Research article

Existence and nonexistence of global solutions for logarithmic hyperbolic equation

  • Received: 18 January 2022 Revised: 15 February 2022 Accepted: 20 February 2022 Published: 08 March 2022
  • This article is concerned with the initial-boundary value problem for a equation of quasi-hyperbolic type with logarithmic nonlinearity. By applying the Galerkin method and logarithmic Sobolev inequality, we prove the existence of global weak solutions for this problem. In addition, by means of the concavity analysis, we discuss the nonexistence of global solutions in the unstable set and give the lifespan estimation of solutions.

    Citation: Yaojun Ye, Qianqian Zhu. Existence and nonexistence of global solutions for logarithmic hyperbolic equation[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2022, 30(3): 1035-1051. doi: 10.3934/era.2022054

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