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Nonexistence of entire positive solutions for conformal Hessian quotient inequalities

  • Received: 01 April 2021 Revised: 01 July 2021 Published: 22 September 2021
  • Primary: 35J60, 35B08; Secondary: 35B09

  • In this paper, we consider the nonexistence problem for conformal Hessian quotient inequalities in Rn. We prove the nonexistence results of entire positive k-admissible solution to a conformal Hessian quotient inequality, and entire (k,k)-admissible solution pair to a system of Hessian quotient inequalities, respectively. We use the contradiction method combining with the integration by parts, suitable choices of test functions, Taylor's expansion and Maclaurin's inequality for Hessian quotient operators.

    Citation: Feida Jiang, Xi Chen, Juhua Shi. Nonexistence of entire positive solutions for conformal Hessian quotient inequalities[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2021, 29(6): 4075-4086. doi: 10.3934/era.2021072

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  • In this paper, we consider the nonexistence problem for conformal Hessian quotient inequalities in Rn. We prove the nonexistence results of entire positive k-admissible solution to a conformal Hessian quotient inequality, and entire (k,k)-admissible solution pair to a system of Hessian quotient inequalities, respectively. We use the contradiction method combining with the integration by parts, suitable choices of test functions, Taylor's expansion and Maclaurin's inequality for Hessian quotient operators.

    In this paper, we study a conformal Hessian quotient inequality:

    SkSl(Agu)eαu, (1)

    where SkSl(Agu):=SkSl(λ(Agu)), 0l<kn, kN+, lN, u is the unknown function, α is a non-negative constant. Note that in Euclidean space Rn, the conformal Hessian matrix Agu in (1) has the form

    Agu=D2u[a(x)|Du|2Ib(x)DuDu], (2)

    where a(x) and b(x) denote the functions of x, Du and D2u denote the gradient vector and Hessian matrix of u respectively, I is the n×n identity matrix. In (1), the operator Sk denotes the Hessian operator or the k-th order elementary symmetric polynomial given by

    Sk(λ)=i1<<isks=1λis, (3)

    where k=1,,n, i1,,is{1,,n} and λ=(λ1,,λn) denotes the eigenvalues of the matrix Agu. Sk(Agu):=Sk(λ(Agu)) denotes the sum of the k×k principle minors of the matrix Agu. As usual, we define S0(λ)1, see [17]. Then, naturally we can define the quotient operator in (1) to be

    SkSl(Agu)=SkSl(λ(Agu))=i1<<isks=1λisi1<<itlt=1λit. (4)

    When l=0, the leading term Sk(Agu) in the inequality (1) is related to the k-Yamabe problem, see [15,18]. Specially, when k=1, it is related to the well-known Yamabe problem, see [1,2,14,16,19]. According to Caffarelli-Nirenberg-Spruck (see [4]), we say that u is a k-admissible function of (2) if

    λ(Agu)Γk:={λRn:Si(λ)>0, i=1,,k}. (5)

    We give the following nonexistence result of positive k-admissible solution of the inequality (1).

    Theorem 1.1. The inequality (1) with Agu in the form (2) has no entire positive k-admissible solution in Rn for either infxRn(na(x)b(x))0, α>0 or infxRn(na(x)b(x))>0, α0.

    Remark 1. Note that the functions a(x) and b(x) should satisfy the conditions in Theorem 1.1. When a(x) is positive, b(x) can be positive or negative. When a(x) is negative, b(x) can only be negative.

    The above theorem is a nonexistence result of positive solutions to a single Hessian quotient inequality. Naturally, we can consider the system of Hessian quotient inequalities. We then study the following system of Hessian quotient inequalities:

    {SkSl(Agu)eαv,SkSl(Agv)eβu, (6)

    where α0, β0, 0l<kn, 0l<kn, kN+, lN, Agu is defined in (2), and

    Agv=D2v(a(x)|Dv|2Ib(x)DvDv). (7)

    If a k-admissible u and a k-admissible v satisfy (6), we call (u,v) the (k,k)-admissible solution pair. In some situation, we need to assume that

    αkl=βkl=p (8)

    holds for some constant p1.

