Research article Special Issues

On the numerical solutions for a parabolic system with blow-up

  • Received: 14 January 2021 Accepted: 08 May 2021 Published: 12 August 2021
  • MSC : 65M12

  • We study the finite difference approximation for axisymmetric solutions of a parabolic system with blow-up. A scheme with adaptive temporal increments is commonly used to compute an approximate blow-up time. There are, however, some limitations to reproduce the blow-up behaviors for such schemes. We thus use an algorithm, in which uniform temporal grids are used, for the computation of the blow-up time and blow-up behaviors. In addition to the convergence of the numerical blow-up time, we also study various blow-up behaviors numerically, including the blow-up set, blow-up rate and blow-up in $ L^\sigma $-norm. Moreover, the relation between blow-up of the exact solution and that of the numerical solution is also analyzed and discussed.

    Citation: Chien-Hong Cho, Ying-Jung Lu. On the numerical solutions for a parabolic system with blow-up[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(11): 11749-11777. doi: 10.3934/math.2021683

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  • We study the finite difference approximation for axisymmetric solutions of a parabolic system with blow-up. A scheme with adaptive temporal increments is commonly used to compute an approximate blow-up time. There are, however, some limitations to reproduce the blow-up behaviors for such schemes. We thus use an algorithm, in which uniform temporal grids are used, for the computation of the blow-up time and blow-up behaviors. In addition to the convergence of the numerical blow-up time, we also study various blow-up behaviors numerically, including the blow-up set, blow-up rate and blow-up in $ L^\sigma $-norm. Moreover, the relation between blow-up of the exact solution and that of the numerical solution is also analyzed and discussed.


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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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