graph factors. Some other results on graph factors were derived by Yuan and Hao [17,18], Wang and Zhang [13], Wu, Yuan and Gao [16], Lv [11], Zhou, Zhang and Xu [31], Zhou[19], Zhou, Liu and Xu [25], Zhou, Sun and Pan [28], Zhou, Xu and Sun [29]. The following results on component factors of graphs are known.

    Theorem 1. (Tutte [12]). A graph G admits a {K2,Cn:n3}-factor if and only if


    for any XV(G).

    Theorem 2. (Amahashi and Kano [1]). Let k be an integer with k2. A graph G admits a {K1,j:1jk}-factor if and only if


    for any XV(G).

    Theorem 3. (Kano, Lu and Yu [6]). A graph G admits a {K1,2,K1,3,K5}-factor if


    for any XV(G).

    In this article, we investigate the existence of component factors in graphs and get four results on component factors with given properties in graphs, which are shown in Sections 2 and 3.

    In this section, we always assume that F={P2,C3,P5,T(3)}, where T(3) is defined as follows: for any {1,3}-tree R (dR(x){1,3} for each xV(R)), a new tree TR is derived from R by inserting a new vertex of degree 2 into each edge of R, and by adding a new pendant edge to each leaf of R. Then the tree TR is a {1,2,3}-tree admitting |E(R)|+|Leaf(R)| vertices of degree 2 and possesses the same number of leaves as R. The collection of such {1,2,3}-trees TR generated from all {1,3}-trees R is denoted by T(3).

    Kano, Lu and Yu [7] derived a characterization for a graph with an F-factor.

    Theorem 4. (Kano, Lu and Yu [7]). A graph G admits an F-factor if and only if


    for any XV(G).

    Using Theorem 4, we shall verify the following two theorems on the existence of F-factors with given properties.

    Theorem 5. A (2m+1)-connected graph G is an (F,m)-factor deleted graph if its binding number bind(G)4m+22m+3, where m is a nonnegative integer.

    Theorem 6. An (n+2)-connected graph G is an (F,n)-factor critical graph if its binding number bind(G)2+n3, where n is a nonnegative integer.

    Remark 1. We now show that Theorem 5 is best possible in the following sense. That is to say, we cannot replace (2m+1)-connected graph G and bind(G)4m+22m+3 by (2m)-connected graph G and bind(G)4m+22m+4 in Theorem 5.

    Next, we construct a graph G=K2m((m+1)K2(2K1)), where m=0 or 1. Then bind(G)=4m+22m+4 and G is (2m)-connected. Let G=GE, where EE((m+1)K2) with |E|=m. We select X=V(K2m)V(G). Thus, we derive


    which implies that G has no F-factor by Theorem 4, namely, G is not an (F,m)-factor deleted graph.

    Remark 2. Now, we show that bind(G)2+n3 in Theorem 6 cannot be replaced by bind(G)2+n4. In the above sense, the result in Theorem 6 is best possible.

    We construct a graph G=Kn+2(4K1), where n is a nonnegative integer. Obviously, G is (n+2)-connected, and we easily see bind(G)=2+n4. Let G=GD for any DV(Kn+2) with |D|=n. We choose X=V(Kn+2)D. Then |X|=2. Thus, we derive


    In light of Theorem 4, G has no F-factor, that is, G is not an (F,n)-factor critical graph.

    In what follows, we verify Theorems 5 and 6.

    Proof of Theorem 5. Let G=GE for any EE(G) with |E|=m. Then V(G)=V(G) and E(G)=E(G)E. To prove Theorem 5, it suffices to verify that G admits an F-factor. We assume that G does not admit F-factor. Then it follows from Theorem 4 that

    i(GX)>32|X|, (2.1)

    for some subset X of V(G).

    If X=, then by (2.1) we admit i(G)1. On the other hand, it follows from λ(G)κ(G)2m+1 that G is connected, which contradicts that i(G)1. Hence, X.

    In what follows, we shall consider two cases.

    Case 1. X is not a vertex cut set of G.