    We formulate the nonexistence result of positive admissible solution of the coupled inequalities (6).

    Theorem 1.2. Assume that the system (6) of Hessian quotient inequalities satisfies (2) and (7). Assume also that either infxRn(na(x)b(x))0, α>0, β>0, (8), or infxRn(na(x)b(x))>0, α0, β0 hold. Then the system (6) has no entire positive (k,k)-admissible solution pair (u,v) in Rn.

    We recall some related studies on the entire solutions of Hessian equations and Hessian inequalities. The classification of the nonnegative entire solutions of the equation

    Δu=uαin Rn (9)

    had been deduced for 1α<n+2n2 in [5] and α=n+2n2 in [3], respectively. The similar classification results are extended in [8] to admissible positive solutions of the conformal k-Hessian equations

    Sk(Agu)=uαin M,for α[0,), (10)

    where g=u2dx2 is a locally conformally flat matrix in M, Agu is given by Agu=g1Ag0u, g0 is a given metric on M. In [11], the same classification result for special case of Rn (n=2k+1) is also obtained by suitable choices of the text functions and the argument of integration. Using the method as in [5] and [11], a nonexistence result of the Hessian inequality

    Sk(D2u)uα (11)

    is proved in [12] for 2k<n and α(,nk/(n2k)]. The conformal k-Hessian inequality

    Sk(Agu)uα (12)

    with Agu=u(D2u)12|Du|2I is considered in [13], where the nonexistence results for 2k<n and α[k,) is formulated. The conformal k-Hessian inequality Sk(Agu)uα with Agu=D2u(12|Du|2IDuDu) is considered in [6]. Note that Agu in (2) has a similar structure to that in [6], but our Agu here is more general because of the existence of a(x) and b(x).

    The organization of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, we first formulate a nonexistence result, Lemma 2.1, for an inequality involving the Laplace operator. Then we give its proof by appropriate choice of text functions and the method of integration by parts. The proof is divided into two cases according to α and the coefficient of the |Du|2, where Schwarz's inequality and Young's inequality are properly used. In section 3, we establish the relations between Hessian quotient operator and the Laplace operator by using Maclaurin's inequality. Based on this relationship and Lemma 2.1, we prove the nonexistence result in Theorem 3.2. The proof of Theorem 1.1 is completed by using Taylor's expansion and Theorem 3.2. At the end, we give the proof of nonexistence result of the coupled inequalities (6), Theorem 1.2. The proof is divided into two cases, one of which needs to be proved under condition (8), and the other is a direct consequence of Theorem 1.1.

    Before proving Theorem 1.1, we first introduce a nonexistence result for an inequality involving the Laplace operator in this section, which is a preliminary result for proving Theorem 1.1. Since there is a quadratic term |Du|2 in the inequality, the preliminary nonexistence result is nontrivial and different from [7] and [10].

    Lemma 2.1. The inequality

    Δum(x)|Du|2uα, (13)

    has no entire positive solution for either infxRnm(x)0, α>1 or infxRnm(x)>0, α0, where m(x) denotes the function of x.

    When m(x)0, the inequality (13) becomes Δuuα, whose existence and nonexistence of entire positive solutions are related to the Keller-Osserman condition, see [7], [10]. The Keller-Osserman condition of Δu=f(u) is to check whether (τ0f(s)ds)12dτ equals to + or not, where the lower limit is omitted in the integral to admit any positive constant. By taking f(u)=uα, we have

    (τ0f(s)ds)12dτ=α+11τ1+α2dτ{=+,if 0<α1,<+,if α>1. (14)

    Therefore, the equation Δu=uα has an entire positive solution when 0<α1, but has no entire positive solution when α>1, which corresponds to our Lemma 2.1 in the case of infxRnm(x)0.

