Special Issues

Stabilizing effect of elasticity on the motion of viscoelastic/elastic fluids

  • Received: 01 June 2021 Revised: 01 July 2021 Published: 07 September 2021
  • Primary: 35B10, 35Q35; Secondary: 76E06, 76E17

  • It is well-known that viscoelasticity is a material property that exhibits both viscous and elastic characteristics with deformation. In particular, an elastic fluid strains when it is stretched and quickly returns to its original state once the stress is removed. In this review, we first introduce some mathematical results, which exhibit the stabilizing effect of elasticity on the motion of viscoelastic fluids. Then we further briefly introduce similar stabilizing effect in the elastic fluids.

    Citation: Fei Jiang. Stabilizing effect of elasticity on the motion of viscoelastic/elastic fluids[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2021, 29(6): 4051-4074. doi: 10.3934/era.2021071

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  • It is well-known that viscoelasticity is a material property that exhibits both viscous and elastic characteristics with deformation. In particular, an elastic fluid strains when it is stretched and quickly returns to its original state once the stress is removed. In this review, we first introduce some mathematical results, which exhibit the stabilizing effect of elasticity on the motion of viscoelastic fluids. Then we further briefly introduce similar stabilizing effect in the elastic fluids.


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