    In this case, we derive ω(GX)=ω(G)=1. If |X|23(m+1), then we get


    which contradicts (2.1).

    If |X|<23(m+1), then we possess


    and so

    λ(GX)m+1. (2.2)

    In terms of (2.2), we admit


    which implies that GX is a connected graph. Hence, ω(GX)=1. Combining this with X and (2.1), we obtain


    which is a contradiction.

    Case 2. X is a vertex cut set of G.

    In this case, we possess ω(GX)ω(G)+1=2. Combining this with κ(G)2m+1, we derive

    |X|2m+1. (2.3)

    We shall discuss the following two subcases.

    Subcase 2.1. i(GX)1.

    In light of (2.3), we have


    which contradicts (2.1).

    Subcase 2.2. i(GX)2.

    Since i(GX)2, we have I(GX) and NG(I(GX))V(G). In terms of the definition of bind(G), we derive


    Combining this with (2.1), (2.3) and bind(G)4m+22m+3, we have




    which contradicts (2.3). This completes the proof of Theorem 5.

    Proof of Theorem 6. Let G=GD for any DV(G) with |D|=n. It suffices to verify that G admits an F-factor. On the contrary, we assume that G does not have F-factor. Then it follows from Theorem 4 that

    i(GX)>32|X|, (2.4)

    for some subset X of V(G).

    Claim 1. |X|2.

    Proof. If |X|1, then we obtain


    by G being an (n+2)-connected graph, and so


    which contradicts (2.4). Claim 1 is verified.

    In terms of (2.4) and Claim 1, we get

    i(GDX)=i(GDX)=i(GX)>32|X|3. (2.5)

    From (2.5), we know I(GDX) and NG(I(GDX))V(G). Combining these with (2.5), Claim 1 and the definition of bind(G), we derive


    which contradicts bind(G)2+n3. We finish the proof of Theorem 6.

    In this section, we always assume that H={K1,1,K1,2,,K1,k,T(2k+1)}, where k2 is an integer and T(2k+1) is defined as follows: Let R be a tree that satisfies the following conditions: for each xV(R)Leaf(R),

    (a) dRLeaf(R)(x){1,3,,2k+1}


    (b) 2 (the number of leaves adjacent to x in R)+dRLeaf(R)(x)2k+1.

    For such a tree R, we derive a new tree TR as follows:

    (c) insert a new vertex of degree 2 into each edge of RLeaf(R)


    (d) for each vertex x of RLeaf(R) with dRLeaf(R)(x)=2r+1<2k+1, add kr(the number of leaves adjacent to x in R) pendant edges to x.

    Then the set of such trees TR for all trees R satisfying conditions (a) and (b) is denoted by T(2k+1).

    Kano, Lu and Yu [7] derived a necessary and sufficient condition for a graph to admit an H-factor.

    Theorem 7. (Kano, Lu and Yu [7]). Let k be an integer with k2. Then a graph G admits an H-factor if and only if


    for every XV(G).

    Lemma 1 (Zhou, Bian and Sun [24]). Let G be a graph and β1 be a real number. Then the following three statements are equivalent.

    (i) i(GS)β|S| for all SV(G).

    (ii) β|NG(X)||X| for all independent set X of G.

    (iii) β|NG(Y)||Y| for all YV(G).

    Applying Theorem 7, we shall prove the following two theorems on the existence of H-factors with given properties.

    Theorem 8. Let k and m be two nonnegative integers with k2. Then a (2m+1)-connected graph G is an (H,m)-factor deleted graph if its binding number bind(G)22k1.

    Theorem 9. An (n+2)-connected graph G is an (H,n)-factor critical graph if its binding number bind(G)2+n2k+1, where n and k are two nonnegative integers with k2.

    Remark 3. We now explain that Theorem 8 is best possible in some sense, namely, G being (2m+1)-connected and bind(G)22k1 in Theorem 8 cannot be replaced by G being (2m)-connected and bind(G)22k. We show this by the following example.