    However, when infxRnm(x)>0, the nonlinear term m(x)|Du|2 comes into play so that the nonexistence of entire positive solutions can hold in a wider range of α, namely α[0,). Comparing with the classical results related to the Keller-Osserman condition, this is an interesting and different point. We will prove Lemma 2.1 by multiplying proper test functions to the inequality (13) and integrating by parts.

    When k=1 and l=0 in (1), the operator in (1) is just Δum(x)|Du|2 with m(x)=na(x)b(x), which is the same as the operator in (13). In Section 3, we will prove the main results, Theorems 1.1 and 1.2, based on the preliminary result in Lemma 2.1.

    Proof of Lemma 2.1. It is enough to prove nonexistence of entire positive solution for either infxRnm(x)0, α>1 or infxRnm(x)>0, 0α1. In fact, the situation when infxRnm(x)>0, α>1 is already covered by the former case.

    Suppose that the inequality (13) has an entire positive solution u. We will deduce the contradiction.

    Multiplying both sides of (13) by uδζθ and integrating over Rn, we have

    Rnuα+δζθdxRnm(x)uδζθ|Du|2dx+RnuδζθΔudx, (15)

    where δ,θ are constants to be determined, ζC2 is a cut-off function satisfying:

    ζ1in BR,0ζ1in B2R, (16)
    ζ0in RnB2R,|Dζ|CRin Rn, (17)

    where BR denotes a ball in Rn centered at 0 with radius R, and C is a positive constant. In order to deal with the last term of (15), we use the integration by parts to get

    RnuδζθΔudx=δRn|Du|2uδ1ζθdxθUuδζθ1(Diζ)(Diu)dx, (18)

    where U:=supp|Dζ|={xRn:R<|x|<2R}.

    Inserting (18) into (15), we have

    Rnuα+δζθdxRnm(x)uδζθ|Du|2dxδRn|Du|2uδ1ζθdxθUuδζθ1(Diζ)(Diu)dx. (19)

    We next split the proof into the following two cases of α and m(x):

    (i) infxRnm(x)=a0>0, 0α1,

    (ii) infxRnm(x)=a00, α>1.

    In case (i), we further consider the two subcases:

    (a) infxRnm(x)=a0>0, α=0,

    (b) infxRnm(x)=a0>0, 0<α1.

    In case (i)(a), we fix the constants δ and θ such that δ=0, θ>n. The last term in (19) becomes

    θUuδζθ1(Diζ)(Diu)dxθε1U|Du|2ζθdx+θCε1U|Dζ|2ζθ2dxθε1U|Du|2ζθdx+ε2Cε1(θ2)Uζθdx+2Cε1Cε2U|Dζ|θdx, (20)

    where Schwarz's inequality is used to obtain the first inequality, Young's inequality abε2ap/p+Cε2bq/q with the exponent pair (p,q)=(θ/(θ2),θ/2) is used to obtain the second inequality. We emphasize that ε1 and ε2 are positive constants to be determined, Cε1 and Cε2 denote some positive constants depending on ε1 and ε2 respectively.

    Inserting (20) into (19), we have

    Rnζθdx(θε1a0)Rnζθ|Du|2dx+ε2Cε1(θ2)Uζθdx+2Cε1Cε2U|Dζ|θdx. (21)

    By selecting appropriate ε1 and ε2 such that ε1a0θ, ε2<1Cε1(θ2), and using (17), we get from (21) that

    Rnζθdx2Cε1Cε21ε2Cε1(θ2)U|Dζ|θdx2Cε1Cε2wnC1ε2Cε1(θ2)Rnθ, (22)

    where wn denotes the volume of the unit ball in Rn. Letting R in (22), since θ>n, we have

    Rnζθdx0. (23)

    Since ζC2 is a cut-off function satisfying (16)-(17), we get a contradiction in case (i)(a).

