Research article

Learning deep forest for face anti-spoofing: An alternative to the neural network against adversarial attacks

  • Received: 20 May 2024 Revised: 31 August 2024 Accepted: 09 September 2024 Published: 11 October 2024
  • Face anti-spoofing (FAS) is significant for the security of face recognition systems. neural networks (NNs), including convolutional neural network (CNN) and vision transformer (ViT), have been dominating the field of the FAS. However, NN-based methods are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Attackers could insert adversarial noise into spoofing examples to circumvent an NN-based face-liveness detector. Our experiments show that the CNN or ViT models could have at least an 8% equal error rate (EER) increment when encountering adversarial examples. Thus, developing methods other than NNs is worth exploring to improve security at the system level. In this paper, we have proposed a novel solution for FAS against adversarial attacks, leveraging a deep forest model. Our approach introduces a multi-scale texture representation based on local binary patterns (LBP) as the model input, replacing the grained-scanning mechanism (GSM) used in the traditional deep forest model. Unlike GSM, which scans raw pixels and lacks discriminative power, our LBP-based scheme is specifically designed to capture texture features relevant to spoofing detection. Additionally, transforming the input from the RGB space to the LBP space enhances robustness against adversarial noise. Our method achieved competitive results. When testing with adversarial examples, the increment of EER was less than 3%, more robust than CNN and ViT. On the benchmark database IDIAP REPLAY-ATTACK, a 0% EER was achieved. This work provides a competitive option in a fusing scheme for improving system-level security and offers important ideas to those who want to explore methods besides CNNs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at exploiting the deep forest model in the problem of FAS, with the consideration of adversarial attacks.

    Citation: Rizhao Cai, Liepiao Zhang, Changsheng Chen, Yongjian Hu, Alex Kot. Learning deep forest for face anti-spoofing: An alternative to the neural network against adversarial attacks[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2024, 32(10): 5592-5614. doi: 10.3934/era.2024259

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  • Face anti-spoofing (FAS) is significant for the security of face recognition systems. neural networks (NNs), including convolutional neural network (CNN) and vision transformer (ViT), have been dominating the field of the FAS. However, NN-based methods are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Attackers could insert adversarial noise into spoofing examples to circumvent an NN-based face-liveness detector. Our experiments show that the CNN or ViT models could have at least an 8% equal error rate (EER) increment when encountering adversarial examples. Thus, developing methods other than NNs is worth exploring to improve security at the system level. In this paper, we have proposed a novel solution for FAS against adversarial attacks, leveraging a deep forest model. Our approach introduces a multi-scale texture representation based on local binary patterns (LBP) as the model input, replacing the grained-scanning mechanism (GSM) used in the traditional deep forest model. Unlike GSM, which scans raw pixels and lacks discriminative power, our LBP-based scheme is specifically designed to capture texture features relevant to spoofing detection. Additionally, transforming the input from the RGB space to the LBP space enhances robustness against adversarial noise. Our method achieved competitive results. When testing with adversarial examples, the increment of EER was less than 3%, more robust than CNN and ViT. On the benchmark database IDIAP REPLAY-ATTACK, a 0% EER was achieved. This work provides a competitive option in a fusing scheme for improving system-level security and offers important ideas to those who want to explore methods besides CNNs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at exploiting the deep forest model in the problem of FAS, with the consideration of adversarial attacks.


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