    Let k2 and r0 be two integers, and m=1. We construct a graph G=K2m((2k)K1(m+r)K2). Clearly, G is (2m)-connected. Set Y=V(2kK1). Then Y and NG(Y)V(G). Thus, we derive bind(G)=|NG(Y)||Y|=2m2k=22k. Let G=GE for any EE((m+r)K2) with |E|=m=1. Let X=V(K2m)V(G). Then |X|=2m=2 and we get


    In light of Theorem 7, G has no H-factor, that is, G is not (H,m)-factor deleted.

    Remark 4. We now claim that bind(G)2+n2k+1 in Theorem 9 cannot be replaced by bind(G)2+n2k+2. To show this, we construct a graph G=Kn+2(2k+2)K1, where n and k are two nonnegative integers with k2. Obviously, G is (n+2)-connected. Select Q=V((2k+2)K1). Then Q and NG(Q)V(G). Furthermore, we admit bind(G)=|NG(Q)||Q|=2+n2k+2. Let G=GD for any DV(Kn+2) with |D|=n, and X=V(Kn+2)D. Then |X|=2. Thus, we admit


    According to Theorem 7, G has no H-factor, namely, G is not (H,n)-factor critical.

    Proof of Theorem 8. Let G=GE for any EE(G) with |E|=m. Then V(G)=V(G) and E(G)=E(G)E. To verify Theorem 8, it suffices to prove that G possesses an H-factor. By contradiction, we assume that G has no H-factor. Then by Theorem 7 there exists some vertex subset X of G such that

    i(GX)>(k+12)|X|. (3.1)

    If X=, then it follows from (3.1) that i(G)1. On the other hand, by G being (2m+1)-connected, |E|=m and G=GE, we admit


    which implies that G is connected, and so i(G)=0, which contradicts that i(G)1. Therefore, X.

    Next, we shall discuss two cases.

    Case 1. X is not a vertex cut set of G.

    In this case, we have ω(GX)=ω(G)=1. If |X|22k+1(m+1), then by (3.1) we derive


    which is a contradiction.

    If |X|<22k+1(m+1), then it follows from |E|=m, G=GE and k2 that


    which implies that GX is connected. Thus, we have ω(GX)=1. Then according to (3.1), k2 and X, we get


    which is a contradiction.

    Case 2. X is a vertex cut set of G.

    In this case, we have ω(GX)ω(G)+1=2. Note that G is (2m+1)-connected. Thus, we obtain

    |X|2m+1. (3.2)

    According to (3.2), k2, bind(G)22k1 and Lemma 1, we get


    which contradicts (3.1). Therefore, it follows from Theorem 7 that G admits an H-factor, which implies that G is an (H,m)-factor deleted graph. Theorem 8 is proved.

    Proof of Theorem 9. Let G=GD for any DV(G) with |D|=n. It suffices to verify that G possesses an H-factor. By contradiction, we assume that G has no H-factor. Then it follows from Theorem 7 that

    i(GX)>(k+12)|X| (3.3)

    for some vertex subset X of G.

    Case 1. |X|1.

    In this case, we derive


    which implies that GX is connected, and so i(GX)=0, which contradicts (3.3).

    Case 2. |X|2.

    It follows from (3.3) that

    i(GDX)=i(GDX)=i(GX)>(k+12)|X|2k+1. (3.4)

    According to (3.4), we easily see I(GDX) and NG(I(GDX))V(G). Combining these with (3.4) and the definition of bind(G), we have


    which contradicts that bind(G)2+n2k+1. This completes the proof of Theorem 9.

    In this paper, we establish the relationships between binding number and component factors of graphs, and derive some binding number conditions for graphs to be (H,m)-factor deleted graphs or (H,n)-factor critical graphs. Furthermore, we claim that the bounds on binding numbers in the results are best possible.

    The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their kind comments and valuable suggestions. This work is supported by Six Talent Peaks Project in Jiangsu Province, China (Grant No. JY-022).

    The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

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    4. Si-zhong Zhou, A Result on Fractional (a, b, k)-critical Covered Graphs, 2021, 37, 0168-9673, 657, 10.1007/s10255-021-1034-8
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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