    In case (i)(b), we fix the constants δ and θ such that

    δ>max{α(n41),1},θ>4(1+δα). (24)

    For the last term in (19), we have

    θUuδζθ1(Diζ)(Diu)dxθε3U|Du|2uδα/2ζθdx+θCε3U|Dζ|2uδ+α/2ζθ2dxθε3ε4(2α)2Rn|Du|2uδζθdx+θε3Cε4α2Rn|Du|2uδ1ζθdx+θCε3U|Dζ|2uδ+α/2ζθ2dx, (25)

    where Schwarz's inequality is used to obtain the first inequality, Young's inequality abε4ap/p+Cε4bq/q with the exponent pair (p,q)=(2/(2α),2/α) is used to obtain the second inequality, ε3 and ε4 are positive constants to be determined, Cε3 and Cε4 denote some positive constants depending on ε3 and ε4 respectively.

    Inserting (25) into (19), we have

    Rnuα+δζθdx[θε3ε4(2α)2a0]Rn|Du|2uδζθdx+(θε3Cε4α2δ)Rn|Du|2uδ1ζθdx+θCε3U|Dζ|2uδ+α/2ζθ2dx. (26)

    By selecting appropriate ε3 and ε4 such that ε3min{2δθCε4α,1}, ε42a0θ(2α), we can discard the first two terms on the right hand side of (26). Hence, (26) becomes

    Rnuα+δζθdxθCε3U|Dζ|2uδ+α/2ζθ2dxθε5Cε3(α+2δ)2α+2δUuα+δζθdx+θCε3Cε5α2α+2δUζθ4(1+δ/α)|Dζ|4(1+δ/α)dx, (27)

    where Young's inequality abε5ap/p+Cε5bq/q with the exponent pair (p,q)=(α+δα/2+δ,2α+2δα) is used to obtain the last inequality, ε5 is a positive constant to be determined, and Cε5 denote some positive constants depending on ε5.

    By choosing ε5<2α+2δθCε3(α+2δ) and using (17), we get from (27) that

    Rnuα+δζθdxθCε3Cε5α2α+2δθε5Cε3(α+2δ)Uζθ4(1+δ/α)|Dζ|4(1+δ/α)dxθCε3Cε5αwnC2α+2δθε5Cε3(α+2δ)Rn4(1+δ/α), (28)

    where wn denotes the volume of the unit ball in Rn. By (24), the exponent n4(1+δ/α) of R is negative. Letting R in (28), we can obtain

    Rnuα+δζθdx0. (29)

    Since ζC2 is a cut-off function satisfying (16)-(17) and u is positive, we get a contradiction in case (i)(b).

    In case (ii), we fix the constants δ and θ such that δ>max{(n2)αn+1,0}, θ>2(α+δ)α1. Hence, we always have δ>0 and θ>2. For the last term in (18), using Schwarz's inequality, we have

    θUuδζθ1(Diζ)(Diu)dxε6θRn|Du|2uδ1ζθdx+θCε6U|Dζ|2uδ+1ζθ2dx, (30)

    where ε6 is any positive constant and Cε6 denotes some positive constant depending on ε6. Inserting (30) into (19), we have

    Rnuα+δζθdxa0Rnuδζθ|Du|2dx+(ε6θδ)Rn|Du|2uδ1ζθdx+θCε6U|Dζ|2uδ+1ζθ2dx. (31)

    Hence, by taking ε6δ/θ in (31), we have

    Rnuα+δζθdxθCε6U|Dζ|2uδ+1ζθ2dx. (32)

    Then ε6 is now fixed. Applying Young's inequality to the last term in (32), we have

    Rnuα+δζθdxθε7Cε6U(uδ+1ζp)ssdx+θCε7Cε6U(ζq|Dζ|2)ttdx, (33)

    where p,q are positive constants satisfying


    ε7 is a positive constant, and Cε7 denotes some positive constant depending on ε7.

    Setting s=α+δδ+1>1, we get


    Inserting p,q,s and t into (33), we have

    Rnuα+δζθdxθε7Cε6(δ+1)α+δUuα+δζθdx+θCε7Cε6(α1)α+δUζθ2(α+δ)α1|Dζ|2(α+δ)α1dx. (34)

    Taking ε7<α+δθCε6(δ+1), and using (17), we get from (34) that

    Rnuα+δζθdxθCε7Cε6(α1)wnCα+δθε7Cε6(δ+1)Rn2(α+δ)α1, (35)

    where wn denotes the volume of the unit ball in Rn. Now the constant ε7 is fixed. Recalling that δ>max{(n2)αn+1,0}. It is easy to check that n2(α+δ)α1<0. Letting R in (35), we can obtain

    Rnuα+δζθdx0. (36)

    Since ζC2 is a cut-off function satisfying (16)-(17) and u is positive, we get a contradiction in case (ii).

    We have completed the proof of Lemma 2.1.

    In this section, we prove the nonexistence result of entire positive solutions of single conformal Hessian quotient inequality (1). Then we will consider the nonexistence result of entire positive solutions of the system (6) of Hessian quotient inequalities.

    In order to prove the Theorem 1.1, we first establish the relationship between Hessian quotient operator and the Laplace operator by using Maclaurin's inequality of Lemma 15.13 in [9].

    Lemma 3.1. For λΓk, and nk>l0, r>s0, kr, ls, we have

    [Sk(λ)/CknSl(λ)/Cln]1kl[Sr(λ)/CrnSs(λ)/Csn]1rs, (37)

    and the inequality holds if and only if λ1=λ2==λn>0.

    The inequality (37) is a consequence of Newton's inequality, see [9].

    Taking r=1, s=0 in (37), we can obtain the following relationship between Hessian quotient operator and Laplace operator,

    [ClnCkn]1kl[Sk(λ)Sl(λ)]1kl1C1nS1(λ), (38)

    which is crucial in proving the nonexistence of (1). Since


    when λ(Agu)Γk, we have from (38) that

    [SkSl(Agu)]1klS1(Agu). (39)

    Since Agu has the form (2), it can be readily calculated that

    S1(Agu)=Δu(na(x)b(x))|Du|2. (40)

    Hence, combining (39)-(40) with Lemma 2.1, we get the following theorem.

    Theorem 3.2. The inequality

    SkSl(Agu)uα, (41)

    with Agu in the form (2) has no entire positive k-admissible solution in Rn for either infxRn(na(x)b(x))0, α>kl or infxRn(na(x)b(x))>0, α0.

    Proof. We replace α with αkl in (13) and take m(x)=na(x)b(x). Then we repeat the proof of the Lemma 2.1. Suppose that the inequality (41) has an entire positive solution u. We can get that

    Δu(na(x)b(x))|Du|2uαkl (42)

    has no entire positive k-admissible solution in Rn for either infxRn(na(x)b(x))0, α>kl or infxRn(na(x)b(x))>0, α0. Combining (39), (40) and (42), we get that

    [SkSl(Agu)]1kluαkl, (43)

    which implies that the inequality (41) has no entire positive k-admissible solution in Rn for either infxRn(na(x)b(x))0, α>kl or infxRn(na(x)b(x))>0, α0.

    Remark 2. In Theorem 3.2, when infxRn(na(x)b(x))0, the nonexistence of entire positive k-admissible solution is proved for α>kl. According to the analysis below (2.1), it is reasonable to guess that the corresponding Keller-Osserman type condition for the Hessian quotient equation SkSl(D2u)=f(u) may has the following form


    This kind of conditions for Hessian quotient equations will be discussed independently in a sequel.

    Next, we need to use the Taylor's expansion and pick the right value of α to prove Theorem 1.1.

    Proof of Theorem 1.1. Suppose that the inequality (1) has entire positive solutions. We will deduce the contradiction.

    Taking k=1 and l=0, we have

    Δu(na(x)b(x))|Du|2=S1(Agu)=S1S0(Agu)[SkSl(Agu)]1kleαklu=1+αklu+(αkl)22!u2++(αkl)nn!un+eθ(n+1)!(αkl)n+1un+11+αklu+(αkl)22!u2++(αkl)nn!un, (44)

    where (39) and (1) are used to obtain the first and second inequalities, respectively, Taylor's expansion for some θ(0,αklu) is used in the last equality, the last inequality holds since eθ(n+1)!(αkl)n+1un+1 is positive. We next split the proof into the following two cases of α and n:

    (i) infxRn(na(x)b(x))0,α>0,

    (ii) infxRn(na(x)b(x))>0,α0.

    In case (i), we get from (44) that

    Δu(na(x)b(x))Du|21+αklu+(αkl)22!u2++(αkl)nn!un(αkl)22!u2. (45)

    From case (ii) in Lemma 2.1, Δu(na(x)b(x))|Du|2cu2 (with a positive constant c) has no entire positive solution. So we get a contradiction in case (i).

    In case (ii), we get from (44) that

    Δu(na(x)b(x))|Du|21+αklu+(αkl)22!u2++(αkl)nn!un1. (46)

    From case (i) in Lemma 2.1, Δu(na(x)b(x))|Du|21 has no entire positive solution. So we get a contradiction in case (ii).

    We have completed the proof of Theorem 1.1.

    In this section, we consider the nonexistence result of positive admissible solution pair of the system of conformal Hessian quotient inequalities (6).

    Proof of Theorem 1.2. Suppose that the system (6) have entire positive (k,k)-admissible solution pair (u,v) in Rn. We will deduce the contradiction. We next split the proof into the following two cases:

    (i) infxRn(na(x)b(x))0, α>0, β>0 and (8) hold;

    (ii) infxRn(na(x)b(x))>0, α0 and β0 hold.

    In case (i), Using Taylor's expansion, we have that

    ev=1+v+12!v2++1n!vn+eθ(n+1)!vn+1v, (47)

    where 0<θ<v. Hence, we have

    eαv=(ev)αvα, (48)

    for α>0. In the same way, we have

    eβu=(eu)βuβ, (49)

    for β>0. So we can derive from (6) to get

    {SkSl(Agu)vα,SkSl(Agv)uβ. (50)

    Using Maclaurin's inequality (39), the system (50) can be converted to the following system of inequalities:

    {Δu(na(x)b(x))|Du|2vαkl,Δv(na(x)b(x))|Dv|2uβkl. (51)

    Since we only consider the situation that αkl=βkl=p1 in this case, by adding the two inequalities in (51), we get

    Δ(u+v)(na(x)b(x))(|Du|2+|Dv|2)+vp+up. (52)

    Setting w=u+v, we get

    Δw12(na(x)b(x))|Dw|2+21pwp, (53)

    where Cauchy's inequality and Jensen's inequality are used. By taking m(x)=12(na(x)b(x)) in (13), there is only a coefficient difference between (53) and (13). Hence, the nonexistence of (53) can be proved in the same way as Section 2, which contracts with the existence of the solution pair (u,v).

    In case (ii), since α0 and u,v>0, we get from (6) that

    SkSl(Agu)eαv1=e0u. (54)

    It contradicts with the conclusion of Theorem 1.1 under the assumption infxRn(na(x)b(x))>0,α0.

    We have completed the proof of Theorem 1.2.

    Remark 3. It is interesting to ask whether condition (8) can be removed or not in Theorem 1.2.

    The authors would like to thank the anonymous referee for his/her useful suggestions, especially for the comments about Theorem 1.2 in an earlier version of the paper.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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